Interface IDeepPlugin

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    BasicAuthProvider, TracepointLogger

    public interface IDeepPlugin
    extends Ordered
    This type defines a plugin for Deep. These plugins will be loaded via SPI and can provide any functionality from the extension points in Deep.
    • IConditional - allow plugin to be conditional
    • ISnapshotDecorator - allow plugins to provide additional attributes to captured snapshots
    • IAuthProvider - allow plugin to provide additional ways to authenticate
    • ResourceProvider - allow plugins to provide additional information for the resource definition
    • ITraceProvider - allows plugins to connect deep to a tracing provider

    Plugins will be instantiated via the default constructor and then the configure(ISettings, IReflection) function will be invoked.

    • Method Detail

      • configure

        default IDeepPlugin configure​(ISettings settings,
                                      IReflection reflection)
        This allows for the plugin to retain a reference to the settings for Deep and allows access to the IReflection service to perform reflection operations.
        settings - the settings for Deep
        reflection - a service to allow easier access to reflection
        this, or a new instance of a plugin
        See Also:
        IReflection, ISettings