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Constant values used in tracepoint args.

ALL_FRAME_TYPE = 'all_frame' module-attribute

Collect from all available frames

COLLECT = 'collect' module-attribute

This is the default collection type and tells Deep to collect and send the snapshot.

CONDITION = 'condition' module-attribute

The condition that has to be 'truthy' for this tracepoint to fire

FIRE_COUNT = 'fire_count' module-attribute

The number of times this tracepoint should fire

FIRE_PERIOD = 'fire_period' module-attribute

The minimum time between successive triggers, in ms

FRAME_TYPE = 'frame_type' module-attribute

This is the key to indicate the frame collection type

LINE = 'line' module-attribute

This is used for SPAN type. This type means we should wrap the method the tracepoint is in.

LINE_CAPTURE = 'line_capture' module-attribute

Line capture stage

LINE_END = 'line_end' module-attribute

Line end stage


All stages linked to lines.

LINE_START = 'line_start' module-attribute

Line start stage

LOG_MSG = 'log_msg' module-attribute

The log message to interpolate at position of tracepoint

METHOD = 'method' module-attribute

This is used for SPAN type. This type means we should only wrap the line the tracepoint is on.

METHOD_CAPTURE = 'method_capture' module-attribute

Method capture stage

METHOD_END = 'method_end' module-attribute

Method end stage

METHOD_NAME = 'method_name' module-attribute

This is the key for the arg that defines a method tracepoint.


All stages linked to methods.

METHOD_START = 'method_start' module-attribute

Method start stage

NO_COLLECT = 'no_collect' module-attribute

This type tells Deep to not collect any data and not to send the snapshot.

NO_FRAME_TYPE = 'no_frame' module-attribute

Collect on frame data

NO_STACK = 'no_stack' module-attribute

Do not collect the stack data

SINGLE_FRAME_TYPE = 'single_frame' module-attribute

Collect only the frame we are on

SNAPSHOT = 'snapshot' module-attribute

This is the key to determine the collection state of the snapshot.

SPAN = 'span' module-attribute

This is the key for the arg that defines a span type.

STACK = 'stack' module-attribute

Collect the full stack

STACK_TYPE = 'stack_type' module-attribute

This is the key to indicate the stack collection type

STAGE = 'stage' module-attribute

The stage this tracepoint is configured to trigger at.

WATCHES = 'watches' module-attribute

Key for watch config

WINDOW_END = 'window_end' module-attribute

The end of the time period this tracepoint can fire in

WINDOW_START = 'window_start' module-attribute

The start of the time period this tracepoint can fire in