Interface IMetricProcessor

  • public interface IMetricProcessor
    This type defines a processor for metrics. This type can be added to plugins to allow metric generated by tracepoints to be attached to various metric engines.
    • Method Detail

      • counter

        void counter​(String name,
                     Map<String,​Object> labels,
                     String namespace,
                     String help,
                     String unit,
                     Double value)
        Process a counter type metric.
        name - the name of the metric
        labels - the labels attached to the metric
        namespace - the namespace the metric should be in
        help - the help statement for the metric
        unit - the unit for the metric
        value - the value to post to the metric
      • gauge

        void gauge​(String name,
                   Map<String,​Object> labels,
                   String namespace,
                   String help,
                   String unit,
                   Double value)
        Process a gauge type metric.
        name - the name of the metric
        labels - the labels attached to the metric
        namespace - the namespace the metric should be in
        help - the help statement for the metric
        unit - the unit for the metric
        value - the value to post to the metric
      • histogram

        void histogram​(String name,
                       Map<String,​Object> labels,
                       String namespace,
                       String help,
                       String unit,
                       Double value)
        Process a histogram type metric.
        name - the name of the metric
        labels - the labels attached to the metric
        namespace - the namespace the metric should be in
        help - the help statement for the metric
        unit - the unit for the metric
        value - the value to post to the metric
      • summary

        void summary​(String name,
                     Map<String,​Object> labels,
                     String namespace,
                     String help,
                     String unit,
                     Double value)
        Process a summary type metric.
        name - the name of the metric
        labels - the labels attached to the metric
        namespace - the namespace the metric should be in
        help - the help statement for the metric
        unit - the unit for the metric
        value - the value to post to the metric