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Handling for action context.


Bases: ABC

A context for the processing of an action.

Source code in deep/processor/context/
class ActionContext(abc.ABC):
    """A context for the processing of an action."""

    def __init__(self, parent: 'TriggerContext', action: 'LocationAction'):
        Create a new action context.

        :param parent: the parent trigger
        :param action: the action config
        self.trigger_context: 'TriggerContext' = parent
        self.location_action: 'LocationAction' = action
        self._triggered = False

    def __enter__(self):
        """Enter and open the context."""
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, exception_traceback):
        """Exit and close the context."""
        if self.has_triggered():

    def eval_watch(self, watch: str, source: str) -> Tuple[WatchResult, Dict[str, Variable], str]:
        Evaluate an expression in the current frame.

        :param source: The watch source.
        :param watch: The watch expression to evaluate.
        :return: Tuple with WatchResult, collected variables, and the log string for the expression
        var_processor = VariableSetProcessor({}, self.trigger_context.var_cache)

            result = self.trigger_context.evaluate_expression(watch)
            variable_id, log_str = var_processor.process_variable(watch, result)

            return WatchResult(source, watch, variable_id), var_processor.var_lookup, log_str
        except BaseException as e:
            logging.exception("Error evaluating watch %s", watch)
            return WatchResult(source, watch, None, str(e)), {}, str(e)

    def process_capture_variable(self, name: str, variable: any) -> Tuple[WatchResult, Dict[str, Variable], str]:
        Process a captured variable (exception or return), into a variable set.

        :param name: the name to use (raised or returned)
        :param variable: the value to process
        :return: Tuple with WatchResult, collected variables, and the log string for the expression
        var_processor = VariableSetProcessor({}, self.trigger_context.var_cache)
        variable_id, log_str = var_processor.process_variable(name, variable)

        return WatchResult(WATCH_SOURCE_CAPTURE, name, variable_id), var_processor.var_lookup, log_str

    def process(self):
        """Process the action."""
            return self._process_action()
            self._triggered = True

    def _process_action(self):

    def has_triggered(self):
        Check if we have triggerd during this context.

        :return: True, if the trigger has been fired.
        return self._triggered

    def can_trigger(self) -> bool:
        Check if the action can trigger.

        Combine checks for rate limits, windows and condition.
        :return: True, if the trigger can be triggered.
        if not self.location_action.can_trigger(self.trigger_context.ts):
            return False
        if self.location_action.condition is None or len(self.location_action.condition.strip()) == 0:
            return True
        result = self.trigger_context.evaluate_expression(self.location_action.condition)
        return str2bool(str(result))


Enter and open the context.

Source code in deep/processor/context/
def __enter__(self):
    """Enter and open the context."""
    return self

__exit__(exception_type, exception_value, exception_traceback)

Exit and close the context.

Source code in deep/processor/context/
def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, exception_traceback):
    """Exit and close the context."""
    if self.has_triggered():

__init__(parent, action)

Create a new action context.

:param parent: the parent trigger :param action: the action config

Source code in deep/processor/context/
def __init__(self, parent: 'TriggerContext', action: 'LocationAction'):
    Create a new action context.

    :param parent: the parent trigger
    :param action: the action config
    self.trigger_context: 'TriggerContext' = parent
    self.location_action: 'LocationAction' = action
    self._triggered = False


Check if the action can trigger.

Combine checks for rate limits, windows and condition. :return: True, if the trigger can be triggered.

Source code in deep/processor/context/
def can_trigger(self) -> bool:
    Check if the action can trigger.

    Combine checks for rate limits, windows and condition.
    :return: True, if the trigger can be triggered.
    if not self.location_action.can_trigger(self.trigger_context.ts):
        return False
    if self.location_action.condition is None or len(self.location_action.condition.strip()) == 0:
        return True
    result = self.trigger_context.evaluate_expression(self.location_action.condition)
    return str2bool(str(result))

eval_watch(watch, source)

Evaluate an expression in the current frame.

:param source: The watch source. :param watch: The watch expression to evaluate. :return: Tuple with WatchResult, collected variables, and the log string for the expression

Source code in deep/processor/context/
def eval_watch(self, watch: str, source: str) -> Tuple[WatchResult, Dict[str, Variable], str]:
    Evaluate an expression in the current frame.

    :param source: The watch source.
    :param watch: The watch expression to evaluate.
    :return: Tuple with WatchResult, collected variables, and the log string for the expression
    var_processor = VariableSetProcessor({}, self.trigger_context.var_cache)

        result = self.trigger_context.evaluate_expression(watch)
        variable_id, log_str = var_processor.process_variable(watch, result)

        return WatchResult(source, watch, variable_id), var_processor.var_lookup, log_str
    except BaseException as e:
        logging.exception("Error evaluating watch %s", watch)
        return WatchResult(source, watch, None, str(e)), {}, str(e)


Check if we have triggerd during this context.

:return: True, if the trigger has been fired.

Source code in deep/processor/context/
def has_triggered(self):
    Check if we have triggerd during this context.

    :return: True, if the trigger has been fired.
    return self._triggered


Process the action.

Source code in deep/processor/context/
def process(self):
    """Process the action."""
        return self._process_action()
        self._triggered = True

process_capture_variable(name, variable)

Process a captured variable (exception or return), into a variable set.

:param name: the name to use (raised or returned) :param variable: the value to process :return: Tuple with WatchResult, collected variables, and the log string for the expression

Source code in deep/processor/context/
def process_capture_variable(self, name: str, variable: any) -> Tuple[WatchResult, Dict[str, Variable], str]:
    Process a captured variable (exception or return), into a variable set.

    :param name: the name to use (raised or returned)
    :param variable: the value to process
    :return: Tuple with WatchResult, collected variables, and the log string for the expression
    var_processor = VariableSetProcessor({}, self.trigger_context.var_cache)
    variable_id, log_str = var_processor.process_variable(name, variable)

    return WatchResult(WATCH_SOURCE_CAPTURE, name, variable_id), var_processor.var_lookup, log_str


Bases: ActionContext

Default context if no action can be determined.

Source code in deep/processor/context/
class NoActionContext(ActionContext):
    """Default context if no action can be determined."""

    def _process_action(self):
        deep.logging.error("Unsupported action type: %s", self.location_action)