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Handling for snapshot actions.


Bases: ActionCallback

Defer the send action to the end of the line or function.

Source code in deep/processor/context/
class DeferredSnapshotActionCallback(ActionCallback):
    """Defer the send action to the end of the line or function."""

    def __init__(self, action_context: ActionContext, snapshot: EventSnapshot):
        Create a new action callback.

        :param action_context: the triggering action context
        :param snapshot: the generated snapshot
        self.__action_context = action_context
        self.__snapshot = snapshot

    def process(self, ctx: 'TriggerContext', event: str, frame: FrameType, arg: any) -> bool:
        Process a callback.

        :param ctx: the context for this trigger
        :param event: the event
        :param frame: the frame data
        :param arg: the arg from settrace
        :return: True, to keep this callback until next match.
        if event in ['exception', 'return']:
            watch, new_vars, _ = self.__action_context.process_capture_variable(event, arg)

        return False

__init__(action_context, snapshot)

Create a new action callback.

:param action_context: the triggering action context :param snapshot: the generated snapshot

Source code in deep/processor/context/
def __init__(self, action_context: ActionContext, snapshot: EventSnapshot):
    Create a new action callback.

    :param action_context: the triggering action context
    :param snapshot: the generated snapshot
    self.__action_context = action_context
    self.__snapshot = snapshot

process(ctx, event, frame, arg)

Process a callback.

:param ctx: the context for this trigger :param event: the event :param frame: the frame data :param arg: the arg from settrace :return: True, to keep this callback until next match.

Source code in deep/processor/context/
def process(self, ctx: 'TriggerContext', event: str, frame: FrameType, arg: any) -> bool:
    Process a callback.

    :param ctx: the context for this trigger
    :param event: the event
    :param frame: the frame data
    :param arg: the arg from settrace
    :return: True, to keep this callback until next match.
    if event in ['exception', 'return']:
        watch, new_vars, _ = self.__action_context.process_capture_variable(event, arg)

    return False


Bases: ActionResult

The result of a deferred snapshot action.

Source code in deep/processor/context/
class DeferredSnapshotActionResult(ActionResult):
    """The result of a deferred snapshot action."""

    def __init__(self, action_context: ActionContext, snapshot: EventSnapshot):
        Create a new snapshot action result.

        :param action_context: the action context that created this result
        :param snapshot: the snapshot result
        self.action_context = action_context
        self.snapshot = snapshot

    def process(self, ctx: 'TriggerContext') -> Optional[ActionCallback]:
        Process this result.

        :param ctx: the triggering context

        :return: an action callback if we need to do something at the 'end', or None
        snapshot = self._decorate_snapshot(ctx)
        return DeferredSnapshotActionCallback(self.action_context, snapshot)

    def _decorate_snapshot(self, ctx):
        attributes = BoundedAttributes(
            attributes={'context':, 'tracepoint':},
        for decorator in ctx.config.snapshot_decorators:
                decorate = decorator.decorate(self.snapshot.id_str, self.action_context)
                if decorate is not None:
            except Exception:
                deep.logging.exception("Failed to decorate snapshot: %s ", decorator)
        return self.snapshot

__init__(action_context, snapshot)

Create a new snapshot action result.

:param action_context: the action context that created this result :param snapshot: the snapshot result

Source code in deep/processor/context/
def __init__(self, action_context: ActionContext, snapshot: EventSnapshot):
    Create a new snapshot action result.

    :param action_context: the action context that created this result
    :param snapshot: the snapshot result
    self.action_context = action_context
    self.snapshot = snapshot


Process this result.

:param ctx: the triggering context

:return: an action callback if we need to do something at the 'end', or None

Source code in deep/processor/context/
def process(self, ctx: 'TriggerContext') -> Optional[ActionCallback]:
    Process this result.

    :param ctx: the triggering context

    :return: an action callback if we need to do something at the 'end', or None
    snapshot = self._decorate_snapshot(ctx)
    return DeferredSnapshotActionCallback(self.action_context, snapshot)


Bases: DeferredSnapshotActionResult

The result of a successful snapshot action.

Source code in deep/processor/context/
class SendSnapshotActionResult(DeferredSnapshotActionResult):
    """The result of a successful snapshot action."""

    def __init__(self, action_context: ActionContext, snapshot: EventSnapshot):
        Create a new snapshot action result.

        :param action_context: the action context that created this result
        :param snapshot: the snapshot result
        super().__init__(action_context, snapshot)

    def process(self, ctx: 'TriggerContext') -> Optional[ActionCallback]:
        Process this result.

        :param ctx: the triggering context

        :return: an action callback if we need to do something at the 'end', or None
        snapshot = self._decorate_snapshot(ctx)
        return None

__init__(action_context, snapshot)

Create a new snapshot action result.

:param action_context: the action context that created this result :param snapshot: the snapshot result

Source code in deep/processor/context/
def __init__(self, action_context: ActionContext, snapshot: EventSnapshot):
    Create a new snapshot action result.

    :param action_context: the action context that created this result
    :param snapshot: the snapshot result
    super().__init__(action_context, snapshot)


Process this result.

:param ctx: the triggering context

:return: an action callback if we need to do something at the 'end', or None

Source code in deep/processor/context/
def process(self, ctx: 'TriggerContext') -> Optional[ActionCallback]:
    Process this result.

    :param ctx: the triggering context

    :return: an action callback if we need to do something at the 'end', or None
    snapshot = self._decorate_snapshot(ctx)
    return None


Bases: FrameCollectorContext, ActionContext

The context to use when capturing a snapshot.

Source code in deep/processor/context/
class SnapshotActionContext(FrameCollectorContext, ActionContext):
    """The context to use when capturing a snapshot."""

    def max_tp_process_time(self) -> int:
        """The max time to spend processing a tracepoint."""
        return self.location_action.config.get('MAX_TP_PROCESS_TIME', 100)

    def collection_config(self) -> VariableProcessorConfig:
        """The variable processing config."""
        config = VariableProcessorConfig()
        config.max_string_length = self.location_action.config.get('MAX_STRING_LENGTH',
        config.max_collection_size = self.location_action.config.get('MAX_COLLECTION_SIZE',
        config.max_variables = self.location_action.config.get('MAX_VARIABLES', config.DEFAULT_MAX_VARIABLES)
        config.max_var_depth = self.location_action.config.get('MAX_VAR_DEPTH', config.DEFAULT_MAX_VAR_DEPTH)
        return config

    def ts(self) -> int:
        """The timestamp in nanoseconds for this trigger."""
        return self.trigger_context.ts

    def should_collect_vars(self, current_frame_index: int) -> bool:
        Check if we can collect data for a frame.

        Frame indexes start from 0 (as the current frame) and increase as we go back up the stack.

        :param (int) current_frame_index: the current frame index.
        :return (bool): if we should collect the frame vars.
        config_type = self.location_action.config.get(FRAME_TYPE, SINGLE_FRAME_TYPE)
        if config_type == NO_FRAME_TYPE:
            return False
        if config_type == ALL_FRAME_TYPE:
            return True
        return current_frame_index == 0

    def is_app_frame(self, filename: str) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
        Check if the current frame is a user application frame.

        :param filename: the frame file name
        :return: True if add frame, else False
        return self.trigger_context.config.is_app_frame(filename)

    def watches(self):
        """The configured watches."""
        return self.location_action.config.get("watches", [])

    def log_msg(self):
        """The configured log message on the tracepoint."""
        return self.location_action.config.get(LOG_MSG, None)

    def _process_action(self):
        collector = FrameCollector(self, self.trigger_context.frame)

        frames, variables = collector.collect(self.trigger_context.vars, self.trigger_context.var_cache)

        snapshot = EventSnapshot(self.location_action.tracepoint, self.trigger_context.ts,
                                 self.trigger_context.resource, frames, variables)

        # process the snapshot watches
        for watch in
            result, watch_lookup, _ = self.eval_watch(watch, WATCH_SOURCE_WATCH)

        log_msg = self.log_msg
        if log_msg is not None:
            # create and process the log message
            context = LogActionContext(self.trigger_context, LocationAction(, None, {
                LOG_MSG: log_msg,
            }, LocationAction.ActionType.Log))
            log, watches, log_vars = context.process_log(log_msg)
            snapshot.log_msg = log
            for watch in watches:
            self.trigger_context.attach_result(LogActionResult(context.location_action, log))

        if self.trigger_context.event in ['exception', 'return']:
            watch, new_vars, _ = self.process_capture_variable(self.trigger_context.event, self.trigger_context.arg)

        if self._is_deferred():
            self.trigger_context.attach_result(DeferredSnapshotActionResult(self, snapshot))
            self.trigger_context.attach_result(SendSnapshotActionResult(self, snapshot))

    def _is_deferred(self):
        stage = self.location_action.config.get(STAGE, None)
        if stage is None:
            return False
        return stage == LINE_CAPTURE or stage == METHOD_CAPTURE

collection_config: VariableProcessorConfig property

The variable processing config.

log_msg property

The configured log message on the tracepoint.

max_tp_process_time: int property

The max time to spend processing a tracepoint.

ts: int property

The timestamp in nanoseconds for this trigger.

watches property

The configured watches.


Check if the current frame is a user application frame.

:param filename: the frame file name :return: True if add frame, else False

Source code in deep/processor/context/
def is_app_frame(self, filename: str) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
    Check if the current frame is a user application frame.

    :param filename: the frame file name
    :return: True if add frame, else False
    return self.trigger_context.config.is_app_frame(filename)


Check if we can collect data for a frame.

Frame indexes start from 0 (as the current frame) and increase as we go back up the stack.

:param (int) current_frame_index: the current frame index. :return (bool): if we should collect the frame vars.

Source code in deep/processor/context/
def should_collect_vars(self, current_frame_index: int) -> bool:
    Check if we can collect data for a frame.

    Frame indexes start from 0 (as the current frame) and increase as we go back up the stack.

    :param (int) current_frame_index: the current frame index.
    :return (bool): if we should collect the frame vars.
    config_type = self.location_action.config.get(FRAME_TYPE, SINGLE_FRAME_TYPE)
    if config_type == NO_FRAME_TYPE:
        return False
    if config_type == ALL_FRAME_TYPE:
        return True
    return current_frame_index == 0