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Handle the processing of variables sets.


Variable cache provider.

Manage the caching of variables for a trigger context.

Source code in deep/processor/
class VariableCacheProvider:
    Variable cache provider.

    Manage the caching of variables for a trigger context.

    __cache: Dict[str, str]

    def __init__(self):
        """Create new cache."""
        self.__cache = {}

    def check_id(self, identity_hash_id) -> Optional[str]:
        Check if id is in the cache.

        :param identity_hash_id: the identity hash to check
        :return: the internal id for this hash, or None if not set
        if identity_hash_id in self.__cache:
            return self.__cache[identity_hash_id]
        return None

    def size(self):
        """The number of variables we have cached."""
        return len(self.__cache)

    def new_var_id(self, identity_hash_id):
        Create a new variable id from the hash id.

        :param identity_hash_id: the hash id to map the new id to.
        :return: the new id
        var_count = self.size
        new_id = str(var_count + 1)
        self.__cache[identity_hash_id] = new_id
        return new_id

size property

The number of variables we have cached.


Create new cache.

Source code in deep/processor/
def __init__(self):
    """Create new cache."""
    self.__cache = {}


Check if id is in the cache.

:param identity_hash_id: the identity hash to check :return: the internal id for this hash, or None if not set

Source code in deep/processor/
def check_id(self, identity_hash_id) -> Optional[str]:
    Check if id is in the cache.

    :param identity_hash_id: the identity hash to check
    :return: the internal id for this hash, or None if not set
    if identity_hash_id in self.__cache:
        return self.__cache[identity_hash_id]
    return None


Create a new variable id from the hash id.

:param identity_hash_id: the hash id to map the new id to. :return: the new id

Source code in deep/processor/
def new_var_id(self, identity_hash_id):
    Create a new variable id from the hash id.

    :param identity_hash_id: the hash id to map the new id to.
    :return: the new id
    var_count = self.size
    new_id = str(var_count + 1)
    self.__cache[identity_hash_id] = new_id
    return new_id


Variable process config.

Source code in deep/processor/
class VariableProcessorConfig:
    """Variable process config."""


    def __init__(self, max_string_length=DEFAULT_MAX_STRING_LENGTH, max_variables=DEFAULT_MAX_VARIABLES,
                 max_collection_size=DEFAULT_MAX_COLLECTION_SIZE, max_var_depth=DEFAULT_MAX_VAR_DEPTH):
        Create a new config for the variable processing.

        :param max_string_length: the max length of a string
        :param max_variables: the max number of variables
        :param max_collection_size: the max size of a collection
        :param max_var_depth: the max depth to process
        self.max_var_depth = max_var_depth
        self.max_collection_size = max_collection_size
        self.max_variables = max_variables
        self.max_string_length = max_string_length

__init__(max_string_length=DEFAULT_MAX_STRING_LENGTH, max_variables=DEFAULT_MAX_VARIABLES, max_collection_size=DEFAULT_MAX_COLLECTION_SIZE, max_var_depth=DEFAULT_MAX_VAR_DEPTH)

Create a new config for the variable processing.

:param max_string_length: the max length of a string :param max_variables: the max number of variables :param max_collection_size: the max size of a collection :param max_var_depth: the max depth to process

Source code in deep/processor/
def __init__(self, max_string_length=DEFAULT_MAX_STRING_LENGTH, max_variables=DEFAULT_MAX_VARIABLES,
             max_collection_size=DEFAULT_MAX_COLLECTION_SIZE, max_var_depth=DEFAULT_MAX_VAR_DEPTH):
    Create a new config for the variable processing.

    :param max_string_length: the max length of a string
    :param max_variables: the max number of variables
    :param max_collection_size: the max size of a collection
    :param max_var_depth: the max depth to process
    self.max_var_depth = max_var_depth
    self.max_collection_size = max_collection_size
    self.max_variables = max_variables
    self.max_string_length = max_string_length


Bases: Collector

Handle the processing of variables.

Source code in deep/processor/
class VariableSetProcessor(Collector):
    """Handle the processing of variables."""

    def __init__(self, var_lookup: Dict[str, 'Variable'], var_cache: VariableCacheProvider,
                 config: VariableProcessorConfig = VariableProcessorConfig()):
        Create a new variable set processor.

        :param var_lookup: the var lookup to use
        :param var_cache: the var cache to use
        :param config: the var process config to use
        self.__var_lookup = var_lookup
        self.__var_cache = var_cache
        self.__config = config

    def process_variable(self, name: str, value: any) -> Tuple[VariableId, str]:
        Process a variable name and value.

        :param name: the variable name
        :param value: the variable value
        identity_hash_id = str(id(value))
        check_id = self.__var_cache.check_id(identity_hash_id)
        if check_id is not None:
            # this means the watch result is already in the var_lookup
            return VariableId(check_id, name), str(value)

        # else this is an unknown value so process breadth first
        var_ids = []

        class FrameParent(ParentNode):

            def add_child(self, child):

        root_parent = FrameParent()

        initial_nodes = [Node(NodeValue(name, value), parent=root_parent)]
        breadth_first_search(Node(None, initial_nodes, root_parent), self.search_function)

        var_id = self.__var_cache.check_id(identity_hash_id)

        return VariableId(var_id, name), str(value)

    def search_function(self, node: Node) -> bool:
        Search for child variables using BFS.

        This is the search function to use during BFS.

        :param node: the current node we are process
        :return: True, if we want to continue with the nodes children
        if not self.check_var_count():
            # we have exceeded the var count, so do not continue
            return False

        node_value = node.value
        if node_value is None:
            # this node has no value, continue with children
            return True

        # process this node variable
        process_result = process_variable(self, node_value)
        var_id = process_result.variable_id
        # add the result to the parent - this maintains the hierarchy in the var look up

        # some variables do not want the children processed (e.g. strings)
        if process_result.process_children:
            # process children and add to node
            child_nodes = process_child_nodes(self, var_id.vid, node_value.value, node.depth)
        return True

    def check_var_count(self):
        """Check if we have processed our max set of variables."""
        if self.__var_cache.size > self.__config.max_variables:
            return False
        return True

    def var_lookup(self):
        """Get var look up."""
        return self.__var_lookup

    def max_string_length(self) -> int:
        Get the max length of a string.

        :return int: the configured value
        return self.__config.max_string_length

    def max_collection_size(self) -> int:
        Get the max size of a collection.

        :return int: the configured value
        return self.__config.max_collection_size

    def max_var_depth(self) -> int:
        Get the max depth to process.

        :return int: the configured value
        return self.__config.max_var_depth

    def append_child(self, variable_id, child):
        Append a chile to existing variable.

        This is called when a child variable has been processed and the result should be attached to a
        variable that has already been processed.

        :param str variable_id: the internal variable id of the parent variable
        :param VariableId child: the internal variable id value to attach to the parent

    def check_id(self, identity_hash_id: str) -> str:
        Check if the identity_hash_id is known to us, and return the lookup id.

        :param identity_hash_id: the id of the object
        :return: the lookup id used
        return self.__var_cache.check_id(identity_hash_id)

    def new_var_id(self, identity_hash_id: str) -> str:
        Create a new cache id for the lookup.

        :param identity_hash_id: the id of the object
        :return: the new lookup id
        return self.__var_cache.new_var_id(identity_hash_id)

    def append_variable(self, var_id, variable):
        Append a variable to the var lookup.

        This is called when a variable has been processed

        :param var_id: the internal id of the variable
        :param variable: the internal value of the variable
        self.__var_lookup[var_id] = variable

max_collection_size: int property

Get the max size of a collection.

:return int: the configured value

max_string_length: int property

Get the max length of a string.

:return int: the configured value

max_var_depth: int property

Get the max depth to process.

:return int: the configured value

var_lookup property

Get var look up.

__init__(var_lookup, var_cache, config=VariableProcessorConfig())

Create a new variable set processor.

:param var_lookup: the var lookup to use :param var_cache: the var cache to use :param config: the var process config to use

Source code in deep/processor/
def __init__(self, var_lookup: Dict[str, 'Variable'], var_cache: VariableCacheProvider,
             config: VariableProcessorConfig = VariableProcessorConfig()):
    Create a new variable set processor.

    :param var_lookup: the var lookup to use
    :param var_cache: the var cache to use
    :param config: the var process config to use
    self.__var_lookup = var_lookup
    self.__var_cache = var_cache
    self.__config = config

append_child(variable_id, child)

Append a chile to existing variable.

This is called when a child variable has been processed and the result should be attached to a variable that has already been processed.

:param str variable_id: the internal variable id of the parent variable :param VariableId child: the internal variable id value to attach to the parent

Source code in deep/processor/
def append_child(self, variable_id, child):
    Append a chile to existing variable.

    This is called when a child variable has been processed and the result should be attached to a
    variable that has already been processed.

    :param str variable_id: the internal variable id of the parent variable
    :param VariableId child: the internal variable id value to attach to the parent

append_variable(var_id, variable)

Append a variable to the var lookup.

This is called when a variable has been processed

:param var_id: the internal id of the variable :param variable: the internal value of the variable

Source code in deep/processor/
def append_variable(self, var_id, variable):
    Append a variable to the var lookup.

    This is called when a variable has been processed

    :param var_id: the internal id of the variable
    :param variable: the internal value of the variable
    self.__var_lookup[var_id] = variable


Check if the identity_hash_id is known to us, and return the lookup id.

:param identity_hash_id: the id of the object :return: the lookup id used

Source code in deep/processor/
def check_id(self, identity_hash_id: str) -> str:
    Check if the identity_hash_id is known to us, and return the lookup id.

    :param identity_hash_id: the id of the object
    :return: the lookup id used
    return self.__var_cache.check_id(identity_hash_id)


Check if we have processed our max set of variables.

Source code in deep/processor/
def check_var_count(self):
    """Check if we have processed our max set of variables."""
    if self.__var_cache.size > self.__config.max_variables:
        return False
    return True


Create a new cache id for the lookup.

:param identity_hash_id: the id of the object :return: the new lookup id

Source code in deep/processor/
def new_var_id(self, identity_hash_id: str) -> str:
    Create a new cache id for the lookup.

    :param identity_hash_id: the id of the object
    :return: the new lookup id
    return self.__var_cache.new_var_id(identity_hash_id)

process_variable(name, value)

Process a variable name and value.

:param name: the variable name :param value: the variable value :return:

Source code in deep/processor/
def process_variable(self, name: str, value: any) -> Tuple[VariableId, str]:
    Process a variable name and value.

    :param name: the variable name
    :param value: the variable value
    identity_hash_id = str(id(value))
    check_id = self.__var_cache.check_id(identity_hash_id)
    if check_id is not None:
        # this means the watch result is already in the var_lookup
        return VariableId(check_id, name), str(value)

    # else this is an unknown value so process breadth first
    var_ids = []

    class FrameParent(ParentNode):

        def add_child(self, child):

    root_parent = FrameParent()

    initial_nodes = [Node(NodeValue(name, value), parent=root_parent)]
    breadth_first_search(Node(None, initial_nodes, root_parent), self.search_function)

    var_id = self.__var_cache.check_id(identity_hash_id)

    return VariableId(var_id, name), str(value)


Search for child variables using BFS.

This is the search function to use during BFS.

:param node: the current node we are process :return: True, if we want to continue with the nodes children

Source code in deep/processor/
def search_function(self, node: Node) -> bool:
    Search for child variables using BFS.

    This is the search function to use during BFS.

    :param node: the current node we are process
    :return: True, if we want to continue with the nodes children
    if not self.check_var_count():
        # we have exceeded the var count, so do not continue
        return False

    node_value = node.value
    if node_value is None:
        # this node has no value, continue with children
        return True

    # process this node variable
    process_result = process_variable(self, node_value)
    var_id = process_result.variable_id
    # add the result to the parent - this maintains the hierarchy in the var look up

    # some variables do not want the children processed (e.g. strings)
    if process_result.process_children:
        # process children and add to node
        child_nodes = process_child_nodes(self, var_id.vid, node_value.value, node.depth)
    return True