Class BasicAuthProvider

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    IAuthProvider, IDeepPlugin, Ordered

    public class BasicAuthProvider
    extends Object
    implements IDeepPlugin, IAuthProvider
    This is an IAuthProvider that will attach basic authorization to the outbound requests.

    This provider can be set using service.auth.provider=com.intergral.deep.agent.api.auth.BasicAuthProvider. The username and password that is configured onto requests can be set with the setting:

    • service.username=yourusername
    • service.password=yourpassword

    These values are then base64 encoded and attached to the outbound requests as the authorization header.

    • Constructor Detail

      • BasicAuthProvider

        public BasicAuthProvider()
    • Method Detail

      • configure

        public IDeepPlugin configure​(ISettings settings,
                                     IReflection reflection)
        Description copied from interface: IDeepPlugin
        This allows for the plugin to retain a reference to the settings for Deep and allows access to the IReflection service to perform reflection operations.
        Specified by:
        configure in interface IDeepPlugin
        settings - the settings for Deep
        reflection - a service to allow easier access to reflection
        this, or a new instance of a plugin
        See Also:
        IReflection, ISettings
      • provide

        public Map<String,​String> provide()
        Description copied from interface: IAuthProvider
        Provide the headers that should be attached to the GRPC calls.
        Specified by:
        provide in interface IAuthProvider
        a Map of the header values