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Maintain the current config of the tracepoints.


Bases: ABC

Class to describe a config listener.

Source code in deep/config/
class ConfigUpdateListener(abc.ABC):
    """Class to describe a config listener."""

    def config_change(self, ts: int, old_hash: str, current_hash: str, old_config: List['Trigger'],
                      new_config: List['Trigger']):
        Process an update to the tracepoint config.

        :param ts: the ts of the new config
        :param old_hash: the old config hash
        :param current_hash: the new config hash
        :param old_config: the old config
        :param new_config: the new config
        raise NotImplementedError

config_change(ts, old_hash, current_hash, old_config, new_config) abstractmethod

Process an update to the tracepoint config.

:param ts: the ts of the new config :param old_hash: the old config hash :param current_hash: the new config hash :param old_config: the old config :param new_config: the new config

Source code in deep/config/
def config_change(self, ts: int, old_hash: str, current_hash: str, old_config: List['Trigger'],
                  new_config: List['Trigger']):
    Process an update to the tracepoint config.

    :param ts: the ts of the new config
    :param old_hash: the old config hash
    :param current_hash: the new config hash
    :param old_config: the old config
    :param new_config: the new config
    raise NotImplementedError


This service deals with new responses from the LongPoll.

Source code in deep/config/
class TracepointConfigService:
    """This service deals with new responses from the LongPoll."""

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        """Create new tracepoint config service."""
        self._custom: List['Trigger'] = []
        self._tracepoint_config: List['Trigger'] = []
        self._current_hash = None
        self._last_update = 0
        self._task_handler = None
        self._listeners: List[ConfigUpdateListener] = []

    def update_no_change(self, ts):
        Update no change detected.

        This is called when the response says the config has not changed

        :param ts: the ts of the last poll, in ms
        self._last_update = ts

    def update_new_config(self, ts: int, new_hash: str, new_config: List['Trigger']):
        Update to the new config.

        This is called when there is a change in the config, this will trigger a call to all listeners

        :param ts: the ts of the last poll, in ms
        :param new_hash: the new config hash
        :param new_config: the new config values
        old_hash = self._current_hash
        old_config = self._tracepoint_config
        self._last_update = ts
        self._current_hash = new_hash
        self._tracepoint_config = new_config
        self.__trigger_update(old_hash, old_config)

    def __trigger_update(self, old_hash, old_config):
        ts = self._last_update
        if self._task_handler is not None:
            future = self._task_handler.submit_task(self.update_listeners, self._last_update, old_hash,
                                                    self._current_hash, old_config, self._tracepoint_config)
            future.add_done_callback(lambda _: logging.debug("Completed processing new config %s", ts))

    def set_task_handler(self, task_handler):
        Set the task handler to use.

        :param task_handler: the taskhandler
        self._task_handler = task_handler

    def update_listeners(self, ts: int, old_hash: str, current_hash: str, old_config: List['Trigger'],
                         new_config: List['Trigger']):
        Update the registered listeners.

        This is called to update any listeners that the config has changed

        :param ts: the ts of the update
        :param old_hash: the old hash
        :param current_hash: the new hash value
        :param old_config: the old config
        :param new_config: the new config
        listeners_copy = self._listeners.copy()
        for listeners in listeners_copy:
                listeners.config_change(ts, old_hash, current_hash, old_config, new_config + self._custom)
            except Exception:
                logging.exception("Error updating listener %s", listeners)

    def add_listener(self, listener: ConfigUpdateListener):
        Add a new listener to the config.

        :param listener: the listener to add

    def current_config(self) -> List['Trigger']:
        The current tracepoint config.

        :return: the config
        return self._tracepoint_config

    def current_hash(self) -> str:
        The current hash.

        The hash is updated only when the config is changed. It is used by the server and client to
        reduce the number of updates.

        :return: the current hash.
        return self._current_hash

    def add_custom(self, path: str, line: int, args: Dict[str, str], watches: List[str],
                   metrics: List[MetricDefinition]) -> str:
        Crate a new tracepoint from the input.

        :param path: the source file name
        :param line: the source line number
        :param args: the tracepoint args
        :param watches: the tracepoint watches
        :param metrics: the tracepoint metrics
        :return: the new TracePointConfig
        config = build_trigger(str(uuid.uuid4()), path, line, args, watches, metrics)
        self.__trigger_update(None, None)

    def remove_custom(self, _id: str):
        Remove a custom tracepoint config.

        :param _id: the id of the config to remove
        for idx, cfg in enumerate(self._custom):
            if == _id:
                del self._custom[idx]
                self.__trigger_update(None, None)

current_config: List[Trigger] property

The current tracepoint config.

:return: the config

current_hash: str property

The current hash.

The hash is updated only when the config is changed. It is used by the server and client to reduce the number of updates.

:return: the current hash.


Create new tracepoint config service.

Source code in deep/config/
def __init__(self) -> None:
    """Create new tracepoint config service."""
    self._custom: List['Trigger'] = []
    self._tracepoint_config: List['Trigger'] = []
    self._current_hash = None
    self._last_update = 0
    self._task_handler = None
    self._listeners: List[ConfigUpdateListener] = []

add_custom(path, line, args, watches, metrics)

Crate a new tracepoint from the input.

:param path: the source file name :param line: the source line number :param args: the tracepoint args :param watches: the tracepoint watches :param metrics: the tracepoint metrics :return: the new TracePointConfig

Source code in deep/config/
def add_custom(self, path: str, line: int, args: Dict[str, str], watches: List[str],
               metrics: List[MetricDefinition]) -> str:
    Crate a new tracepoint from the input.

    :param path: the source file name
    :param line: the source line number
    :param args: the tracepoint args
    :param watches: the tracepoint watches
    :param metrics: the tracepoint metrics
    :return: the new TracePointConfig
    config = build_trigger(str(uuid.uuid4()), path, line, args, watches, metrics)
    self.__trigger_update(None, None)


Add a new listener to the config.

:param listener: the listener to add

Source code in deep/config/
def add_listener(self, listener: ConfigUpdateListener):
    Add a new listener to the config.

    :param listener: the listener to add


Remove a custom tracepoint config.

:param _id: the id of the config to remove

Source code in deep/config/
def remove_custom(self, _id: str):
    Remove a custom tracepoint config.

    :param _id: the id of the config to remove
    for idx, cfg in enumerate(self._custom):
        if == _id:
            del self._custom[idx]
            self.__trigger_update(None, None)


Set the task handler to use.

:param task_handler: the taskhandler

Source code in deep/config/
def set_task_handler(self, task_handler):
    Set the task handler to use.

    :param task_handler: the taskhandler
    self._task_handler = task_handler

update_listeners(ts, old_hash, current_hash, old_config, new_config)

Update the registered listeners.

This is called to update any listeners that the config has changed

:param ts: the ts of the update :param old_hash: the old hash :param current_hash: the new hash value :param old_config: the old config :param new_config: the new config

Source code in deep/config/
def update_listeners(self, ts: int, old_hash: str, current_hash: str, old_config: List['Trigger'],
                     new_config: List['Trigger']):
    Update the registered listeners.

    This is called to update any listeners that the config has changed

    :param ts: the ts of the update
    :param old_hash: the old hash
    :param current_hash: the new hash value
    :param old_config: the old config
    :param new_config: the new config
    listeners_copy = self._listeners.copy()
    for listeners in listeners_copy:
            listeners.config_change(ts, old_hash, current_hash, old_config, new_config + self._custom)
        except Exception:
            logging.exception("Error updating listener %s", listeners)

update_new_config(ts, new_hash, new_config)

Update to the new config.

This is called when there is a change in the config, this will trigger a call to all listeners

:param ts: the ts of the last poll, in ms :param new_hash: the new config hash :param new_config: the new config values

Source code in deep/config/
def update_new_config(self, ts: int, new_hash: str, new_config: List['Trigger']):
    Update to the new config.

    This is called when there is a change in the config, this will trigger a call to all listeners

    :param ts: the ts of the last poll, in ms
    :param new_hash: the new config hash
    :param new_config: the new config values
    old_hash = self._current_hash
    old_config = self._tracepoint_config
    self._last_update = ts
    self._current_hash = new_hash
    self._tracepoint_config = new_config
    self.__trigger_update(old_hash, old_config)


Update no change detected.

This is called when the response says the config has not changed

:param ts: the ts of the last poll, in ms

Source code in deep/config/
def update_no_change(self, ts):
    Update no change detected.

    This is called when the response says the config has not changed

    :param ts: the ts of the last poll, in ms
    self._last_update = ts