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Types for the captured data.


Watch source for captured data.

WATCH_SOURCE_LOG = 'LOG' module-attribute

Watch source for log expressions.

WATCH_SOURCE_METRIC = 'METRIC' module-attribute

Watch source for metric expressions.

WATCH_SOURCE_WATCH = 'WATCH' module-attribute

Watch source for user watch statements.


This is the model for the snapshot that is uploaded to the services.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
class EventSnapshot:
    """This is the model for the snapshot that is uploaded to the services."""

    def __init__(self, tracepoint, ts, resource, frames, var_lookup: Dict[str, 'Variable']):
        Create a new snapshot object.

        :param tracepoint: the tracepoint object
        :param ts: the time in nanoseconds
        :param resource: the client resource
        :param frames: the captured frames
        :param var_lookup: the captured variables.
        self._id = random.getrandbits(128)
        self._tracepoint = tracepoint
        self._var_lookup: Dict[str, 'Variable'] = var_lookup
        self._ts_nanos = ts
        self._frames = frames
        self._watches = []
        self._attributes = BoundedAttributes(immutable=False)
        self._duration_nanos = 0
        self._resource = Resource.get_empty().merge(resource)
        self._log = None

    def complete(self):
        """Close and complete the snapshot."""
        self._duration_nanos = time_ns() - self._ts_nanos

    def add_watch_result(self, watch_result: 'WatchResult'):
        Append a watch result to the snapshot.

        :param watch_result: the result to append.

    def merge_var_lookup(self, lookup: Dict[str, 'Variable']):
        Merge additional variables into the var lookup.

        :param lookup:  the values to merge

    def id(self):
        """The id of this snapshot."""
        return self._id

    def id_str(self):
        """The id of this snapshot."""
        return format(self._id, "032x")

    def tracepoint(self):
        """The tracepoint that triggered this snapshot."""
        return self._tracepoint

    def var_lookup(self):
        """The captured var lookup."""
        return self._var_lookup

    def ts_nanos(self):
        """The time in nanoseconds, this snapshot was triggered."""
        return self._ts_nanos

    def frames(self):
        """The captured frames."""
        return self._frames

    def watches(self):
        """The watch results."""
        return self._watches

    def attributes(self) -> BoundedAttributes:
        """The snapshot attributes."""
        return self._attributes

    def duration_nanos(self):
        """The duration in nanoseconds."""
        return self._duration_nanos

    def resource(self):
        """The client resource information."""
        return self._resource

    def log_msg(self):
        """Get the processed log message."""
        return self._log

    def log_msg(self, msg):
        """Set the processed log message."""
        self._log = msg

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Represent this as a string."""
        return str(self.__dict__)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Represent this as a string."""
        return self.__str__()

attributes: BoundedAttributes property

The snapshot attributes.

duration_nanos property

The duration in nanoseconds.

frames property

The captured frames.

id property

The id of this snapshot.

id_str property

The id of this snapshot.

log_msg property writable

Get the processed log message.

resource property

The client resource information.

tracepoint property

The tracepoint that triggered this snapshot.

ts_nanos property

The time in nanoseconds, this snapshot was triggered.

var_lookup property

The captured var lookup.

watches property

The watch results.

__init__(tracepoint, ts, resource, frames, var_lookup)

Create a new snapshot object.

:param tracepoint: the tracepoint object :param ts: the time in nanoseconds :param resource: the client resource :param frames: the captured frames :param var_lookup: the captured variables.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __init__(self, tracepoint, ts, resource, frames, var_lookup: Dict[str, 'Variable']):
    Create a new snapshot object.

    :param tracepoint: the tracepoint object
    :param ts: the time in nanoseconds
    :param resource: the client resource
    :param frames: the captured frames
    :param var_lookup: the captured variables.
    self._id = random.getrandbits(128)
    self._tracepoint = tracepoint
    self._var_lookup: Dict[str, 'Variable'] = var_lookup
    self._ts_nanos = ts
    self._frames = frames
    self._watches = []
    self._attributes = BoundedAttributes(immutable=False)
    self._duration_nanos = 0
    self._resource = Resource.get_empty().merge(resource)
    self._log = None


Represent this as a string.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
    """Represent this as a string."""
    return self.__str__()


Represent this as a string.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __str__(self) -> str:
    """Represent this as a string."""
    return str(self.__dict__)


Append a watch result to the snapshot.

:param watch_result: the result to append. :return:

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def add_watch_result(self, watch_result: 'WatchResult'):
    Append a watch result to the snapshot.

    :param watch_result: the result to append.


Close and complete the snapshot.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def complete(self):
    """Close and complete the snapshot."""
    self._duration_nanos = time_ns() - self._ts_nanos


Merge additional variables into the var lookup.

:param lookup: the values to merge

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def merge_var_lookup(self, lookup: Dict[str, 'Variable']):
    Merge additional variables into the var lookup.

    :param lookup:  the values to merge


This represents a frame of code that is being executed.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
class StackFrame:
    """This represents a frame of code that is being executed."""

    def __init__(self,
        Create a new StackFrame object.

        :param file_name: The full file path
        :param short_path: The short file path
        :param method_name: The method name
        :param line_number: The line number
        :param variables: Variables captured on this frame
        :param class_name: The class name
        :param is_async: Is the frame an async frame
        :param column_number: The column number
        :param transpiled_file_name: The transpiled file name
        :param transpiled_line_number: The transpiled line number
        :param transpiled_column_number: The transpiled column number
        :param app_frame: Is this frame in the user app
        self._file_name = file_name
        self._short_path = short_path
        self._method_name = method_name
        self._line_number = line_number
        self._class_name = class_name
        self._async = is_async
        self._column_number = column_number
        self._transpiled_file_name = transpiled_file_name
        self._transpiled_line_number = transpiled_line_number
        self._transpiled_column_number = transpiled_column_number
        self._variables = variables
        self._app_frame = app_frame

    def file_name(self):
        """The full file path."""
        return self._file_name

    def short_path(self):
        """The short file path."""
        return self._short_path

    def method_name(self):
        """The method name."""
        return self._method_name

    def line_number(self):
        """The line number."""
        return self._line_number

    def class_name(self):
        """The class name."""
        return self._class_name

    def is_async(self):
        """Is the frame an async frame."""
        return self._async

    def column_number(self):
        """The column number."""
        return self._column_number

    def transpiled_file_name(self):
        """The transpiled file name."""
        return self._transpiled_file_name

    def transpiled_line_number(self):
        """The transpiled line number."""
        return self._transpiled_line_number

    def transpiled_column_number(self):
        """The transpiled column number."""
        return self._transpiled_column_number

    def variables(self):
        """Variables captured on this frame."""
        return self._variables

    def app_frame(self):
        """Is this frame in the user app."""
        return self._app_frame

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Represent this as a string."""
        return str(self.__dict__)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Represent this as a string."""
        return self.__str__()

app_frame property

Is this frame in the user app.

class_name property

The class name.

column_number property

The column number.

file_name property

The full file path.

is_async property

Is the frame an async frame.

line_number property

The line number.

method_name property

The method name.

short_path property

The short file path.

transpiled_column_number property

The transpiled column number.

transpiled_file_name property

The transpiled file name.

transpiled_line_number property

The transpiled line number.

variables property

Variables captured on this frame.

__init__(file_name, short_path, method_name, line_number, variables, class_name, is_async=False, column_number=0, transpiled_file_name=None, transpiled_line_number=0, transpiled_column_number=0, app_frame=False)

Create a new StackFrame object.

:param file_name: The full file path :param short_path: The short file path :param method_name: The method name :param line_number: The line number :param variables: Variables captured on this frame :param class_name: The class name :param is_async: Is the frame an async frame :param column_number: The column number :param transpiled_file_name: The transpiled file name :param transpiled_line_number: The transpiled line number :param transpiled_column_number: The transpiled column number :param app_frame: Is this frame in the user app

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __init__(self,
    Create a new StackFrame object.

    :param file_name: The full file path
    :param short_path: The short file path
    :param method_name: The method name
    :param line_number: The line number
    :param variables: Variables captured on this frame
    :param class_name: The class name
    :param is_async: Is the frame an async frame
    :param column_number: The column number
    :param transpiled_file_name: The transpiled file name
    :param transpiled_line_number: The transpiled line number
    :param transpiled_column_number: The transpiled column number
    :param app_frame: Is this frame in the user app
    self._file_name = file_name
    self._short_path = short_path
    self._method_name = method_name
    self._line_number = line_number
    self._class_name = class_name
    self._async = is_async
    self._column_number = column_number
    self._transpiled_file_name = transpiled_file_name
    self._transpiled_line_number = transpiled_line_number
    self._transpiled_column_number = transpiled_column_number
    self._variables = variables
    self._app_frame = app_frame


Represent this as a string.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
    """Represent this as a string."""
    return self.__str__()


Represent this as a string.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __str__(self) -> str:
    """Represent this as a string."""
    return str(self.__dict__)


This represents a captured variable value.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
class Variable:
    """This represents a captured variable value."""

    def __init__(self,
        Create a new Variable object.

        :param var_type: the type of the variable.
        :param value: the value as a string
        :param var_hash: the identity hash of the value
        :param children: list of child VariableIds
        :param truncated: is the value string truncated.
        self._type = var_type
        self._value = value
        self._hash = var_hash
        self._children = children
        self._truncated = truncated

    def type(self):
        """The type of this value."""
        return self._type

    def value(self):
        """The string value of variable."""
        return self._value

    def hash(self):
        """The identity hash of this value."""
        return self._hash

    def children(self) -> List['VariableId']:
        """The children of this value."""
        return self._children

    def truncated(self):
        """Is the string value truncated."""
        return self._truncated

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Represent this as a string."""
        return str(self.__dict__)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Represent this as a string."""
        return self.__str__()

children: List[VariableId] property

The children of this value.

hash property

The identity hash of this value.

truncated property

Is the string value truncated.

type property

The type of this value.

value property

The string value of variable.

__init__(var_type, value, var_hash, children, truncated)

Create a new Variable object.

:param var_type: the type of the variable. :param value: the value as a string :param var_hash: the identity hash of the value :param children: list of child VariableIds :param truncated: is the value string truncated.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __init__(self,
    Create a new Variable object.

    :param var_type: the type of the variable.
    :param value: the value as a string
    :param var_hash: the identity hash of the value
    :param children: list of child VariableIds
    :param truncated: is the value string truncated.
    self._type = var_type
    self._value = value
    self._hash = var_hash
    self._children = children
    self._truncated = truncated


Represent this as a string.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
    """Represent this as a string."""
    return self.__str__()


Represent this as a string.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __str__(self) -> str:
    """Represent this as a string."""
    return str(self.__dict__)


This represents a variable id, that is used for de duplication.

A VariableID is a pointer to a reference within the var lookup of the snapshot. Each VariableID can have different names and modifiers, but point to the same value.

e.g. val = "Ben" name = val

Both 'val' and 'name' have the value 'Ben' to prevent duplication of this in the var lookup, we use the VariableId to point to the value using the vid property.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
class VariableId:
    This represents a variable id, that is used for de duplication.

    A VariableID is a pointer to a reference within the var lookup of the snapshot. Each VariableID can have
    different names and modifiers, but point to the same value.

     val = "Ben"
     name = val

    Both 'val' and 'name' have the value 'Ben' to prevent duplication of this in the var lookup, we use the
    VariableId to point to the value using the vid property.

    def __init__(self,
        Create a new variable object.

        :param vid: the variable id
        :param name: the variable name
        :param modifiers: the variable modifiers
        :param original_name: the original name
        if modifiers is None:
            modifiers = []
        self._vid = vid
        self._name = name
        self._original_name = original_name
        self._modifiers = modifiers

    def vid(self):
        """Get variable id."""
        return self._vid

    def name(self):
        """Get variable name."""
        return self._name

    def original_name(self):
        """Get variable original name."""
        return self._original_name

    def modifiers(self):
        """Get variable modifiers."""
        return self._modifiers

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Represent this as a string."""
        return str(self.__dict__)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Represent this as a string."""
        return self.__str__()

    def __eq__(self, o) -> bool:
        """Check if the variable id matches."""
        if not isinstance(o, VariableId):
            return False

        if id(o) == id(self):
            return True

        return o._vid == self._vid and o._name == self._name and o._modifiers == self._modifiers

modifiers property

Get variable modifiers.

name property

Get variable name.

original_name property

Get variable original name.

vid property

Get variable id.


Check if the variable id matches.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __eq__(self, o) -> bool:
    """Check if the variable id matches."""
    if not isinstance(o, VariableId):
        return False

    if id(o) == id(self):
        return True

    return o._vid == self._vid and o._name == self._name and o._modifiers == self._modifiers

__init__(vid, name, modifiers=None, original_name=None)

Create a new variable object.

:param vid: the variable id :param name: the variable name :param modifiers: the variable modifiers :param original_name: the original name

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __init__(self,
    Create a new variable object.

    :param vid: the variable id
    :param name: the variable name
    :param modifiers: the variable modifiers
    :param original_name: the original name
    if modifiers is None:
        modifiers = []
    self._vid = vid
    self._name = name
    self._original_name = original_name
    self._modifiers = modifiers


Represent this as a string.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
    """Represent this as a string."""
    return self.__str__()


Represent this as a string.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __str__(self) -> str:
    """Represent this as a string."""
    return str(self.__dict__)


This is the result of a watch expression.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
class WatchResult:
    """This is the result of a watch expression."""

    def __init__(self,
                 source: str,
                 expression: str,
                 result: Optional['VariableId'],
                 error: Optional[str] = None,
        Create new watch result.

        :param source: the watch source
        :param expression: the expression used
        :param result: the result of the expression
        :param error: the error captured during execution
        self._expression = expression
        self._result = result
        self._error = error
        self.__source = source

    def expression(self) -> str:
        """The watch expression."""
        return self._expression

    def result(self) -> Optional['VariableId']:
        """The good result."""
        return self._result

    def error(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """The error."""
        return self._error

    def source(self):
        """The watch source."""
        return self.__source

error: Optional[str] property

The error.

expression: str property

The watch expression.

result: Optional[VariableId] property

The good result.

source property

The watch source.

__init__(source, expression, result, error=None)

Create new watch result.

:param source: the watch source :param expression: the expression used :param result: the result of the expression :param error: the error captured during execution

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __init__(self,
             source: str,
             expression: str,
             result: Optional['VariableId'],
             error: Optional[str] = None,
    Create new watch result.

    :param source: the watch source
    :param expression: the expression used
    :param result: the result of the expression
    :param error: the error captured during execution
    self._expression = expression
    self._result = result
    self._error = error
    self.__source = source