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Deep Java Client config values

A list of the possible config values for the deep java client. They can be set via code, as environment variables, or as system properties.

Note: When setting as environment variable prefix the key with 'DEEP_'. e.g. DEEP_SERVICE_URL

Note: When setting as system property lower case and use '.' as well as the prefix 'deep.' e.g. deep.service.url

Key Default Description
SERVICE_URL deep:43315 The url (hostname:port) of the deep service to connect to.
SERVICE_SECURE True Can be set to False if the service doesn't support secure connections.
LOGGING_CONF None Can be used to override the logging config used by the client.
POLL_TIMER 10 The time (in seconds) of the interval between polls.
SERVICE_AUTH_PROVIDER None The auth provider to use, each provider can have their own config, see available auth providers for details.
IN_APP_INCLUDE None A string of comma (,) seperated values that indicate a package is part of the app.
IN_APP_EXCLUDE None A string of comma (,) seperated values that indicate a package is not part of the app.