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Breadth first search functions.

To improve the performance and usefulness of the variable data gathered we use a Breadth First Search (BFS) approach. This means scanning all local values before proceeding to the next depth on each.


This is a Node that is used within the Breadth First Search of variables.

Source code in deep/processor/bfs/
class Node:
    """This is a Node that is used within the Breadth First Search of variables."""

    def __init__(self, value: 'NodeValue' = None, children: List['Node'] = None, parent: 'ParentNode' = None):
        Create a new node to process.

        :param (NodValue) value: the value to process
        :param (list) children: the child nodes for this value
        :param (ParentNode) parent: the parent node for this node
        if children is None:
            children = []
        self._value: 'NodeValue' = value
        self._children: List['Node'] = children
        self._parent: 'ParentNode' = parent
        self._depth = 0

    def parent(self) -> 'ParentNode':
        """Get the parent node."""
        return self._parent

    def parent(self, parent: 'ParentNode'):
        """Set the parent node."""
        self._parent = parent

    def add_children(self, children: List['Node']):
        Add children to this node.

        :param (list) children: the children to add
        for child in children:
            child._depth = self._depth + 1

    def value(self) -> 'NodeValue':
        """The node value."""
        return self._value

    def depth(self):
        """The node value."""
        return self._depth

    def children(self) -> List['Node']:
        """The node children."""
        return self._children

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Convert to string."""
        return str(self.__dict__)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Convert to string."""
        return self.__str__()

children: List[Node] property

The node children.

depth property

The node value.

parent: ParentNode property writable

Get the parent node.

value: NodeValue property

The node value.

__init__(value=None, children=None, parent=None)

Create a new node to process.

:param (NodValue) value: the value to process :param (list) children: the child nodes for this value :param (ParentNode) parent: the parent node for this node

Source code in deep/processor/bfs/
def __init__(self, value: 'NodeValue' = None, children: List['Node'] = None, parent: 'ParentNode' = None):
    Create a new node to process.

    :param (NodValue) value: the value to process
    :param (list) children: the child nodes for this value
    :param (ParentNode) parent: the parent node for this node
    if children is None:
        children = []
    self._value: 'NodeValue' = value
    self._children: List['Node'] = children
    self._parent: 'ParentNode' = parent
    self._depth = 0


Convert to string.

Source code in deep/processor/bfs/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
    """Convert to string."""
    return self.__str__()


Convert to string.

Source code in deep/processor/bfs/
def __str__(self) -> str:
    """Convert to string."""
    return str(self.__dict__)


Add children to this node.

:param (list) children: the children to add

Source code in deep/processor/bfs/
def add_children(self, children: List['Node']):
    Add children to this node.

    :param (list) children: the children to add
    for child in children:
        child._depth = self._depth + 1


The variable value the node represents.

Source code in deep/processor/bfs/
class NodeValue:
    """The variable value the node represents."""

    def __init__(self, name: str, value: any, original_name=None):
        Create a new node value.

        It is possible to rename variables by providing an original name. This is used when dealing with
        'private' variables in classes.

        e.g. A variable called _NodeValue__name is used by python to represent the private variable __name. This
         is not known by devs, so we rename the variable to __name, and keep the original name as _NodeValue__name,
         so we can show this if required.

        :param name: the name of the variable at this scope.
        :param value: the value of the variable
        :param original_name: the original name
        """ = name
        if original_name is not None and name != original_name:
            self.original_name = original_name
            self.original_name = None
        self.value = value

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Parse the value into a string."""
        return str(self.__dict__)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Parse the value into a string."""
        return self.__str__()

__init__(name, value, original_name=None)

Create a new node value.

It is possible to rename variables by providing an original name. This is used when dealing with 'private' variables in classes.

e.g. A variable called _NodeValue__name is used by python to represent the private variable __name. This is not known by devs, so we rename the variable to __name, and keep the original name as _NodeValue__name, so we can show this if required.

:param name: the name of the variable at this scope. :param value: the value of the variable :param original_name: the original name

Source code in deep/processor/bfs/
def __init__(self, name: str, value: any, original_name=None):
    Create a new node value.

    It is possible to rename variables by providing an original name. This is used when dealing with
    'private' variables in classes.

    e.g. A variable called _NodeValue__name is used by python to represent the private variable __name. This
     is not known by devs, so we rename the variable to __name, and keep the original name as _NodeValue__name,
     so we can show this if required.

    :param name: the name of the variable at this scope.
    :param value: the value of the variable
    :param original_name: the original name
    """ = name
    if original_name is not None and name != original_name:
        self.original_name = original_name
        self.original_name = None
    self.value = value


Parse the value into a string.

Source code in deep/processor/bfs/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
    """Parse the value into a string."""
    return self.__str__()


Parse the value into a string.

Source code in deep/processor/bfs/
def __str__(self) -> str:
    """Parse the value into a string."""
    return str(self.__dict__)


Bases: ABC

This represents the parent node - simple used to attach children to the parent if they are processed.

Source code in deep/processor/bfs/
class ParentNode(abc.ABC):
    """This represents the parent node - simple used to attach children to the parent if they are processed."""

    def add_child(self, child: VariableId):
        Add a child to this parent.

        :param child: the child to add.
        raise NotImplementedError

add_child(child) abstractmethod

Add a child to this parent.

:param child: the child to add.

Source code in deep/processor/bfs/
def add_child(self, child: VariableId):
    Add a child to this parent.

    :param child: the child to add.
    raise NotImplementedError

Search for variables using BFS.

Starting from the provided node, and using the consumer. Search for variables using BFS.

We call consume, which will add all the child nodes to thr passed node. The return will then tell us to process these or not. If we process them then we append the children to the queue.

By using this queue approach we will process all the top level variables, then all of their children, and so on until we are complete.

:param node: the initial node to start the search :param consumer: the consumer to call on each node

Source code in deep/processor/bfs/
def breadth_first_search(node: 'Node', consumer: Callable[['Node'], bool]):
    Search for variables using BFS.

    Starting from the provided node, and using the consumer. Search for variables using BFS.

    We call consume, which will add all the child nodes to thr passed node. The return will then tell us to process
    these or not. If we process them then we append the children to the queue.

    By using this queue approach we will process all the top level variables, then all of their children, and so
    on until we are complete.

    :param node: the initial node to start the search
    :param consumer: the consumer to call on each node
    queue = [node]

    while len(queue) != 0:
        pop = queue.pop()
        can_continue = consumer(pop)

        if can_continue:
            queue += pop.children