Class GrpcService

  • public class GrpcService
    extends Object
    This service handles the grpc channel and attaching the metadata to the outbound services.
    • Constructor Detail

      • GrpcService

        public GrpcService​(Settings settings)
    • Method Detail

      • start

        public void start()
        Start the grpc service and connect the channel.
      • shutdown

        public void shutdown()
        Shutdown the grpc channel.
      • pollService

        public com.intergral.deep.proto.poll.v1.PollConfigGrpc.PollConfigBlockingStub pollService()
        Get the grpc service for polling configs.
        the service to use
      • snapshotService

        public com.intergral.deep.proto.tracepoint.v1.SnapshotServiceGrpc.SnapshotServiceStub snapshotService()
        Get the grpc service for sending snapshots.
        the service to use