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Handle events from the python engine to trigger tracepoints.

Using the sys.settrace and threading.settrace functions we register a function to process events from the python engine. When we get an event we are interested in (e.g. line) we can match that to a tracepoint config and if we have a match process the frame data to collect a snapshot, add logs or any other supported action.


Bases: ConfigUpdateListener

This is the listener that connects the config to the handler.

Source code in deep/processor/
class TracepointHandlerUpdateListener(ConfigUpdateListener):
    """This is the listener that connects the config to the handler."""

    def __init__(self, handler):
        Create a new update listener.

        :param handler:  the handler to call when a new tracepoint config is ready
        self._handler = handler

    def __add_or_get(target, key, default_value):
        if key not in target:
            target[key] = default_value
        return target[key]

    def config_change(self, ts, old_hash, current_hash, old_config, new_config):
        Process an update to the tracepoint config.

        :param ts: the ts of the new config
        :param old_hash: the old config hash
        :param current_hash: the new config hash
        :param old_config: the old config
        :param new_config: the new config


Create a new update listener.

:param handler: the handler to call when a new tracepoint config is ready

Source code in deep/processor/
def __init__(self, handler):
    Create a new update listener.

    :param handler:  the handler to call when a new tracepoint config is ready
    self._handler = handler

config_change(ts, old_hash, current_hash, old_config, new_config)

Process an update to the tracepoint config.

:param ts: the ts of the new config :param old_hash: the old config hash :param current_hash: the new config hash :param old_config: the old config :param new_config: the new config

Source code in deep/processor/
def config_change(self, ts, old_hash, current_hash, old_config, new_config):
    Process an update to the tracepoint config.

    :param ts: the ts of the new config
    :param old_hash: the old config hash
    :param current_hash: the new config hash
    :param old_config: the old config
    :param new_config: the new config


This is the handler for the tracepoints.

This is where we 'listen' for a hit, and determine if we should collect data.

Source code in deep/processor/
class TriggerHandler:
    This is the handler for the tracepoints.

    This is where we 'listen' for a hit, and determine if we should collect data.

    def __init__(self, config: ConfigService, push_service: PushService):
        Create a new tigger handler.

        :param config: the config service
        :param push_service: the push service
        self.__old_thread_trace = None
        self.__old_sys_trace = None
        self._push_service = push_service
        self._tp_config: List[Trigger] = []
        self._config = config
        self._callbacks: ThreadLocal[Deque[CallbackContext]] = ThreadLocal(lambda: deque())

    def start(self):
        """Start the trigger handler."""
        # if we call settrace we cannot use debugger,
        # so we allow the settrace to be disabled, so we can at least debug around it
        if self._config.NO_TRACE:
        self.__old_sys_trace = sys.gettrace()
        # gettrace was added in 3.10, so use it if we can, else try to get from property
        # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyProtectedMember
        self.__old_thread_trace = threading.gettrace() if hasattr(threading, 'gettrace') else threading._trace_hook

    def new_config(self, new_config: List['Trigger']):
        Process a new tracepoint config.

        Called when a change to the tracepoint config is processed.

        :param new_config: the new config to use
        self._tp_config = new_config

    def trace_call(self, frame: FrameType, event: str, arg):
        Process the data for a trace call.

        This is called by the python engine when an event is about to be called.

        This is called by python with the current frame data
        The events are as follows:
        - line: a line is being executed
        - call: a function is being called
        - return: a function is being returned
        - exception: an exception is being raised

        :param frame: the current frame
        :param event: the event 'line', 'call', etc. That we are processing.
        :param arg: the args
        :return: None to ignore other calls, or our self to continue
        event, file, line, function = self.location_from_event(event, frame)
        trigger_context = TriggerContext(self._config, self._push_service, frame, event, arg)

        if event in ["line", "return", "exception"] and self._callbacks.is_set:
            self.__process_call_backs(trigger_context, arg, frame, event, file, line, function)

        # return if we do not have any tracepoints
        if len(self._tp_config) == 0:
            return None

        actions = self.__actions_for_location(event, file, line, function, frame)
        if len(actions) == 0:
            return self.trace_call

            with trigger_context:
                for action in actions:
                        ctx: ActionContext
                        with trigger_context.action_context(action) as ctx:
                            if ctx.can_trigger():
                    except BaseException:
                        logging.exception("Cannot process action %s", action)
        except BaseException:
            logging.exception("Cannot trigger at %s#%s %s", file, line, function)

        callbacks = trigger_context.callbacks
        if len(callbacks) > 0:
            logging.debug("Callbacks registered: %s", callbacks)
                CallbackContext(event, file, line, function, callbacks))

        return self.trace_call

    def __actions_for_location(self, event, file, line, function, frame):
        actions = []
        for trigger in self._tp_config:
            if trigger.at_location(event, file, line, function, frame):
                actions += trigger.actions
        return actions

    def __process_call_backs(self, ctx: 'TriggerContext', arg: any, frame: FrameType, event: str, file: str, line: int,
                             function_name: str):
        # remove top context
        context: CallbackContext = self._callbacks.value.pop()
        # if it is for our location process it
        if context.at_location(event, file, line, function_name, frame):
            logging.debug("At callback location %s",
            context.process(ctx, event, frame, arg)
            logging.debug("Not at callback location %s",
            # else put the context back on the queue

        if len(self._callbacks.value) == 0:
            logging.debug("Callbacks cleared.")

    def location_from_event(event: str, frame: FrameType) -> Tuple[str, str, int, Optional[str]]:
        Convert an event into a location.

        The events are as follows:
            - line: a line is being executed
            - call: a function is being called
            - return: a function is being returned
            - exception: an exception is being raised
        :param event:
        :param frame:
            - event
            - file path
            - line number
            - function name
        filename = os.path.basename(frame.f_code.co_filename)
        line = frame.f_lineno
        function = frame.f_code.co_name
        return event, filename, line, function

    def shutdown(self):
        Shutdown this handler.

        Reset the settrace to the previous values.

__init__(config, push_service)

Create a new tigger handler.

:param config: the config service :param push_service: the push service

Source code in deep/processor/
def __init__(self, config: ConfigService, push_service: PushService):
    Create a new tigger handler.

    :param config: the config service
    :param push_service: the push service
    self.__old_thread_trace = None
    self.__old_sys_trace = None
    self._push_service = push_service
    self._tp_config: List[Trigger] = []
    self._config = config
    self._callbacks: ThreadLocal[Deque[CallbackContext]] = ThreadLocal(lambda: deque())

location_from_event(event, frame) staticmethod

Convert an event into a location.

The events are as follows
  • line: a line is being executed
  • call: a function is being called
  • return: a function is being returned
  • exception: an exception is being raised

:param event: :param frame: :returns: - event - file path - line number - function name

Source code in deep/processor/
def location_from_event(event: str, frame: FrameType) -> Tuple[str, str, int, Optional[str]]:
    Convert an event into a location.

    The events are as follows:
        - line: a line is being executed
        - call: a function is being called
        - return: a function is being returned
        - exception: an exception is being raised
    :param event:
    :param frame:
        - event
        - file path
        - line number
        - function name
    filename = os.path.basename(frame.f_code.co_filename)
    line = frame.f_lineno
    function = frame.f_code.co_name
    return event, filename, line, function


Process a new tracepoint config.

Called when a change to the tracepoint config is processed.

:param new_config: the new config to use

Source code in deep/processor/
def new_config(self, new_config: List['Trigger']):
    Process a new tracepoint config.

    Called when a change to the tracepoint config is processed.

    :param new_config: the new config to use
    self._tp_config = new_config


Shutdown this handler.

Reset the settrace to the previous values.

Source code in deep/processor/
def shutdown(self):
    Shutdown this handler.

    Reset the settrace to the previous values.


Start the trigger handler.

Source code in deep/processor/
def start(self):
    """Start the trigger handler."""
    # if we call settrace we cannot use debugger,
    # so we allow the settrace to be disabled, so we can at least debug around it
    if self._config.NO_TRACE:
    self.__old_sys_trace = sys.gettrace()
    # gettrace was added in 3.10, so use it if we can, else try to get from property
    # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyProtectedMember
    self.__old_thread_trace = threading.gettrace() if hasattr(threading, 'gettrace') else threading._trace_hook

trace_call(frame, event, arg)

Process the data for a trace call.

This is called by the python engine when an event is about to be called.

This is called by python with the current frame data The events are as follows: - line: a line is being executed - call: a function is being called - return: a function is being returned - exception: an exception is being raised

:param frame: the current frame :param event: the event 'line', 'call', etc. That we are processing. :param arg: the args :return: None to ignore other calls, or our self to continue

Source code in deep/processor/
def trace_call(self, frame: FrameType, event: str, arg):
    Process the data for a trace call.

    This is called by the python engine when an event is about to be called.

    This is called by python with the current frame data
    The events are as follows:
    - line: a line is being executed
    - call: a function is being called
    - return: a function is being returned
    - exception: an exception is being raised

    :param frame: the current frame
    :param event: the event 'line', 'call', etc. That we are processing.
    :param arg: the args
    :return: None to ignore other calls, or our self to continue
    event, file, line, function = self.location_from_event(event, frame)
    trigger_context = TriggerContext(self._config, self._push_service, frame, event, arg)

    if event in ["line", "return", "exception"] and self._callbacks.is_set:
        self.__process_call_backs(trigger_context, arg, frame, event, file, line, function)

    # return if we do not have any tracepoints
    if len(self._tp_config) == 0:
        return None

    actions = self.__actions_for_location(event, file, line, function, frame)
    if len(actions) == 0:
        return self.trace_call

        with trigger_context:
            for action in actions:
                    ctx: ActionContext
                    with trigger_context.action_context(action) as ctx:
                        if ctx.can_trigger():
                except BaseException:
                    logging.exception("Cannot process action %s", action)
    except BaseException:
        logging.exception("Cannot trigger at %s#%s %s", file, line, function)

    callbacks = trigger_context.callbacks
    if len(callbacks) > 0:
        logging.debug("Callbacks registered: %s", callbacks)
            CallbackContext(event, file, line, function, callbacks))

    return self.trace_call