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CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 6.55.0.


File Project Line
com/intergral/deep/examples/ Agent Load 25
com/intergral/deep/examples/ Agent Load 25
com/intergral/deep/examples/ Dynamic Load 25
public class SimpleTest extends BaseTest {

  public static Date NICE_START_DATE = new Date();

  private final long startedAt = System.currentTimeMillis();
  private final String testName;
  private final int maxExecutions;
  private int cnt = 0;
  private Map<Character, Integer> charCounter = new TreeMap<Character, Integer>();

  public SimpleTest(final String testName, final int maxExecutions) {
    this.testName = testName;
    this.maxExecutions = maxExecutions;

  void message(final String uuid) throws Exception {
    System.out.println(cnt + ":" + uuid);
    cnt += 1;

    checkEnd(cnt, maxExecutions);

    final Map<Character, Integer> info = makeCharCountMap(uuid);
    merge(charCounter, info);
    if ((cnt % 30) == 0) {

  void merge(final Map<Character, Integer> charCounter, final Map<Character, Integer> newInfo) {
    for (final Character c : newInfo.keySet()) {
      final Integer i = newInfo.get(c);

      Integer curr = charCounter.get(c);
      if (curr == null) {
        charCounter.put(c, i);
      } else {
        charCounter.put(c, curr + i);

  void dump() {
    charCounter = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();

  static void checkEnd(final int val, final int max) throws Exception {
    if (val > max) {
      throw new Exception("Hit max executions " + val + " " + max);

  public String toString() {
    return getClass().getName() + ":" + testName + ":" + startedAt + "#" + System.identityHashCode(
File Project Line
com/intergral/deep/examples/ otel-example 25
com/intergral/deep/examples/ prometheus-metrics-example 25
public class SimpleTest extends BaseTest {

  public static Date NICE_START_DATE = new Date();

  private final long startedAt = System.currentTimeMillis();
  private final String testName;
  private final int maxExecutions;
  public int cnt = 0;
  private Map<Character, Integer> charCounter = new TreeMap<Character, Integer>();

  public SimpleTest(final String testName, final int maxExecutions) {
    this.testName = testName;
    this.maxExecutions = maxExecutions;

  void message(final String uuid) throws Exception {
    System.out.println(cnt + ":" + uuid);
    cnt += 1;

    checkEnd(cnt, maxExecutions);

    final Map<Character, Integer> info = makeCharCountMap(uuid);
    merge(charCounter, info);
    if ((cnt % 30) == 0) {

  void merge(final Map<Character, Integer> charCounter, final Map<Character, Integer> newInfo) {
    for (final Character c : newInfo.keySet()) {
      final Integer i = newInfo.get(c);

      Integer curr = charCounter.get(c);
      if (curr == null) {
        charCounter.put(c, i);
      } else {
        charCounter.put(c, curr + i);

  void dump() {
    charCounter = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();

  static void checkEnd(final int val, final int max) throws Exception {
    if (val > max) {
      throw new Exception("Hit max executions " + val + " " + max);

  public String toString() {
    return getClass().getName() + ":" + testName + ":" + startedAt + "#" + System.identityHashCode(
File Project Line
com/intergral/deep/examples/ Agent Load 32
com/intergral/deep/examples/ Agent Load 32
com/intergral/deep/examples/ Dynamic Load 32
com/intergral/deep/examples/ otel-example 32
com/intergral/deep/examples/ prometheus-metrics-example 32
private int cnt = 0;
  private Map<Character, Integer> charCounter = new TreeMap<Character, Integer>();

  public SimpleTest(final String testName, final int maxExecutions) {
    this.testName = testName;
    this.maxExecutions = maxExecutions;

  void message(final String uuid) throws Exception {
    System.out.println(cnt + ":" + uuid);
    cnt += 1;

    checkEnd(cnt, maxExecutions);

    final Map<Character, Integer> info = makeCharCountMap(uuid);
    merge(charCounter, info);
    if ((cnt % 30) == 0) {

  void merge(final Map<Character, Integer> charCounter, final Map<Character, Integer> newInfo) {
    for (final Character c : newInfo.keySet()) {
      final Integer i = newInfo.get(c);

      Integer curr = charCounter.get(c);
      if (curr == null) {
        charCounter.put(c, i);
      } else {
        charCounter.put(c, curr + i);

  void dump() {
    charCounter = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();

  static void checkEnd(final int val, final int max) throws Exception {
    if (val > max) {
      throw new Exception("Hit max executions " + val + " " + max);

  public String toString() {
    return getClass().getName() + ":" + testName + ":" + startedAt + "#" + System.identityHashCode(
File Project Line
com/intergral/deep/examples/ Dynamic Load 39
com/intergral/deep/examples/ otel-example 64
com/intergral/deep/examples/ prometheus-metrics-example 49
public class Main {

   * Main entry for example.
   * @param args the startup arguments
   * @throws Throwable if we error
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
    // this is only needed in this example as we are using a local built module
    // if using the dependency from maven you do not need to set the path
    //noinspection DataFlowIssue
    Path jarPath = Paths.get(Main.class.getResource("/").toURI())

    // Dynamically configure and attach the deep agent
        .setValue(ISettings.KEY_SERVICE_URL, "localhost:43315")
        .setValue(ISettings.KEY_SERVICE_SECURE, false)

    // different ways to get the API instance
    final Deep instance = Deep.getInstance();

File Project Line
com/intergral/deep/examples/ Agent Load 25
com/intergral/deep/examples/ Agent Load 25
com/intergral/deep/examples/ Dynamic Load 25
com/intergral/deep/examples/ otel-example 25
com/intergral/deep/examples/ prometheus-metrics-example 25
public class BaseTest {

  protected final Properties systemProps = System.getProperties();

  public String newId() {
    return UUID.randomUUID().toString();

  public Map<Character, Integer> makeCharCountMap(final String str) {
    final HashMap<Character, Integer> res = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();

    for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
      final char c = str.charAt(i);
      final Integer cnt = res.get(c);
      if (cnt == null) {
        res.put(c, 0);
      } else {
        res.put(c, cnt + 1);

    return res;
File Project Line
com/intergral/deep/agent/api/utils/string/ Agent API 595
com/intergral/deep/agent/api/utils/string/ Agent API 706
com/intergral/deep/agent/api/utils/string/ Agent API 753
com/intergral/deep/agent/api/utils/string/ Agent API 800
public TextStringBuilder append(final String str, final int startIndex, final int length) {
    if (str == null) {
      return appendNull();
    if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex > str.length()) {
      throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException("startIndex must be valid");
    if (length < 0 || (startIndex + length) > str.length()) {
      throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException("length must be valid");
    if (length > 0) {
      final int len = length();
      ensureCapacity(len + length);
      str.getChars(startIndex, startIndex + length, buffer, len);
      size += length;
    return this;

   * Calls {@link String#format(String, Object...)} and appends the result.
   * @param format the format string
   * @param objs   the objects to use in the format string
   * @return {@code this} to enable chaining
   * @see String#format(String, Object...)
  public TextStringBuilder append(final String format, final Object... objs) {