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Handlers for triggers and action configs.


Bases: Location

A location for a method entry/exit/capture point.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
class FunctionLocation(Location):
    """A location for a method entry/exit/capture point."""

    def __init__(self, path: str, function_name: Optional[str], position: Location.Position):
        Create a new method location.

        :param path:  the source file path
        :param function_name: the function name
        :param position: the position
        self.__function_name = function_name
        self.__path = path

    def at_location(self, event: str, file: str, line: int, function_name: str, frame: FrameType):
        Check if we are at the location defined by this location.

        :param event: the trigger event
        :param file: the file path
        :param line: the line number
        :param function_name: the method name
        :param frame: the triggering frame object
        :return: True, if we are at this location we expect, else False.
        if file != self.path:
            return False

        # if method_name is not set then we need to discover it from the frame.
        if self.__function_name is None:
            # load source lines
            lines, start = inspect.getsourcelines(frame)
            end = start + len(lines)
            # if the targeted line is in the range of start to end
            if start <= line >= end:
                # set the method to this name (so we do not need to look it up again)
                self.__function_name = function_name
                return True
            return False

        if event == "call" and function_name == self.__function_name:
            return True
        return False

    def id(self):
        """The location id."""
        return "%s#%s" % (self.path, self.__function_name)

    def path(self):
        """The source file path."""
        return self.__path

    def line(self):
        """The method location always has a line of -1."""
        return -1

    def name(self) -> str:
        The name for this location.

        For Method locations should be method name.
        return self.__function_name

    def __str__(self):
        """Represent this as a string."""
        return str(self.__dict__)

    def __repr__(self):
        """Represent this as a string."""
        return self.__str__()

    def __eq__(self, __value):
        """Check if this is equal to another."""
        if self.path == __value.path and self.__function_name == __value.__function_name:
            return True
        return False

id property

The location id.

line property

The method location always has a line of -1.

name: str property

The name for this location.

For Method locations should be method name.

path property

The source file path.


Check if this is equal to another.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __eq__(self, __value):
    """Check if this is equal to another."""
    if self.path == __value.path and self.__function_name == __value.__function_name:
        return True
    return False

__init__(path, function_name, position)

Create a new method location.

:param path: the source file path :param function_name: the function name :param position: the position

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __init__(self, path: str, function_name: Optional[str], position: Location.Position):
    Create a new method location.

    :param path:  the source file path
    :param function_name: the function name
    :param position: the position
    self.__function_name = function_name
    self.__path = path


Represent this as a string.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __repr__(self):
    """Represent this as a string."""
    return self.__str__()


Represent this as a string.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __str__(self):
    """Represent this as a string."""
    return str(self.__dict__)

at_location(event, file, line, function_name, frame)

Check if we are at the location defined by this location.

:param event: the trigger event :param file: the file path :param line: the line number :param function_name: the method name :param frame: the triggering frame object :return: True, if we are at this location we expect, else False.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def at_location(self, event: str, file: str, line: int, function_name: str, frame: FrameType):
    Check if we are at the location defined by this location.

    :param event: the trigger event
    :param file: the file path
    :param line: the line number
    :param function_name: the method name
    :param frame: the triggering frame object
    :return: True, if we are at this location we expect, else False.
    if file != self.path:
        return False

    # if method_name is not set then we need to discover it from the frame.
    if self.__function_name is None:
        # load source lines
        lines, start = inspect.getsourcelines(frame)
        end = start + len(lines)
        # if the targeted line is in the range of start to end
        if start <= line >= end:
            # set the method to this name (so we do not need to look it up again)
            self.__function_name = function_name
            return True
        return False

    if event == "call" and function_name == self.__function_name:
        return True
    return False


Bases: Location

A location for a line entry/exit/capture point.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
class LineLocation(Location):
    """A location for a line entry/exit/capture point."""

    def __init__(self, path: str, line: int, position: Location.Position):
        Create new line location.

        :param path:  the source file path
        :param line: the line number
        :param position: the position
        self.__path = path
        self.__line = line

    def at_location(self, event: str, file: str, line: int, function_name: str, frame: FrameType):
        Check if we are at the location defined by this location.

        Line actions must always trigger on the line they define. So we do not look at the position here.

        :param event: the trigger event
        :param file: the file path
        :param line: the line number
        :param function_name: the method name
        :param frame: the triggering frame object
        :return: True, if we are at this location we expect, else False.
        if event == "line" and file == self.path and line == self.line:
            return True
        return False

    def id(self):
        """The location id."""
        return "%s#%s" % (self.path, self.line)

    def path(self):
        """The source file path."""
        return self.__path

    def line(self):
        """The line number."""
        return self.__line

    def name(self) -> str:
        The name for this location.

        For line location should be the file#line number.
        return f'{self.path}#{self.line}'

    def __str__(self):
        """Represent this as a string."""
        return str(self.__dict__)

    def __repr__(self):
        """Represent this as a string."""
        return self.__str__()

    def __eq__(self, __value):
        """Check if this is equal to another."""
        if self.path == __value.path and self.line == __value.line:
            return True
        return False

id property

The location id.

line property

The line number.

name: str property

The name for this location.

For line location should be the file#line number.

path property

The source file path.


Check if this is equal to another.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __eq__(self, __value):
    """Check if this is equal to another."""
    if self.path == __value.path and self.line == __value.line:
        return True
    return False

__init__(path, line, position)

Create new line location.

:param path: the source file path :param line: the line number :param position: the position

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __init__(self, path: str, line: int, position: Location.Position):
    Create new line location.

    :param path:  the source file path
    :param line: the line number
    :param position: the position
    self.__path = path
    self.__line = line


Represent this as a string.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __repr__(self):
    """Represent this as a string."""
    return self.__str__()


Represent this as a string.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __str__(self):
    """Represent this as a string."""
    return str(self.__dict__)

at_location(event, file, line, function_name, frame)

Check if we are at the location defined by this location.

Line actions must always trigger on the line they define. So we do not look at the position here.

:param event: the trigger event :param file: the file path :param line: the line number :param function_name: the method name :param frame: the triggering frame object :return: True, if we are at this location we expect, else False.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def at_location(self, event: str, file: str, line: int, function_name: str, frame: FrameType):
    Check if we are at the location defined by this location.

    Line actions must always trigger on the line they define. So we do not look at the position here.

    :param event: the trigger event
    :param file: the file path
    :param line: the line number
    :param function_name: the method name
    :param frame: the triggering frame object
    :return: True, if we are at this location we expect, else False.
    if event == "line" and file == self.path and line == self.line:
        return True
    return False


Bases: ABC

A location is the line or method at which actions should be performed.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
class Location(abc.ABC):
    """A location is the line or method at which actions should be performed."""

    class Position(Enum):
        """Position lets the location be at the start, end or capture."""

        START = 1
        END = 2
        CAPTURE = 3

        def from_stage(cls, stage_: str):
            Get the stage enum from a string.

            :param (str) stage_: the input string
            :return: the appropriate stage enum
            if stage_ in [LINE_START, METHOD_START]:
                return Location.Position.START
            if stage_ in [LINE_END, METHOD_END]:
                return Location.Position.END
            if stage_ in [LINE_CAPTURE, METHOD_CAPTURE]:
                return Location.Position.CAPTURE
            return Location.Position.START

    def __init__(self, position: Position = None):
        Create a new location.

        :param position: the position of this location
        self.position = position

    def at_location(self, event: str, file: str, line: int, function_name: str, frame: FrameType) -> bool:
        Check if we are at the location defined by this location.

        :param event: the trigger event
        :param file: the file path
        :param line: the line number
        :param function_name: the function name
        :param frame: the triggering frame object
        :return: True, if we are at this location we expect, else False.

    def id(self) -> str:
        """The location id."""

    def path(self) -> str:
        """The source file path."""

    def line(self) -> int:
        """The line number."""

    def name(self) -> str:
        The name for this location.

        For Method locations should be method name.
        For line location should be the file#line number.

id: str abstractmethod property

The location id.

line: int abstractmethod property

The line number.

name: str abstractmethod property

The name for this location.

For Method locations should be method name. For line location should be the file#line number.

path: str abstractmethod property

The source file path.


Bases: Enum

Position lets the location be at the start, end or capture.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
class Position(Enum):
    """Position lets the location be at the start, end or capture."""

    START = 1
    END = 2
    CAPTURE = 3

    def from_stage(cls, stage_: str):
        Get the stage enum from a string.

        :param (str) stage_: the input string
        :return: the appropriate stage enum
        if stage_ in [LINE_START, METHOD_START]:
            return Location.Position.START
        if stage_ in [LINE_END, METHOD_END]:
            return Location.Position.END
        if stage_ in [LINE_CAPTURE, METHOD_CAPTURE]:
            return Location.Position.CAPTURE
        return Location.Position.START

from_stage(stage_) classmethod

Get the stage enum from a string.

:param (str) stage_: the input string :return: the appropriate stage enum

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def from_stage(cls, stage_: str):
    Get the stage enum from a string.

    :param (str) stage_: the input string
    :return: the appropriate stage enum
    if stage_ in [LINE_START, METHOD_START]:
        return Location.Position.START
    if stage_ in [LINE_END, METHOD_END]:
        return Location.Position.END
    if stage_ in [LINE_CAPTURE, METHOD_CAPTURE]:
        return Location.Position.CAPTURE
    return Location.Position.START


Create a new location.

:param position: the position of this location

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __init__(self, position: Position = None):
    Create a new location.

    :param position: the position of this location
    self.position = position

at_location(event, file, line, function_name, frame) abstractmethod

Check if we are at the location defined by this location.

:param event: the trigger event :param file: the file path :param line: the line number :param function_name: the function name :param frame: the triggering frame object :return: True, if we are at this location we expect, else False.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def at_location(self, event: str, file: str, line: int, function_name: str, frame: FrameType) -> bool:
    Check if we are at the location defined by this location.

    :param event: the trigger event
    :param file: the file path
    :param line: the line number
    :param function_name: the function name
    :param frame: the triggering frame object
    :return: True, if we are at this location we expect, else False.


Bases: object

This defines an action to perform. This action can be any action that is configured via a tracepoint.

Supported actions are
  • snapshot: collect local variable data and stack frames at location
  • log: evaluate a log message at the location
  • metric: evaluate a metric and process via provider
  • span: create a span at this location
Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
class LocationAction(object):
    This defines an action to perform. This action can be any action that is configured via a tracepoint.

    Supported actions are:
     - snapshot: collect local variable data and stack frames at location
     - log: evaluate a log message at the location
     - metric: evaluate a metric and process via provider
     - span: create a span at this location

    class ActionType(Enum):
        """The type of action."""

        Snapshot = 1
        Log = 2
        Metric = 3
        Span = 4

        def __str__(self):
            """Represent this as a string."""

        def __repr__(self):
            """Represent this as a string."""

    def __init__(self, tp_id: str, condition: Optional[str], config: Dict[str, any], action_type: ActionType):
        Create a new location action.

        :param tp_id: the tracepoint id
        :param condition: the condition
        :param config: the config
        :param action_type: the action type
        self.__id = tp_id
        self.__condition = condition
        self.__config = config
        self.__window = TracepointWindow(self.__config.get(WINDOW_START, 0), self.__config.get(WINDOW_END, 0))
        self.__stats = TracepointExecutionStats()
        self.__action_type = action_type
        self.__location: Optional['Location'] = None

    def id(self) -> str:
        The id of the tracepoint that created this action.

        :return: the tracepoint id
        return self.__id

    def condition(self) -> Optional[str]:
        The condition that is set on the tracepoint.

        :return: the condition if set
        return self.__condition

    def config(self) -> Dict[str, any]:
        The config for this action.

        :return: the full action config.
        return self.__config

    def fire_count(self):
        Get the allowed number of triggers.

        :return: the configured number of triggers, or -1 for unlimited triggers
        return self.__get_int(FIRE_COUNT, 1)

    def fire_period(self):
        Get the minimum amount of time that has to have elapsed before this can trigger again.

        :return: the time in ms
        return self.__get_int(FIRE_PERIOD, 1000)

    def action_type(self) -> ActionType:
        """Get the action type."""
        return self.__action_type

    def location(self) -> Optional['Location']:
        """Get the location config."""
        return self.__location

    def tracepoint(self) -> TracePointConfig:
        """Get the tracepoint config for this trigger."""
        args = dict(self.__config)
        if WATCHES in args:
            del args[WATCHES]
        if LOG_MSG in args and args[LOG_MSG] is None:
            del args[LOG_MSG]
        return TracePointConfig(, self.__location.path, self.__location.line, args,
                                self.__config.get(WATCHES, []), [])

    def __fire_period_ns(self):
        return self.fire_period * 1_000_000

    def can_trigger(self, ts):
        Check if the tracepoint can trigger.

        This is to check the config. e.g. fire count, fire windows etc.
        :param ts: the time the tracepoint has been triggered
        :return: true, if we should collect data; else false
        # Have we exceeded the fire count?
        if self.fire_count != -1 and self.fire_count <= self.__stats.fire_count:
            return False

        # Are we in the time window?
        if not self.__window.in_window(ts):
            return False

        # Have we fired too quickly?
        last_fire = self.__stats.last_fire
        if last_fire != 0:
            time_since_last = ts - last_fire
            if time_since_last < self.__fire_period_ns():
                return False

        return True

    def record_triggered(self, ts):
        Record a fire.

        Call this to record this tracepoint being triggered.

        :param ts: the time in nanoseconds

    def __get_int(self, name: str, default_value: int):
            return int(self.__config.get(name, default_value))
        except ValueError:
            return default_value

    def __str__(self):
        """Represent this as a string."""
        return str({
            'id': self.__id,
            'condition': self.__condition,
            'config': self.__config,
            'type': self.__action_type

    def __repr__(self):
        """Represent this as a string."""
        return self.__str__()

    def __eq__(self, __value):
        """Check if this is equal to another."""
        if self.__id == __value.__id and self.__condition == __value.__condition and self.__config == __value.__config:
            return True
        return False

    def with_location(self, location: 'Location') -> 'LocationAction':
        Attach the location to this action.

        It is sometimes required to get the location information from an action. So we attach them here.

        :param location: the location we are attached to.
        :return: self
        self.__location = location
        return self

action_type: ActionType property

Get the action type.

condition: Optional[str] property

The condition that is set on the tracepoint.

:return: the condition if set

config: Dict[str, any] property

The config for this action.

:return: the full action config.

fire_count property

Get the allowed number of triggers.

:return: the configured number of triggers, or -1 for unlimited triggers

fire_period property

Get the minimum amount of time that has to have elapsed before this can trigger again.

:return: the time in ms

id: str property

The id of the tracepoint that created this action.

:return: the tracepoint id

location: Optional[Location] property

Get the location config.

tracepoint: TracePointConfig property

Get the tracepoint config for this trigger.


Bases: Enum

The type of action.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
class ActionType(Enum):
    """The type of action."""

    Snapshot = 1
    Log = 2
    Metric = 3
    Span = 4

    def __str__(self):
        """Represent this as a string."""

    def __repr__(self):
        """Represent this as a string."""


Represent this as a string.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __repr__(self):
    """Represent this as a string."""


Represent this as a string.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __str__(self):
    """Represent this as a string."""


Check if this is equal to another.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __eq__(self, __value):
    """Check if this is equal to another."""
    if self.__id == __value.__id and self.__condition == __value.__condition and self.__config == __value.__config:
        return True
    return False

__init__(tp_id, condition, config, action_type)

Create a new location action.

:param tp_id: the tracepoint id :param condition: the condition :param config: the config :param action_type: the action type

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __init__(self, tp_id: str, condition: Optional[str], config: Dict[str, any], action_type: ActionType):
    Create a new location action.

    :param tp_id: the tracepoint id
    :param condition: the condition
    :param config: the config
    :param action_type: the action type
    self.__id = tp_id
    self.__condition = condition
    self.__config = config
    self.__window = TracepointWindow(self.__config.get(WINDOW_START, 0), self.__config.get(WINDOW_END, 0))
    self.__stats = TracepointExecutionStats()
    self.__action_type = action_type
    self.__location: Optional['Location'] = None


Represent this as a string.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __repr__(self):
    """Represent this as a string."""
    return self.__str__()


Represent this as a string.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __str__(self):
    """Represent this as a string."""
    return str({
        'id': self.__id,
        'condition': self.__condition,
        'config': self.__config,
        'type': self.__action_type


Check if the tracepoint can trigger.

This is to check the config. e.g. fire count, fire windows etc. :param ts: the time the tracepoint has been triggered :return: true, if we should collect data; else false

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def can_trigger(self, ts):
    Check if the tracepoint can trigger.

    This is to check the config. e.g. fire count, fire windows etc.
    :param ts: the time the tracepoint has been triggered
    :return: true, if we should collect data; else false
    # Have we exceeded the fire count?
    if self.fire_count != -1 and self.fire_count <= self.__stats.fire_count:
        return False

    # Are we in the time window?
    if not self.__window.in_window(ts):
        return False

    # Have we fired too quickly?
    last_fire = self.__stats.last_fire
    if last_fire != 0:
        time_since_last = ts - last_fire
        if time_since_last < self.__fire_period_ns():
            return False

    return True


Record a fire.

Call this to record this tracepoint being triggered.

:param ts: the time in nanoseconds

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def record_triggered(self, ts):
    Record a fire.

    Call this to record this tracepoint being triggered.

    :param ts: the time in nanoseconds


Attach the location to this action.

It is sometimes required to get the location information from an action. So we attach them here.

:param location: the location we are attached to. :return: self

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def with_location(self, location: 'Location') -> 'LocationAction':
    Attach the location to this action.

    It is sometimes required to get the location information from an action. So we attach them here.

    :param location: the location we are attached to.
    :return: self
    self.__location = location
    return self


Bases: Location

A trigger is a location with actions.

A trigger describes the location at which deep should take some actions.

A location is the combination of the file, line, function name, and position. Combining these we can add actions at the start or end of lines, or functions.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
class Trigger(Location):
    A trigger is a location with actions.

    A trigger describes the location at which deep should take some actions.

    A location is the combination of the file, line, function name, and position. Combining these we can add
    actions at the start or end of lines, or functions.

    def __init__(self, location: Location, actions: List[LocationAction]):
        Create new trigger.

        :param location: the location
        :param actions: the actions
        self.__location = location
        self.__actions = actions

    def at_location(self, event: str, file: str, line: int, function_name: str, frame: FrameType) -> bool:
        Check if we are at the location defined by this location.

        :param event: the trigger event
        :param file: the file path
        :param line: the line number
        :param function_name: the method name
        :param frame: the triggering frame object
        :return: True, if we are at this location we expect, else False.
        return self.__location.at_location(event, file, line, function_name, frame)

    def actions(self) -> List[LocationAction]:
        """The actions that are attached to this location."""
        return [action.with_location(self) for action in self.__actions]

    def id(self):
        """The location id."""

    def path(self):
        """The source file path."""
        return self.__location.path

    def line(self):
        """The line number."""
        return self.__location.line

    def name(self) -> str:
        The name for this location.

        For Method locations should be method name.
        For line location should be the file#line number.

    def __str__(self):
        """Represent this as a string."""
        return str({
            'location': self.__location,
            'actions': self.__actions

    def __repr__(self):
        """Represent this as a string."""
        return self.__str__()

    def __eq__(self, __value):
        """Check if this is equal to another."""
        if self.__location == __value.__location and self.__actions == __value.__actions:
            return True
        return False

    def merge_actions(self, actions: List[LocationAction]):
        """Merge more actions into this location."""
        self.__actions += actions

actions: List[LocationAction] property

The actions that are attached to this location.

id property

The location id.

line property

The line number.

name: str property

The name for this location.

For Method locations should be method name. For line location should be the file#line number.

path property

The source file path.


Check if this is equal to another.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __eq__(self, __value):
    """Check if this is equal to another."""
    if self.__location == __value.__location and self.__actions == __value.__actions:
        return True
    return False

__init__(location, actions)

Create new trigger.

:param location: the location :param actions: the actions

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __init__(self, location: Location, actions: List[LocationAction]):
    Create new trigger.

    :param location: the location
    :param actions: the actions
    self.__location = location
    self.__actions = actions


Represent this as a string.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __repr__(self):
    """Represent this as a string."""
    return self.__str__()


Represent this as a string.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def __str__(self):
    """Represent this as a string."""
    return str({
        'location': self.__location,
        'actions': self.__actions

at_location(event, file, line, function_name, frame)

Check if we are at the location defined by this location.

:param event: the trigger event :param file: the file path :param line: the line number :param function_name: the method name :param frame: the triggering frame object :return: True, if we are at this location we expect, else False.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def at_location(self, event: str, file: str, line: int, function_name: str, frame: FrameType) -> bool:
    Check if we are at the location defined by this location.

    :param event: the trigger event
    :param file: the file path
    :param line: the line number
    :param function_name: the method name
    :param frame: the triggering frame object
    :return: True, if we are at this location we expect, else False.
    return self.__location.at_location(event, file, line, function_name, frame)


Merge more actions into this location.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def merge_actions(self, actions: List[LocationAction]):
    """Merge more actions into this location."""
    self.__actions += actions

build_log_action(tp_id, args)

Create a log action from the tracepoint arguments.

:param str tp_id: the tracepoint id :param Dict[str, str] args: the tracepoint arguments :return: the new action, or None

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def build_log_action(tp_id: str, args: Dict[str, str]) -> Optional[LocationAction]:
    Create a log action from the tracepoint arguments.

    :param str tp_id: the tracepoint id
    :param Dict[str, str] args: the tracepoint arguments
    :return: the new action, or None
    if LOG_MSG not in args:
        return None
    if SNAPSHOT not in args or args[SNAPSHOT] != NO_COLLECT:
        return None

    condition = args[CONDITION] if CONDITION in args else None
    return LocationAction(tp_id, condition, {
        LOG_MSG: args[LOG_MSG],
        FIRE_COUNT: args.get(FIRE_COUNT, '1'),
        FIRE_PERIOD: args.get(FIRE_PERIOD, '1000'),
    }, LocationAction.ActionType.Log)

build_metric_action(tp_id, args, metrics)

Create an action to create a metric.

:param tp_id: the tracepoint id :param args: the args :param metrics: the tracepoint metrics :return: the location action

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def build_metric_action(tp_id: str, args: Dict[str, str], metrics: List[MetricDefinition]) -> Optional[LocationAction]:
    Create an action to create a metric.

    :param tp_id: the tracepoint id
    :param args: the args
    :param metrics: the tracepoint metrics
    :return: the location action
    if metrics is None or len(metrics) == 0:
        return None

    condition = args[CONDITION] if CONDITION in args else None
    return LocationAction(tp_id, condition, {
        'metrics': metrics,
        FIRE_COUNT: args.get(FIRE_COUNT, '1'),
        FIRE_PERIOD: args.get(FIRE_PERIOD, '1000'),
    }, LocationAction.ActionType.Metric)

build_snapshot_action(tp_id, args, watches)

Create an action to create a snapshot.

:param tp_id: the tracepoint id :param args: the args :param watches: the watch expressions :return: the location action

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def build_snapshot_action(tp_id: str, args: Dict[str, str], watches: List[str]) -> Optional[LocationAction]:
    Create an action to create a snapshot.

    :param tp_id: the tracepoint id
    :param args: the args
    :param watches: the watch expressions
    :return: the location action
    if SNAPSHOT in args:
        if args[SNAPSHOT] == NO_COLLECT:
            return None

    condition = args[CONDITION] if CONDITION in args else None
    return LocationAction(tp_id, condition, {
        WATCHES: watches,
        STACK_TYPE: args.get(STACK_TYPE, STACK),
        FIRE_COUNT: args.get(FIRE_COUNT, '1'),
        FIRE_PERIOD: args.get(FIRE_PERIOD, '1000'),
        LOG_MSG: args.get(LOG_MSG, None),
    }, LocationAction.ActionType.Snapshot)

build_span_action(tp_id, args)

Create an action to create a span.

:param tp_id: the tracepoint id :param args: the args :return: the location action

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def build_span_action(tp_id: str, args: Dict[str, str]) -> Optional[LocationAction]:
    Create an action to create a span.

    :param tp_id: the tracepoint id
    :param args: the args
    :return: the location action
    if SPAN not in args:
        return None

    condition = args[CONDITION] if CONDITION in args else None
    return LocationAction(tp_id, condition, {
        SPAN: args[SPAN],
        FIRE_COUNT: args.get(FIRE_COUNT, '1'),
        FIRE_PERIOD: args.get(FIRE_PERIOD, '1000'),
    }, LocationAction.ActionType.Span)

build_trigger(tp_id, path, line_no, args, watches, metrics)

Build a trigger definition.

:param tp_id: the tracepoint id :param path: the source file path :param line_no: the line number :param args: the tracepoint args :param watches: the watch configs :param metrics: the metric configs :return: the trigger with the actions.

Source code in deep/api/tracepoint/
def build_trigger(tp_id: str, path: str, line_no: int, args: Dict[str, str], watches: List[str],
                  metrics: List[MetricDefinition]) -> Optional[Trigger]:
    Build a trigger definition.

    :param tp_id: the tracepoint id
    :param path: the source file path
    :param line_no: the line number
    :param args: the tracepoint args
    :param watches: the watch configs
    :param metrics: the metric configs
    :return: the trigger with the actions.
    stage_ = METHOD_START if METHOD_NAME in args else LINE_START

    if SPAN in args and args[SPAN] == METHOD:
        stage_ = METHOD_START

    if STAGE in args:
        stage_ = args[STAGE]

    position = Location.Position.from_stage(stage_)
    if stage_ in LINE_STAGES:
        location = LineLocation(path, line_no, position)
    elif stage_ in METHOD_STAGES:
        location = FunctionLocation(path, args.get(METHOD_NAME, None), position)
        return None

    snap_action = build_snapshot_action(tp_id, args, watches)
    log_action = build_log_action(tp_id, args)
    metric_action = build_metric_action(tp_id, args, metrics)
    span_action = build_span_action(tp_id, args)

    actions = [action for action in [snap_action, log_action, metric_action, span_action] if
               action is not None]

    return Trigger(location, actions)