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Protocol Documentation

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LabelExpression describes a label that should be evaluated and the value used as the label

Field Type Label Description
key string The label key
static deepproto.proto.common.v1.AnyValue The label value
expression string The label expression


Metric describes a metric rule to apply at this point.

Field Type Label Description
name string The name of the metric
labelExpressions LabelExpression repeated The metric labels
type MetricType The type of metric to generate
expression string optional The result of this expression will become the metric value.
namespace string optional The namespace to set on the metric
help string optional The help statement to attach to the metric
unit string optional The unit associated with this value


Snapshot is the result of a tracepoint being executed.

Field Type Label Description
ID bytes The client generated ID for this snapshot
tracepoint TracePointConfig The config that was used to generate this snapshot (it could be deleted by the time we look at the data)
var_lookup Snapshot.VarLookupEntry repeated This is a flat list of all the collected variables for this snapshot, to reduce data size we dereference as much as we can
ts_nanos fixed64 The time in nanos since 1970 when this snapshot was generated
frames StackFrame repeated The active frames at the time the snapshot is generated
watches WatchResult repeated The watches results
attributes deepproto.proto.common.v1.KeyValue repeated The attributes for this snapshot (e.g file_name or line_no)
duration_nanos uint64 The time in nano seconds it took to collect the data
resource deepproto.proto.common.v1.KeyValue repeated The resource for this client, should match the resource sent with a PollRequest.
log_msg string optional The processed log message if the tracepoint had a log message configured.


Field Type Label Description
key string
value Variable


SnapshotResponse this is the response from the server, when it receives a Snapshot


StackFrame is the description of a executing code frame that has been captured by the tracepoint.

Field Type Label Description
file_name string This is the full path of the file where the line of code is paused.
method_name string This is the method or function name that is being called.
line_number uint32 This is the line number where the program is paused.
class_name string optional The class name of where the method is defined
is_async bool optional This indicates that the frame is an async frame
column_number uint32 optional This is the column number for the line, primarily used in node.
transpiled_file_name string optional The name of the transpiled file. If we have mappings available we can map the file 'something.js' to the original typescript. This will be the transpiled file name e.g. something.js
transpiled_line_number uint32 optional The transpiled line number
transpiled_column_number uint32 optional The transpiled column number
variables VariableID repeated This is the list of variables (using var ids) that are present at this point in the code.
app_frame bool optional This indicates if the frame is from inside the app, or is from a library
native_frame bool optional This indicates if the frame, from a native library (primarily used in Java)
short_path string optional This is the short path to the file (e.g. /simple-app/ instead of /home/ben/repo/app/simple-app/


This is the config of a tracepoint that should be installed by the application agent.

Field Type Label Description
ID string The ID of the config
path string The path for the file to install in
line_number uint32 The line number to install on
args TracePointConfig.ArgsEntry repeated Arbitrary key/kay of config values (this can contain conditions, logs, fire counts etc)
watches string repeated Expressions to evaluate at the this point of the code
targeting deepproto.proto.common.v1.KeyValue repeated The targeting config for this tracepoint, used by the server to filter response.
metrics Metric repeated List of metric rules to apply at this point in the code


Field Type Label Description
key string
value string


Variable is the description of am actual value, that is referenced by a VariableID

Field Type Label Description
type string The type/class of the variable (e.g string)
value string The value of the variable as a string. All values are converted to string for simplicity. This can also result in the value being truncated if it is a very large string. Collection types should not be to stringed, instead a summary should be given as the value 'HashSet of size: 10'.
hash string This should be the object identity, and not the hashcode of the object. Use object hashcode if other info is not available.
children VariableID repeated This is a list of the any variables that this variable references. To reduce duplication we use var_lookup to store and process variables by reference.
truncated bool optional True if the value has been truncated


VariableID is used to identify a variable on a stack frame or as a child of another variable.

Field Type Label Description
ID string The ID to use to look up in the snapshot 'var_lookup'
name string The name of the variable at the point this ID is referenced.
modifiers string repeated The modifiers (private, static etc) at the point this ID is referenced
original_name string optional The unmodified name from the engine, some times a variable is renamed by the compiler, e.g. in python a field called '__someVar' is renamed for runtime to 'Class__someVar'.


WatchResult is the result of a watch expression being executed.

Field Type Label Description
expression string the expression executed to collect the data
good_result VariableID The VariableID of the variable that represents the result, if the expression completed successfully.
error_result string This is to contain the error message generated if the watch expression fails.
from_metric bool optional Is this the result of a metric, or metric tag @Deprecated
source WatchSource This is the source of the watch result. e.g. did the watch come from a watch input, a log message or a metric


The types of metric to create

Name Number Description


WatchSource is the logical source of the watch expression used to generate a result.

Name Number Description
WATCH 0 A user attached this as an expression
LOG 1 A watch expression from a log
METRIC 2 A watch expression from a metric value or tag
CAPTURE 3 A watch expression generated from a capture: e.g. thrown, return, duration


Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
send Snapshot SnapshotResponse

Scalar Value Types

.proto Type Notes C++ Java Python Go C# PHP Ruby
double double double float float64 double float Float
float float float float float32 float float Float
int32 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
int64 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
uint32 Uses variable-length encoding. uint32 int int/long uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
uint64 Uses variable-length encoding. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint32 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint64 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
fixed32 Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. uint32 int int uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
fixed64 Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum
sfixed32 Always four bytes. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sfixed64 Always eight bytes. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
bool bool boolean boolean bool bool boolean TrueClass/FalseClass
string A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. string String str/unicode string string string String (UTF-8)
bytes May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. string ByteString str []byte ByteString string String (ASCII-8BIT)