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A set of functions to collect and process variable data.

There are many things to consider when collecting that data from a variable. Here we try to manage the collection as best we can without affecting the original data source. As a result we have different ways to collect the data and many options to consider when collecting.

ITER_LIKE_TYPES = ['list_iterator', 'listiterator', 'list_reverseiterator', 'listreverseiterator'] module-attribute

A list of types that we should handle like iterators.

LIST_LIKE_TYPES = ['frozenset', 'set', 'list', 'tuple'] module-attribute

A list of types that we should handle like lists.

NO_CHILD_TYPES = ['str', 'int', 'float', 'bool', 'type', 'module', 'unicode', 'long', 'NoneType', 'traceback'] module-attribute

A list of types that do not have child nodes, or only have child nodes we do not want to process.


Bases: ABC

A type that is used to manage variable collection.

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class Collector(abc.ABC):
    """A type that is used to manage variable collection."""

    def max_string_length(self) -> int:
        Get the max length of a string.

        :return int: the configured value

    def max_collection_size(self) -> int:
        Get the max size of a collection.

        :return int: the configured value

    def max_var_depth(self) -> int:
        Get the max depth to process.

        :return int: the configured value

    def check_id(self, identity_hash_id: str) -> str:
        Check if the identity_hash_id is known to us, and return the lookup id.

        :param identity_hash_id: the id of the object
        :return: the lookup id used

    def new_var_id(self, identity_hash_id: str) -> str:
        Create a new cache id for the lookup.

        :param identity_hash_id: the id of the object
        :return: the new lookup id

    def append_variable(self, var_id: str, variable: Variable):
        Append a variable to the var lookup.

        This is called when a variable has been processed

        :param var_id: the internal id of the variable
        :param variable: the internal value of the variable

    def append_child(self, variable_id: str, child: VariableId):
        Append a chile to existing variable.

        This is called when a child variable has been processed and the result should be attached to a
        variable that has already been processed.

        :param str variable_id: the internal variable id of the parent variable
        :param VariableId child: the internal variable id value to attach to the parent

max_collection_size: int abstractmethod property

Get the max size of a collection.

:return int: the configured value

max_string_length: int abstractmethod property

Get the max length of a string.

:return int: the configured value

max_var_depth: int abstractmethod property

Get the max depth to process.

:return int: the configured value

append_child(variable_id, child) abstractmethod

Append a chile to existing variable.

This is called when a child variable has been processed and the result should be attached to a variable that has already been processed.

:param str variable_id: the internal variable id of the parent variable :param VariableId child: the internal variable id value to attach to the parent

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def append_child(self, variable_id: str, child: VariableId):
    Append a chile to existing variable.

    This is called when a child variable has been processed and the result should be attached to a
    variable that has already been processed.

    :param str variable_id: the internal variable id of the parent variable
    :param VariableId child: the internal variable id value to attach to the parent

append_variable(var_id, variable) abstractmethod

Append a variable to the var lookup.

This is called when a variable has been processed

:param var_id: the internal id of the variable :param variable: the internal value of the variable

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def append_variable(self, var_id: str, variable: Variable):
    Append a variable to the var lookup.

    This is called when a variable has been processed

    :param var_id: the internal id of the variable
    :param variable: the internal value of the variable

check_id(identity_hash_id) abstractmethod

Check if the identity_hash_id is known to us, and return the lookup id.

:param identity_hash_id: the id of the object :return: the lookup id used

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def check_id(self, identity_hash_id: str) -> str:
    Check if the identity_hash_id is known to us, and return the lookup id.

    :param identity_hash_id: the id of the object
    :return: the lookup id used

new_var_id(identity_hash_id) abstractmethod

Create a new cache id for the lookup.

:param identity_hash_id: the id of the object :return: the new lookup id

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def new_var_id(self, identity_hash_id: str) -> str:
    Create a new cache id for the lookup.

    :param identity_hash_id: the id of the object
    :return: the new lookup id


The response from processing a variable.

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class VariableResponse:
    """The response from processing a variable."""

    def __init__(self, variable_id, process_children=True):
        """Create a new response object."""
        self.__variable_id = variable_id
        self.__process_children = process_children

    def variable_id(self):
        """The variable id data for the processed variable."""
        return self.__variable_id

    def process_children(self):
        """Continue with the child nodes."""
        return self.__process_children

process_children property

Continue with the child nodes.

variable_id property

The variable id data for the processed variable.

__init__(variable_id, process_children=True)

Create a new response object.

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def __init__(self, variable_id, process_children=True):
    """Create a new response object."""
    self.__variable_id = variable_id
    self.__process_children = process_children

correct_names(name, val)

If a value is 'private' then python will rename the value to be prefixed with the class name.

:param name: the name of the class :param val: the variable name we are modifying :return: the new name to use

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def correct_names(name, val):
    If a value is 'private' then python will rename the value to be prefixed with the class name.

    :param name: the name of the class
    :param val: the variable name we are modifying
    :return: the new name to use
    prefix = "_" + name
    if val.startswith(prefix):
        return val[len(prefix):]
    return val

find_children_for_parent(var_collector, parent_node, value, variable_type)

Scan the parent for children based on the type.

:param var_collector: the collector we are using :param parent_node: the parent node :param value: the variable value we are processing :param variable_type: the type of the variable :return: list of child nodes

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def find_children_for_parent(var_collector: Collector, parent_node: ParentNode, value: any,
                             variable_type: type):
    Scan the parent for children based on the type.

    :param var_collector: the collector we are using
    :param parent_node: the parent node
    :param value: the variable value we are processing
    :param variable_type: the type of the variable
    :return: list of child nodes
    if variable_type is dict:
        return process_dict_breadth_first(parent_node, variable_type.__name__, value)
    elif variable_type.__name__ in LIST_LIKE_TYPES:
        return process_list_breadth_first(var_collector, parent_node, value)
    elif isinstance(value, Exception):
        return process_list_breadth_first(var_collector, parent_node, value.args)
    elif hasattr(value, '__class__'):
        return process_dict_breadth_first(parent_node, variable_type.__name__, value.__dict__, correct_names)
    elif hasattr(value, '__dict__'):
        return process_dict_breadth_first(parent_node, variable_type.__name__, value.__dict__)
        logging.debug("Unknown type processed %s", variable_type)
        return []

process_child_nodes(var_collector, variable_id, var_value, frame_depth)

Collect the child nodes for this variable.

Child node collection is performed via a variety of functions based on the type of the variable we are processing.

:param var_collector: the collector we are using :param variable_id: the variable if to attach children to :param var_value: the value we are looking at for children :param frame_depth: the current depth we are at :return:

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def process_child_nodes(
        var_collector: Collector,
        variable_id: str,
        var_value: any,
        frame_depth: int
) -> List[Node]:
    Collect the child nodes for this variable.

    Child node collection is performed via a variety of functions based on the type of the variable we are processing.

    :param var_collector: the collector we are using
    :param variable_id: the variable if to attach children to
    :param var_value: the value we are looking at for children
    :param frame_depth: the current depth we are at
    variable_type = type(var_value)
    # if the type is a type we do not want children from - return empty
    if variable_type.__name__ in NO_CHILD_TYPES:
        return []

    # if the depth is more than we are configured - return empty
    if frame_depth + 1 >= var_collector.max_var_depth:
        return []

    class VariableParent(ParentNode):

        def add_child(self, child: VariableId):
            # look for the child in the lookup and add this id to it
            var_collector.append_child(variable_id, child)

    # scan the child based on type
    return find_children_for_parent(var_collector, VariableParent(), var_value, variable_type)

process_dict_breadth_first(parent_node, type_name, value, func=lambda x, y: y)

Process a dict value.

Take a dict and collect all the child nodes for the dict.

:param (ParentNode) parent_node: the node that represents the list, to be used as the parent for the returned nodes :param (str) type_name: the name of the type we are processing :param (any) value: the list value to process :param (Callable) func: an optional function to preprocess values

:param func: :return (list): the collected child nodes

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def process_dict_breadth_first(parent_node, type_name, value, func=lambda x, y: y) -> List[Node]:
    Process a dict value.

    Take a dict and collect all the child nodes for the dict.

    :param (ParentNode) parent_node: the node that represents the list, to be used as the parent for the returned nodes
    :param (str) type_name: the name of the type we are processing
    :param (any) value: the list value to process
    :param (Callable) func: an optional function to preprocess values

    :param func:
    :return (list): the collected child nodes
    # we wrap the keys() in a call to list to prevent concurrent changes
    return [Node(value=NodeValue(func(type_name, key), value[key], key), parent=parent_node) for key in
            list(value.keys()) if
            key in value]

process_list_breadth_first(var_collector, parent_node, value)

Process a list value.

Take a list and collect all the child nodes for the list. Returned list is limited by the config 'max_collection_size'.

:param (Collector) var_collector: the collector that is managing this collection :param (ParentNode) parent_node: the node that represents the list, to be used as the parent for the returned nodes :param (any) value: the list value to process :return (list): the collected child nodes

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def process_list_breadth_first(var_collector: Collector, parent_node: ParentNode, value) -> List[Node]:
    Process a list value.

    Take a list and collect all the child nodes for the list. Returned list is
    limited by the config 'max_collection_size'.

    :param (Collector) var_collector: the collector that is managing this collection
    :param (ParentNode) parent_node: the node that represents the list, to be used as the parent for the returned nodes
    :param (any) value: the list value to process
    :return (list): the collected child nodes
    nodes = []
    total = 0
    for val_ in tuple(value):
        if total >= var_collector.max_collection_size:
        nodes.append(Node(value=NodeValue(str(total), val_), parent=parent_node))
        total += 1
    return nodes

process_variable(var_collector, node)

Process the variable into a serializable type.

:param var_collector: the collector being used :param node: the variable node to process :return: a response to determine if we continue

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def process_variable(var_collector: Collector, node: NodeValue) -> VariableResponse:
    Process the variable into a serializable type.

    :param var_collector: the collector being used
    :param node: the variable node to process
    :return: a response to determine if we continue
    # get the variable hash id
    identity_hash_id = str(id(node.value))
    # guess the modifiers
    modifiers = var_modifiers(
    # check the collector cache for this id
    cache_id = var_collector.check_id(identity_hash_id)
    # if we have a cache_id, then this variable is already been processed, so we just return
    # a variable id and do not process children. This prevents us from processing the same value over and over. We
    # also do not count this towards the max_vars, so we can increase the data we send.

    if cache_id is not None:
        return VariableResponse(VariableId(cache_id,, modifiers, node.original_name), process_children=False)

    # if we do not have a cache_id - then create one
    var_id = var_collector.new_var_id(identity_hash_id)

    # crete the variable id to use
    variable_id = VariableId(var_id,, modifiers, node.original_name)
    # extract variable type
    variable_type = type(node.value)
    # create a string value of the variable
    variable_value_str, truncated = truncate_string(variable_to_string(variable_type, node.value),

    # create a variable for the lookup
    variable = Variable(str(variable_type.__name__), variable_value_str, identity_hash_id, [], truncated)
    # add to lookup
    var_collector.append_variable(var_id, variable)
    # return result - and expand children
    return VariableResponse(variable_id, process_children=True)

truncate_string(string, max_length)

Truncate the incoming string to the specified length.

:param string: the string to truncate :param max_length: the length to truncated to :return: a tuple of the new string, and if it was truncated

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def truncate_string(string, max_length):
    Truncate the incoming string to the specified length.

    :param string: the string to truncate
    :param max_length: the length to truncated to
    :return: a tuple of the new string, and if it was truncated
    return string[:max_length], len(string) > max_length


Process access modifiers.

Python does not have true access modifiers. The convention is to use leading underscores, one for protected, two for private.

:param var_name: the name to check :return: a list of the modifiers, or an empty list

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def var_modifiers(var_name: str) -> List[str]:
    Process access modifiers.

    Python does not have true access modifiers. The convention is to use leading underscores, one for
    protected, two for private.

    :param var_name: the name to check
    :return: a list of the modifiers, or an empty list
    if var_name.startswith("__"):
        return ['private']
    if var_name.startswith("_"):
        return ['protected']
    return []

variable_to_string(variable_type, var_value)

Convert the variable to a string.

:param variable_type: the variable type :param var_value: the variable value :return: a string of the value

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def variable_to_string(variable_type, var_value):
    Convert the variable to a string.

    :param variable_type: the variable type
    :param var_value: the variable value
    :return: a string of the value
    if variable_type.__name__ in ITER_LIKE_TYPES:
        # if interator like then make a custom string - we do not want to mess with iterators
        return 'Iterator of type: %s' % variable_type
    elif variable_type is dict \
            or variable_type.__name__ in LIST_LIKE_TYPES:
        # if we are a collection then we do not want to use built in string as this can be very
        # large, and quite pointless, instead we just get the size of the collection
        return 'Size: %s' % len(var_value)
            # everything else just gets a string value
            return str(var_value)
        except Exception:
            # it is possible for str to fail if there is a custom __str__ function
            return f'{type(var_value)}@{id(var_value)}'