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Load and handle plugins.

DEEP_PLUGINS = ['deep.api.plugin.otel.OTelPlugin', 'deep.api.plugin.python.PythonPlugin', 'deep.api.plugin.metric.prometheus_metrics.PrometheusPlugin', 'deep.api.plugin.metric.otel_metrics.OTelMetrics'] module-attribute

System provided default plugins.


Bases: Exception

Raised when failed to load plugin.

The plugin could not be enabled due to a trivial user error like otel not being installed for the OTelPlugin.

Source code in deep/api/plugin/
class DidNotEnable(Exception):
    Raised when failed to load plugin.

    The plugin could not be enabled due to a trivial user error like
    `otel` not being installed for the `OTelPlugin`.


Bases: ABC

A deep Plugin.

This type defines a plugin for deep, these plugins allow for extensions to how deep decorates data.

Source code in deep/api/plugin/
class Plugin(abc.ABC):
    A deep Plugin.

    This type defines a plugin for deep, these plugins allow for extensions to how deep decorates data.

    def __init__(self, name: str = None, config: 'ConfigService' = None):
        Create a new plugin.

        :param name: the name of the plugin (default to class name)
        :param config: the deep config service
        super(Plugin, self).__init__()
        self.config = config
        if name is None:
            self._name = self.__class__.__name__
            self._name = name

    def name(self):
        """The name of the plugin."""
        return self._name

    def is_active(self) -> bool:
        Is the plugin active.

        Check the value of the config element plugin_{name}. If it is set to
        'False' this plugin is not active.
        attr = getattr(self.config, f'plugin_{}'.upper(), 'True')
        if attr is None:
            return True
        return str2bool(attr)

    def shutdown(self):
        """Clean up and shutdown the plugin."""

    def order(self) -> int:
        Order of precedence when multiple versions of providers are available.

        Order=1 will run after a provider with order=0.

        :return: the provider order
        return 0

name property

The name of the plugin.

__init__(name=None, config=None)

Create a new plugin.

:param name: the name of the plugin (default to class name) :param config: the deep config service

Source code in deep/api/plugin/
def __init__(self, name: str = None, config: 'ConfigService' = None):
    Create a new plugin.

    :param name: the name of the plugin (default to class name)
    :param config: the deep config service
    super(Plugin, self).__init__()
    self.config = config
    if name is None:
        self._name = self.__class__.__name__
        self._name = name


Is the plugin active.

Check the value of the config element plugin_{name}. If it is set to 'False' this plugin is not active.

Source code in deep/api/plugin/
def is_active(self) -> bool:
    Is the plugin active.

    Check the value of the config element plugin_{name}. If it is set to
    'False' this plugin is not active.
    attr = getattr(self.config, f'plugin_{}'.upper(), 'True')
    if attr is None:
        return True
    return str2bool(attr)


Order of precedence when multiple versions of providers are available.

Order=1 will run after a provider with order=0.

:return: the provider order

Source code in deep/api/plugin/
def order(self) -> int:
    Order of precedence when multiple versions of providers are available.

    Order=1 will run after a provider with order=0.

    :return: the provider order
    return 0


Clean up and shutdown the plugin.

Source code in deep/api/plugin/
def shutdown(self):
    """Clean up and shutdown the plugin."""


Bases: Plugin, ABC

Implement this to have the plugin provide resource attributes to Deep.

Source code in deep/api/plugin/
class ResourceProvider(Plugin, abc.ABC):
    """Implement this to have the plugin provide resource attributes to Deep."""

    def resource(self) -> Optional[Resource]:
        Provide resource.

        :return: the provided resource

resource() abstractmethod

Provide resource.

:return: the provided resource

Source code in deep/api/plugin/
def resource(self) -> Optional[Resource]:
    Provide resource.

    :return: the provided resource


Bases: Plugin, ABC

Implement this to decorate collected snapshots with attributes.

Source code in deep/api/plugin/
class SnapshotDecorator(Plugin, abc.ABC):
    """Implement this to decorate collected snapshots with attributes."""

    def decorate(self, snapshot_id: str, context: ActionContext) -> Optional[BoundedAttributes]:
        Decorate a snapshot with additional data.

        :param snapshot_id: the id of the collected snapshot
        :param context: the action context for this action

        :return: the additional attributes to attach

decorate(snapshot_id, context) abstractmethod

Decorate a snapshot with additional data.

:param snapshot_id: the id of the collected snapshot :param context: the action context for this action

:return: the additional attributes to attach

Source code in deep/api/plugin/
def decorate(self, snapshot_id: str, context: ActionContext) -> Optional[BoundedAttributes]:
    Decorate a snapshot with additional data.

    :param snapshot_id: the id of the collected snapshot
    :param context: the action context for this action

    :return: the additional attributes to attach


Bases: Plugin, ABC

This defines how a tracepoint logger should interact with Deep.

This can be registered with Deep to provide customization to the way Deep will log dynamic log messages injected via tracepoints.

Source code in deep/api/plugin/
class TracepointLogger(Plugin, abc.ABC):
    This defines how a tracepoint logger should interact with Deep.

    This can be registered with Deep to provide customization to the way Deep will log dynamic log
    messages injected via tracepoints.

    def log_tracepoint(self, log_msg: str, tp_id: str, ctx_id: str):
        Log the dynamic log message.

        :param (str) log_msg: the log message to log
        :param (str) tp_id:  the id of the tracepoint that generated this log
        :param (str) ctx_id: the id of the context that was created by this tracepoint

log_tracepoint(log_msg, tp_id, ctx_id) abstractmethod

Log the dynamic log message.

:param (str) log_msg: the log message to log :param (str) tp_id: the id of the tracepoint that generated this log :param (str) ctx_id: the id of the context that was created by this tracepoint

Source code in deep/api/plugin/
def log_tracepoint(self, log_msg: str, tp_id: str, ctx_id: str):
    Log the dynamic log message.

    :param (str) log_msg: the log message to log
    :param (str) tp_id:  the id of the tracepoint that generated this log
    :param (str) ctx_id: the id of the context that was created by this tracepoint

load_plugins(config, custom=None)

Load all the deep plugins.

Attempt to load each plugin, if successful merge an attributes list of each plugin.

:return: the loaded plugins and attributes.

Source code in deep/api/plugin/
def load_plugins(config: 'ConfigService', custom=None) -> List['Plugin']:
    Load all the deep plugins.

    Attempt to load each plugin, if successful merge an attributes list of each plugin.

    :return: the loaded plugins and attributes.
    if custom is None:
        custom = []
    loaded = []
    for plugin in __plugin_generator(DEEP_PLUGINS + custom):
            plugin_instance = plugin(config=config)
            if not plugin_instance.is_active():
                logging.debug("Plugin %s is not active.",
        except Exception as e:
            logging.debug("Could not load plugin %s: %s", plugin, e)

    loaded.sort(key=lambda pl: pl.order() or 0)
    return loaded