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Deep offers a query language (DeepQL), to query data and create tracepoints. DeepQL is broken down into 2 main structures commands and search.

  • commands are actions to perform on tracepoints and include list, delete, create (broken down into further types see below)
    • list allows you to filter for tracepoints
    • delete allows you to delete tracepoints
    • create allows you to create tracepoints, this is further seperated into tracepoint types.
      • trigger - a generic form to create any combined tracepoint
      • log - creates a log focus tracepoint
      • span - creates a span focus tracepoint
      • snapshot - creates a snapshot focus tracepoint
      • metric - creates a metric focus tracepoint
  • search allows searching of collected snapshot data


Supported operators are:

  • Equals = value must be an exact match
  • Not Equals != value must not be an exact match
  • Regex =~ value must match regex expression
  • Not Regex !~ value must not match the regex expression
  • Greater > value must be greater (number value only)
  • Greater Equal >= value must be greater or equal (number value only)
  • Less < value must be less (number value only)
  • Less Equal <= value must be less or equal (number value only)


The list and delete commands work in the same way. The values are used to find all matching tracepoints and then either list or delete those tracepoints. The command list{} will show all tracepoints, and delete{} will delete all tracepoints.

All value 'and' so combinations list{id="one" id="two"} will never find anything at the id cannot be both one and two at the same time. However list{id=~"one|two"} will find tracepoints with the id one and two.

# list triggers

# list triggers by file
list{ file="" }

# delete trigger by id
delete{ id="atracepointid" }

# delete triggers on file
delete{ file="" }

Generic Trigger

A generic trigger can be created which allows you full control on the actions. This can be useful when creating more complex actions.

The defaults for a trigger are:

  • fire count - always
  • rate limit - 1s
  • window - now - 48h
  • snapshot - disabled
  • span - disabled
  • snapshot - disabled
  • metric - disabled
# create snapshot and log on a line
trigger{ file="" line=12 snapshot=true watch="" log="inject a log" }
Full options ### Full options
 file=""                           # the file name/path of the source file
 line=12                                       # the source line number
 method="name"                                 # the method name to look for in the file (cannot define line and method)

 # Optional Values

 # control options
 fire_count=-1                                 # the number of times to fire (-1 represents forever)
 rate_limit=1000                               # the minimum time in ms between fires
 window_end=48h                                # the relative or absolute time to stop collecting (0 means never end)
 window_start=now                              # the relative or absolute time to start collecting
 condition="{expression}"                      # conditional statement to control fire

 # snapshot options
 snapshot=false                                # should this log also capture a snapshot (default false)
 watch="expression"                            # define watch expressions to attach to the snapshot add multiple expressions as required
 snapshot_label_my_label="{expression}"        # snapshot labels for collected snapshot follow the same pattern as log labels

 # metric options
 metric=false                                  # should this log also capture a metric (default false)
 metric_name="log_some_test_py_12"             # metric name for collected metric
 metric_label_my_label="{expression}"          # metric labels for collected metric follow the same pattern as log labels

 # span options
 span=None                                     # should this log also create a span (default None)
 span_name="log_some_test_py_12"               # the name of the span
 span_label_my_label="{expression}"            # span labels for create span follw the same pattern as log labels

 # optional log values
 log="some injected log with {expression}"     # the injected log message with expressions
 log_label_my_label="{expression}"             # labels to attach to the log, `label_` is remove from the key to 
 log_label_other_label="static value"          # form the real key, value can be expression of static value


Logs will create a log message without a snapshot.

The defaults for a log are:

  • fire count - always
  • rate limit - 1s
  • window - now - 48h
  • span - disabled
  • snapshot - disabled
  • metric - disabled

see logging

log{file="" line=12 msg="some injected log with {expression}"}
Full options ### Full options
 file=""                           # the file name/path of the source file
 line=12                                       # the source line number
 msg="some injected log with {expression}"     # the injected log message with expressions

 # optional log values
 label_my_label="{expression}"                 # labels to attach to the log, `label_` is remove from the key to 
 label_other_label="static value"              # form the real key, value can be expression of static value

 # Optional Values

 # control options
 fire_count=-1                                 # the number of times to fire (-1 represents forever)
 rate_limit=1000                               # the minimum time in ms between fires
 window_end=48h                                # the relative or absolute time to stop collecting (0 means never end)
 window_start=now                              # the relative or absolute time to start collecting
 condition="expression"                        # conditional statement to control fire

 # snapshot options
 snapshot=false                                # should this log also capture a snapshot (default false)
 watch="expression"                            # define watch expressions to attach to the snapshot add multiple expressions as required

 # metric options
 metric=false                                  # should this log also capture a metric (default false)
 metric_name="log_some_test_py_12"             # metric name for collected metric
 metric_label_my_label="{expression}"          # metric labels for collected metric follow the same pattern as log labels

 # span options
 span=None                                     # should this log also create a span (default None)
 span_name="log_some_test_py_12"               # the name of the span
 span_label_my_label="{expression}"            # span labels for create span follw the same pattern as log labels


A snapshot will collect the local app state, including frames, variables and watches.

The defaults for a snapshot are:

  • fire count - 100
  • rate limit - 10s
  • window - now - 7d
  • span - disabled
  • log - disabled
  • metric - disabled

The target attribute can be used to change the snapshot location into one of:

  • start (default) - This will capture the data at the start of the line or method.
  • capture - This will capture the data at the start of the line or method, and will also collect the exception or return and execution time of the line or method.
  • end - This will capture the data at the end of the line, and will collector the exception or return and execution time of the line or method.

see snapshot

# line snapshot - capture data at start of line
snapshot{file="" line=12}

# method entry snapshot - capture data at start of method
snapshot{file="" method="my_method"}

# line capture snapshot - capture line exception and runtime
snapshot{file="" line=12 target="capture"}

# line end snapshot - capture data at end of line and exception and runtime
snapshot{file="" line=12 target="end"}

# method exit snapshot - capture data at end of method with return/exception and runtime
snapshot{file="" method="my_method" target="end"}

# method entry snapshot - capture data at start of method with return/exception and runtime
snapshot{file="" method="my_method" target="capture"}
Full options ### Full options
 file=""                           # the file name/path of the source file
 line=12                                       # the source line number (cannot define line and method)
 method="some_method"                          # the method name to look for in the file (cannot define line and method)

 # Optional snapshot values
 watch="expression"                            # define watch expressions to attach to the snapshot add multiple expressions as required

 # Optional Values

 # control options
 fire_count=100                                # the number of times to fire (-1 represents forever)
 rate_limit=10000                              # the minimum time in ms between fires
 window_end=7d                                 # the relative or absolute time to stop collecting (0 means never end)
 window_start=now                              # the relative or absolute time to start collecting
 condition="expression"                        # conditional statement to control fire

 # log options
 log="some injected log with {expression}"     # the injected log message with expressions (default null)
 log_label_my_label="{expression}"             # labels to attach to the log, `label_` is remove from the key to 
 log_label_other_label="static value"          # form the real key, value can be expression of static value

 # metric options
 metric=false                                  # should this log also capture a metric (default false)
 metric_name="log_some_test_py_12"             # metric name for collected metric
 metric_label_my_label="{expression}"          # metric labels for collected metric follow the same pattern as log labels

 # span options
 span=None                                     # should this log also create a span (default None)
 span_name="log_some_test_py_12"               # the name of the span
 span_label_my_label="{expression}"            # span labels for create span follw the same pattern as log labels


Metrics allow you to capture variables into metrics.

The defaults for a metric are:

  • fire count - forever
  • rate limit - 500ms
  • window - now - 28d
  • span - disabled
  • log - disabled
  • snapshot - disabled

see metrics

# Create guage of LRU caceh size
metric{file="" line=12 value="len(self.cache)" name="lru_cache_size" type="gauge"}

# Track calls to endpoints by users
metric{file=" line=12 name="calls_to_endpoint" label_user_id="{}" label_endpoint="login" type="counter"}
metric{file=" line=22 name="calls_to_endpoint" label_user_id="{}" label_endpoint="logout" type="counter"}

# Track function performance by user
metric{file="" method="some_method" value="" type="histogram", label_user="{}"}
Full options ### Full options
 file=""                           # the file name/path of the source file
 line=12                                       # the source line number
 method="some_method"                          # the method name to look for in the file (cannot define line and method)

 # Optional metric values
 type="counter"                                # the type of metric to create (default coutner)
 value="expression"                            # the value to use for the metric, can be expression or fixed value (default 1)
 label_my_label="{expression}"                 # metric labels for collected metric follow the same pattern as log labels

 # Optional Values

 # control options
 fire_count=-1                                 # the number of times to fire (-1 represents forever)
 rate_limit=500                                # the minimum time in ms between fires
 window_end=28d                                # the relative or absolute time to stop collecting (0 means never end)
 window_start=now                              # the relative or absolute time to start collecting
 condition="expression"                        # conditional statement to control fire

 # log options
 log="some injected log with {expression}"     # the injected log message with expressions (default null)
 log_label_my_label="{expression}"             # labels to attach to the log, `label_` is remove from the key to 
 log_label_other_label="static value"          # form the real key, value can be expression of static value

 # snapshot options
 snapshot=false                                # should this log also capture a snapshot (default false)
 watch="expression"                            # define watch expressions to attach to the snapshot add multiple expressions as required

 # span options
 span=None                                     # should this log also create a span (default None)
 span_name="log_some_test_py_12"               # the name of the span
 span_label_my_label="{expression}"            # span labels for create span follw the same pattern as log labels


Spans allow you to wrap code in a span to trace the behaviour.

The defaults for a spans are:

  • fire count - forever
  • rate limit - 100ms
  • window - now - Forever
  • metrics - disabled
  • log - disabled
  • snapshot - disabled

see metrics

# Create span around function
span{file="" method="method_name"}

# Create span around line
span{file="" line=12}

# Create span around method with attributes
span{file="" method="method_name" label_user="{}"}

Full options ### Full options
 file=""                           # the file name/path of the source file
 line=12                                       # the source line number
 method="some_method"                          # the method name to look for in the file (cannot define line and method)

# optional span options

name="some_test_py:12"                        # the name of the span (default to location e.g. class_name:method_name or file_name:line_no)
label_my_label="{expression}"                 # span labels for create span follw the same pattern as log labels

# Optional Values

# control options

fire_count=-1                                 # the number of times to fire (-1 represents forever)
rate_limit=100                                # the minimum time in ms between fires
window_end=""                                 # the relative or absolute time to stop collecting (0 means never end)
window_start=now                              # the relative or absolute time to start collecting
condition="expression"                        # conditional statement to control fire

# log options

log="some injected log with {expression}"     # the injected log message with expressions (default null)
log_label_my_label="{expression}"             # labels to attach to the log, `label_` is remove from the key to
log_label_other_label="static value"          # form the real key, value can be expression of static value

# snapshot options

snapshot=false                                # should this log also capture a snapshot (default false)
watch="expression"                            # define watch expressions to attach to the snapshot add multiple expressions as required

# metric options

metric=false                                  # should this log also capture a metric (default false)
metric_name="log_some_test_py_12"             # metric name for collected metric
metric_label_my_label="{expression}"          # metric labels for collected metric follow the same pattern as log labels

Search allows for searching snapshot attribute and resource values.


You can currently not search on variable values, frame data or watches.

Basic query statements

# find snapshots by trigger (tracepoint)
{ tracepoint="atracepointid" }

# find by service name
{"myApp" }

# find by resource values
{ rs.app_version="14" }

# find by attribute values
{ file="" }

# find with wildcard
{ file=~"*.py" }