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Handling for action callbacks.


Bases: Location, ActionCallback

Callback Context deals with ensuring we close any pending actions created by TriggerHandler.

If a span is created on a line or method, then we attach a callback that will trigger the span to close when the line/method completes.

Source code in deep/processor/context/
class CallbackContext(Location, ActionCallback):
    Callback Context deals with ensuring we close any pending actions created by TriggerHandler.

    If a span is created on a line or method, then we attach a callback that will trigger the span
    to close when the line/method completes.

    def __init__(self, event: str, filename: str, line: int, name: str, callbacks: List['ActionCallback']):
        """Create new callback context."""
        self.__event = event
        self.__filename = filename
        self.__function_name = name
        self.__line = line
        self.__callbacks = callbacks

    def at_location(self, event: str, file: str, line: int, function_name: str, frame: FrameType) -> bool:
        Check if we are at the location defined by this location.

        :param event: the trigger event
        :param file: the file path
        :param line: the line number
        :param function_name: the function name
        :param frame: the triggering frame object
        :return: True, if we are at this location we expect, else False.
        # if either the file or function name are different, then we are not in the correct place.
        if file != self.__filename or function_name != self.__function_name:
            return False

        if self.__event == 'line':
            return self.__check_at_next_line(event, file, function_name)
            return self.__check_at_method_end(event)

    def process(self, ctx: 'TriggerContext', event: str, frame: FrameType, arg: any):
        Process all callbacks.

        :param ctx: the context for this trigger
        :param event: the event
        :param frame: the frame data
        :param arg: the arg from settrace
        :return: True, to keep this callback until next match.
        for callback in self.__callbacks:
            callback.process(ctx, event, frame, arg)

    def id(self) -> str:
        """The location id."""
        return "%s#%s" % (self.path,

    def path(self) -> str:
        """The source file path."""
        return self.__filename

    def line(self) -> int:
        """The source line number."""
        return self.__line

    def name(self) -> str:
        """The function name."""
        return self.__function_name

    def __check_at_next_line(self, event: str, file: str, function_name: str) -> bool:
        Check if the new position is the next line after that which triggered this line event.

        When a 'line' event triggers a callback, then we are trying to track a line execution. This means we should
        trigger the callback when we are at the next logical line. This would be either the next 'line' event in the
        same file/function, or the 'exception' or 'return' event for the file/function that triggered the callback.

        :param event: the current event
        :param file: the current file
        :param function_name: the current function
        :return: True, if we are the next logical line of code.
        # if we are at a new line event, then we want to check the file/line number
        if event == 'line':
            # if we are the same file and function then we are the next line
            if file == self.__filename and function_name == self.__function_name:
                return True
            # if we are line, but not the same file and function then we are not in the correct place
            return False

        # If we are not line, then we have to be the return or error from the method we started in
        return True

    def __check_at_method_end(self, event: str) -> bool:
        Check if the new position is the end of the method we are wrapping.

        When a 'call' event triggers a callback, then we are trying to wrap a method execution. This means we should
        trigger the callback when the method ends. this is when the event 'exception' or 'return' is seen with the
        same file and function name.

        :param event: the current event
        :return: True, if we are the next logical line of code.

        if event in ['exception', 'return']:
            return True
        return False

id: str property

The location id.

line: int property

The source line number.

name: str property

The function name.

path: str property

The source file path.


Check if the new position is the end of the method we are wrapping.

When a 'call' event triggers a callback, then we are trying to wrap a method execution. This means we should trigger the callback when the method ends. this is when the event 'exception' or 'return' is seen with the same file and function name.

:param event: the current event :return: True, if we are the next logical line of code.

Source code in deep/processor/context/
def __check_at_method_end(self, event: str) -> bool:
    Check if the new position is the end of the method we are wrapping.

    When a 'call' event triggers a callback, then we are trying to wrap a method execution. This means we should
    trigger the callback when the method ends. this is when the event 'exception' or 'return' is seen with the
    same file and function name.

    :param event: the current event
    :return: True, if we are the next logical line of code.

    if event in ['exception', 'return']:
        return True
    return False

__check_at_next_line(event, file, function_name)

Check if the new position is the next line after that which triggered this line event.

When a 'line' event triggers a callback, then we are trying to track a line execution. This means we should trigger the callback when we are at the next logical line. This would be either the next 'line' event in the same file/function, or the 'exception' or 'return' event for the file/function that triggered the callback.

:param event: the current event :param file: the current file :param function_name: the current function :return: True, if we are the next logical line of code.

Source code in deep/processor/context/
def __check_at_next_line(self, event: str, file: str, function_name: str) -> bool:
    Check if the new position is the next line after that which triggered this line event.

    When a 'line' event triggers a callback, then we are trying to track a line execution. This means we should
    trigger the callback when we are at the next logical line. This would be either the next 'line' event in the
    same file/function, or the 'exception' or 'return' event for the file/function that triggered the callback.

    :param event: the current event
    :param file: the current file
    :param function_name: the current function
    :return: True, if we are the next logical line of code.
    # if we are at a new line event, then we want to check the file/line number
    if event == 'line':
        # if we are the same file and function then we are the next line
        if file == self.__filename and function_name == self.__function_name:
            return True
        # if we are line, but not the same file and function then we are not in the correct place
        return False

    # If we are not line, then we have to be the return or error from the method we started in
    return True

__init__(event, filename, line, name, callbacks)

Create new callback context.

Source code in deep/processor/context/
def __init__(self, event: str, filename: str, line: int, name: str, callbacks: List['ActionCallback']):
    """Create new callback context."""
    self.__event = event
    self.__filename = filename
    self.__function_name = name
    self.__line = line
    self.__callbacks = callbacks

at_location(event, file, line, function_name, frame)

Check if we are at the location defined by this location.

:param event: the trigger event :param file: the file path :param line: the line number :param function_name: the function name :param frame: the triggering frame object :return: True, if we are at this location we expect, else False.

Source code in deep/processor/context/
def at_location(self, event: str, file: str, line: int, function_name: str, frame: FrameType) -> bool:
    Check if we are at the location defined by this location.

    :param event: the trigger event
    :param file: the file path
    :param line: the line number
    :param function_name: the function name
    :param frame: the triggering frame object
    :return: True, if we are at this location we expect, else False.
    # if either the file or function name are different, then we are not in the correct place.
    if file != self.__filename or function_name != self.__function_name:
        return False

    if self.__event == 'line':
        return self.__check_at_next_line(event, file, function_name)
        return self.__check_at_method_end(event)

process(ctx, event, frame, arg)

Process all callbacks.

:param ctx: the context for this trigger :param event: the event :param frame: the frame data :param arg: the arg from settrace :return: True, to keep this callback until next match.

Source code in deep/processor/context/
def process(self, ctx: 'TriggerContext', event: str, frame: FrameType, arg: any):
    Process all callbacks.

    :param ctx: the context for this trigger
    :param event: the event
    :param frame: the frame data
    :param arg: the arg from settrace
    :return: True, to keep this callback until next match.
    for callback in self.__callbacks:
        callback.process(ctx, event, frame, arg)