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A context for the handling of a trigger.


Context for a trigger.

A context is created in a valid location is triggered. This context is then used to process all the actions, collect the data and ship of the results.

Source code in deep/processor/context/
class TriggerContext:
    Context for a trigger.

    A context is created in a valid location is triggered. This context is then used to process all the actions,
    collect the data and ship of the results.

    def __init__(self, config: ConfigService, push_service: PushService, frame: FrameType, event: str, arg: any):
        Create a new trigger context.

        :param config: the config service
        :param push_service: the push service
        :param frame: the frame data
        :param event: the trigger event
        :param arg: the trigger arg
        self.__push_service = push_service
        self.__event = event
        self.__frame = frame
        self.__arg = arg
        self.__config = config
        self.__results: List[ActionResult] = []
        self.__ts: int = time_ns()
        self.__id: str = str(uuid.uuid4())
        self.__frame_collector: Optional[FrameCollector] = None
        self.var_cache = VariableCacheProvider()
        self.callbacks: List[ActionCallback] = []
        self.vars: Dict[str: Variable] = {}

    def __enter__(self):
        """Start the 'with' statement and open this context."""
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, exception_traceback):
        """Complete the 'with' statement, and close this context."""
        for result in self.__results:
                new_callback = result.process(self)
                if new_callback is not None:
            except Exception:
                deep.logging.exception("failed to process result {}", result)

    def id(self):
        """The trigger context id."""
        return self.__id

    def file_name(self):
        """The trigger location source file name."""
        return self.__frame.f_code.co_filename

    def locals(self) -> Dict[str, any]:
        """The local frame variables."""
        return self.__frame.f_locals

    def ts(self):
        """The timestamp in nanoseconds for this trigger."""
        return self.__ts

    def resource(self):
        """The client resource information."""
        return self.__config.resource

    def frame(self):
        """The raw frame data."""
        return self.__frame

    def config(self) -> ConfigService:
        """The config service."""
        return self.__config

    def arg(self):
        """The trigger arg value."""
        return self.__arg

    def event(self):
        """The trigger event value."""
        return self.__event

    def action_context(self, action: 'LocationAction') -> 'ActionContext':
        Create an action context from this context, for the provided action.

        :param action: the action
        :return: the new action context.
        if action.action_type == LocationAction.ActionType.Snapshot:
            return SnapshotActionContext(self, action)
        if action.action_type == LocationAction.ActionType.Log:
            return LogActionContext(self, action)
        if action.action_type == LocationAction.ActionType.Metric:
            return MetricActionContext(self, action)
        if action.action_type == LocationAction.ActionType.Span:
            return SpanActionContext(self, action)
        return NoActionContext(self, action)

    def evaluate_expression(self, expression: str) -> any:
        Evaluate an expression to a value.

        :param expression: the expression
        :return: the result of the expression, or the exception that was raised.
            return eval(expression, None, self.__frame.f_locals)
        except BaseException as e:
            return e

    def attach_result(self, result: ActionResult):
        Attach a result for this context.

        :param result: the new result

    def tracepoint_logger(self) -> TracepointLogger:
        """The tracepoint logger service."""
        return self.__config.tracepoint_logger

    def push_service(self) -> PushService:
        """The push service."""
        return self.__push_service

arg property

The trigger arg value.

config: ConfigService property

The config service.

event property

The trigger event value.

file_name property

The trigger location source file name.

frame property

The raw frame data.

id property

The trigger context id.

locals: Dict[str, any] property

The local frame variables.

push_service: PushService property

The push service.

resource property

The client resource information.

tracepoint_logger: TracepointLogger property

The tracepoint logger service.

ts property

The timestamp in nanoseconds for this trigger.


Start the 'with' statement and open this context.

Source code in deep/processor/context/
def __enter__(self):
    """Start the 'with' statement and open this context."""
    return self

__exit__(exception_type, exception_value, exception_traceback)

Complete the 'with' statement, and close this context.

Source code in deep/processor/context/
def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, exception_traceback):
    """Complete the 'with' statement, and close this context."""
    for result in self.__results:
            new_callback = result.process(self)
            if new_callback is not None:
        except Exception:
            deep.logging.exception("failed to process result {}", result)

__init__(config, push_service, frame, event, arg)

Create a new trigger context.

:param config: the config service :param push_service: the push service :param frame: the frame data :param event: the trigger event :param arg: the trigger arg

Source code in deep/processor/context/
def __init__(self, config: ConfigService, push_service: PushService, frame: FrameType, event: str, arg: any):
    Create a new trigger context.

    :param config: the config service
    :param push_service: the push service
    :param frame: the frame data
    :param event: the trigger event
    :param arg: the trigger arg
    self.__push_service = push_service
    self.__event = event
    self.__frame = frame
    self.__arg = arg
    self.__config = config
    self.__results: List[ActionResult] = []
    self.__ts: int = time_ns()
    self.__id: str = str(uuid.uuid4())
    self.__frame_collector: Optional[FrameCollector] = None
    self.var_cache = VariableCacheProvider()
    self.callbacks: List[ActionCallback] = []
    self.vars: Dict[str: Variable] = {}


Create an action context from this context, for the provided action.

:param action: the action :return: the new action context.

Source code in deep/processor/context/
def action_context(self, action: 'LocationAction') -> 'ActionContext':
    Create an action context from this context, for the provided action.

    :param action: the action
    :return: the new action context.
    if action.action_type == LocationAction.ActionType.Snapshot:
        return SnapshotActionContext(self, action)
    if action.action_type == LocationAction.ActionType.Log:
        return LogActionContext(self, action)
    if action.action_type == LocationAction.ActionType.Metric:
        return MetricActionContext(self, action)
    if action.action_type == LocationAction.ActionType.Span:
        return SpanActionContext(self, action)
    return NoActionContext(self, action)


Attach a result for this context.

:param result: the new result

Source code in deep/processor/context/
def attach_result(self, result: ActionResult):
    Attach a result for this context.

    :param result: the new result


Evaluate an expression to a value.

:param expression: the expression :return: the result of the expression, or the exception that was raised.

Source code in deep/processor/context/
def evaluate_expression(self, expression: str) -> any:
    Evaluate an expression to a value.

    :param expression: the expression
    :return: the result of the expression, or the exception that was raised.
        return eval(expression, None, self.__frame.f_locals)
    except BaseException as e:
        return e