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Main entry for Deep Client.


Start DEEP.

:param config: a custom config :return: the created Deep instance

Source code in deep/
def start(config=None) -> 'Deep':
    Start DEEP.

    :param config: a custom config
    :return: the created Deep instance
    if config is None:
        config = {}

    # we use the app root to shorten file paths for display
    if 'APP_ROOT' not in config:
        # if app root is not set then we use the folder in which the code that called us is in as the app root
        config['APP_ROOT'] = os.getenv("DEEP_APP_ROOT", None) or os.path.dirname(

    from deep.config.config_service import ConfigService
    cfg = ConfigService(config)
    logging.init(cfg)"Deep Python Client [%s] (c) 2023 Intergral GmbH", version.__version__)

    deep = Deep(cfg)
    return deep