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AbstractEvaluator - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin
This allows for common handling for object to boolean expressions.
AbstractEvaluator() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.AbstractEvaluator
acceptStage(TracePointConfig.EStage) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
Does this tracepoint accept the provided stage.
add(LineSectionEntry) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.LineSection
addAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.ITraceProvider.ISpan
addChild(VariableID) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.bfs.Node.IParent
addChild(VariableID) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.Variable
addChildren(Set<Node>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.bfs.Node
Add child nodes.
addCustom(String, int, Map<String, String>, Collection<String>, Collection<MetricDefinition>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.TracepointConfigService
Add a new tracepoint via code api.
addPlugin(IDeepPlugin) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.settings.Settings
Add a plugin to the current config.
addScanner(IClassScanner) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.CompositeClassScanner
addStratumSection(StratumSection) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.SourceMap
addWatchResult(WatchResult) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.EventSnapshot
Add the result of a watch statement.
Agent - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent
This is the main entry point for the Deep agent.
AgentImpl - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent
This type is called from the Agent via reflection to load the agent after the jar we are in has been attached to the class path.
agentmain(String, Instrumentation) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.Agent
This is called when the agent is dynamically attached to the VM.
ALL_FRAME_TYPE - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
Collect from all available frames.
api() - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.api.DeepAPI
Get the Deep api.
api() - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.api.DeepAPILoader
Get an instance of the API to allow calling NerdVision directly
api() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.Deep
Get an instance of the API to allow calling NerdVision directly
APP_FRAMES_EXCLUDES - Static variable in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.settings.ISettings
Define which packages we should exclude as being part of your app.
APP_FRAMES_INCLUDES - Static variable in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.settings.ISettings
Define which packages we should include as being part of your app.
append(boolean) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends a boolean value to the string builder.
append(char) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends a char value to the string builder.
append(char[]) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends a char array to the string builder.
append(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends a char array to the string builder.
append(double) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends a double value to the string builder using String.valueOf.
append(float) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends a float value to the string builder using String.valueOf.
append(int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends an int value to the string builder using String.valueOf.
append(long) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends a long value to the string builder using String.valueOf.
append(TextStringBuilder) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends another string builder to this string builder.
append(TextStringBuilder, int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends part of a string builder to this string builder.
append(CharSequence) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends a CharSequence to this string builder.
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends part of a CharSequence to this string builder.
append(Object) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends an object to this string builder.
append(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends a string to this string builder.
append(StringBuffer) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends a string buffer to this string builder.
append(StringBuffer, int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends part of a string buffer to this string builder.
append(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends a StringBuilder to this string builder.
append(StringBuilder, int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends part of a StringBuilder to this string builder.
append(String, int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends part of a string to this string builder.
append(String, Object...) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Calls String.format(String, Object...) and appends the result.
append(CharBuffer) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends the contents of a char buffer to this string builder.
append(CharBuffer, int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends the contents of a char buffer to this string builder.
appendAll(Iterable<?>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends each item in an iterable to the builder without any separators.
appendAll(Iterator<?>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends each item in an iterator to the builder without any separators.
appendAll(T...) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends each item in an array to the builder without any separators.
appendChild(String, VariableID) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.VariableProcessor
appendFixedWidthPadLeft(int, int, char) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends an object to the builder padding on the left to a fixed width.
appendFixedWidthPadLeft(Object, int, char) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends an object to the builder padding on the left to a fixed width.
appendFixedWidthPadRight(int, int, char) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends an object to the builder padding on the right to a fixed length.
appendFixedWidthPadRight(Object, int, char) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends an object to the builder padding on the right to a fixed length.
appendln(boolean) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends a boolean value followed by a new line to the string builder.
appendln(char) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends a char value followed by a new line to the string builder.
appendln(char[]) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends a char array followed by a new line to the string builder.
appendln(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends a char array followed by a new line to the string builder.
appendln(double) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends a double value followed by a new line to the string builder using String.valueOf.
appendln(float) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends a float value followed by a new line to the string builder using String.valueOf.
appendln(int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends an int value followed by a new line to the string builder using String.valueOf.
appendln(long) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends a long value followed by a new line to the string builder using String.valueOf.
appendln(TextStringBuilder) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends another string builder followed by a new line to this string builder.
appendln(TextStringBuilder, int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends part of a string builder followed by a new line to this string builder.
appendln(Object) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends an object followed by a new line to this string builder.
appendln(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends a string followed by a new line to this string builder.
appendln(StringBuffer) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends a string buffer followed by a new line to this string builder.
appendln(StringBuffer, int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends part of a string buffer followed by a new line to this string builder.
appendln(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends a string builder followed by a new line to this string builder.
appendln(StringBuilder, int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends part of a string builder followed by a new line to this string builder.
appendln(String, int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends part of a string followed by a new line to this string builder.
appendln(String, Object...) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Calls String.format(String, Object...) and appends the result.
appendNewLine() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends the new line string to this string builder.
appendNull() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends the text representing null to this string builder.
appendPadding(int, char) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends the pad character to the builder the specified number of times.
appendSeparator(char) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends a separator if the builder is currently non-empty.
appendSeparator(char, char) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Append one of both separators to the builder If the builder is currently empty it will append the defaultIfEmpty-separator Otherwise it will append the standard-separator
appendSeparator(char, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends a separator to the builder if the loop index is greater than zero.
appendSeparator(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends a separator if the builder is currently non-empty.
appendSeparator(String, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends a separator to the builder if the loop index is greater than zero.
appendSeparator(String, String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends one of both separators to the StrBuilder.
appendTo(Appendable) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends current contents of this StrBuilder to the provided Appendable.
appendVariable(String, Variable) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.VariableProcessor
appendWithSeparators(Iterable<?>, String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends an iterable placing separators between each value, but not before the first or after the last.
appendWithSeparators(Object[], String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends an array placing separators between each value, but not before the first or after the last.
appendWithSeparators(Iterator<?>, String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Appends an iterator placing separators between each value, but not before the first or after the last.
args() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.tracepoint.ITracepoint
Get the args for the tracepoint.
ArrayIterator<T> - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils
An iterator that will iterate an array.
ArrayIterator(T[]) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.ArrayIterator
ArrayObjectIterator - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils
An iterator that will iterate an array, but does so using the Array class.
ArrayObjectIterator(Object) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.ArrayObjectIterator
asReader() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Gets the contents of this builder as a Reader.
assertContains(Collection<T>, AssertUtils.ICompareFunction<T>) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.tests.AssertUtils
Assert that a collection contains an item that matches the function.
AssertUtils - Class in com.intergral.deep.tests
AssertUtils() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.tests.AssertUtils
AssertUtils.ICompareFunction<T> - Interface in com.intergral.deep.tests
asWriter() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Gets this builder as a Writer that can be written to.
attempt() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.ShippedToolsJarProvider
attributeByName(String, Snapshot) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.tests.snapshot.SnapshotUtils
await() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.tests.ResettableCountDownLatch
await(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.tests.ResettableCountDownLatch
awaitAPI() - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.api.DeepAPILoader
When we start Deep via the config, (ie not as a javaagent) we need to await the start.
awaitLoadAPI() - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.AgentImpl
await the load of the dep api.


BaseTest - Class in com.intergral.deep.examples
BaseTest() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.examples.BaseTest
BasicAuthProvider - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.auth
This is an IAuthProvider that will attach basic authorization to the outbound requests.
BasicAuthProvider() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.auth.BasicAuthProvider
breadthFirstSearch(Node, Node.IConsumer) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.bfs.Node
Start the breadth first search of the nodes.
build() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.Builder
Returns a reference to the object being constructed or result being calculated by the builder.
build() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Implement the Builder interface.
build(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.settings.Settings
Build a new settings service from the input arguments from the agent.
Builder<T> - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string
The Builder interface is designed to designate a class as a builder object in the Builder design pattern.
ByteClassLoader - Class in com.intergral.deep.tests.inst
ByteClassLoader() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.tests.inst.ByteClassLoader


callback(long, long) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.poll.ITimerTask
This method is called after the ITimerTask.run(long) method to allow performance tracking.
callback(long, long) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.poll.LongPollService
callBack(List<String>, String, int, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.Callback
The main entry point for non CF ASM injected breakpoints.
callBack(List<String>, String, int, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class java.com.intergral.deep.ProxyCallback
The main entry point for non CF ASM injected breakpoints.
Callback - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler
This type is the main entry point that is used to callback from injected code.
CALLBACK_CLASS - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.asm.Visitor
callBackCF(List<String>, String, int, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.Callback
The main entry point for CF ASM injected breakpoints.
callBackCF(List<String>, String, int, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class java.com.intergral.deep.ProxyCallback
The main entry point for CF ASM injected breakpoints.
callBackException(Throwable) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.Callback
This is called when an exception is captured on the visited line.
callBackException(Throwable) - Static method in class java.com.intergral.deep.ProxyCallback
This is called when an exception is caught on a wrapped line, this is not always called.
callBackFinally(List<String>, String, int, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.Callback
This is called when the visited line is completed.
callBackFinally(List<String>, String, int, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class java.com.intergral.deep.ProxyCallback
This is called when the visited line is completed.
callConstructor(Constructor<?>, Object...) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.reflection.IReflection
Call a constructor with the arguments.
callConstructor(Constructor<?>, Object...) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.reflect.ReflectionImpl
callField(Object, Field) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.reflection.IReflection
Call a field on a target.
callField(Object, Field) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.reflect.ReflectionImpl
callMethod(Object, String, Object...) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.reflection.IReflection
Call a method on the target object.
callMethod(Object, String, Object...) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.reflect.ReflectionImpl
canCollect() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameProcessor
Using the FrameProcessor.tracePointConfigs can we collect any data at this point.
canFire(long) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
Check if this tracepoint can fire.
capacity() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Gets the current size of the internal character array buffer.
CAPTURE - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.WatchResult
Watch source is CAPTURE.
CFClassScanner - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst
Scans the classes for CF classes we want to modify.
CFClassScanner(Map<String, TracePointConfig>) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.CFClassScanner
CFEvaluator - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.cf
The evaluator to use when running a CF Callback.
CFEvaluator(Object, Method) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.cf.CFEvaluator
CFEvaluator.Loader - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.cf
The loader to use when executing a CF Callback.
CFFrameProcessor - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.cf
We want to map the variables from the Java variables to the CF variables.
CFFrameProcessor(Settings, IEvaluator, Map<String, Object>, Collection<TracePointConfig>, long[], StackTraceElement[], String) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.cf.CFFrameProcessor
CFPlugin - Class in com.intergral.deep.plugin.cf
This plugin is activated when we are running on an adobe CF server.
CFPlugin() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.plugin.cf.CFPlugin
CFUtils - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.cf
Utilities to help with CF related item.
charAt(int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Gets the character at the specified index.
charMatcher(char) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringMatcherFactory
Constructor that creates a matcher from a character.
checkDepth(int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.VariableProcessor
checkForEarlyWake(long, long) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.poll.DriftAwareThread
checkId(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.VariableProcessor
checkVarCount() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.VariableProcessor
ClassInfo - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.asm
We need to load classes without loading classes, so we have this type that lets us do this.
ClassInfo(String, ClassLoader, ClassReader) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.asm.ClassInfo
Create a new Class Info.
ClassInfoNotFoundException - Exception in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.asm
Used to indicate that a ClassInfo could not be loaded for a give type.
ClassInfoNotFoundException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.asm.ClassInfoNotFoundException
ClassInfoNotFoundException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.asm.ClassInfoNotFoundException
ClassLoaderAwareClassWriter - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.asm
ClassLoaderAwareClassWriter(ClassReader, int, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.asm.ClassLoaderAwareClassWriter
clear() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Clears the string builder (convenience Collections API style method).
close() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameConfig
When we have finished processing all the tracepoints we close the config to set the final config for this callback.
close() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.EventSnapshot
Close the snapshot to prevent further changes.
closeLookup() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.VariableProcessor
coerc(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.settings.Settings
Coerce a value into a given type.
collect() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameProcessor
Collect the data into EventSnapshot.
COLLECT - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
This is the default collection type and tells Deep to collect and send the snapshot.
com.intergral.deep - package com.intergral.deep
com.intergral.deep.agent - package com.intergral.deep.agent
com.intergral.deep.agent.api - package com.intergral.deep.agent.api
com.intergral.deep.agent.api.auth - package com.intergral.deep.agent.api.auth
com.intergral.deep.agent.api.hook - package com.intergral.deep.agent.api.hook
com.intergral.deep.agent.api.logger - package com.intergral.deep.agent.api.logger
com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin - package com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin
com.intergral.deep.agent.api.reflection - package com.intergral.deep.agent.api.reflection
com.intergral.deep.agent.api.resource - package com.intergral.deep.agent.api.resource
com.intergral.deep.agent.api.settings - package com.intergral.deep.agent.api.settings
com.intergral.deep.agent.api.spi - package com.intergral.deep.agent.api.spi
com.intergral.deep.agent.api.tracepoint - package com.intergral.deep.agent.api.tracepoint
com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils - package com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils
com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string - package com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string
com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.lookup - package com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.lookup
com.intergral.deep.agent.grpc - package com.intergral.deep.agent.grpc
com.intergral.deep.agent.logging - package com.intergral.deep.agent.logging
com.intergral.deep.agent.plugins - package com.intergral.deep.agent.plugins
com.intergral.deep.agent.poll - package com.intergral.deep.agent.poll
com.intergral.deep.agent.push - package com.intergral.deep.agent.push
com.intergral.deep.agent.resource - package com.intergral.deep.agent.resource
com.intergral.deep.agent.settings - package com.intergral.deep.agent.settings
com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint - package com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint
com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.cf - package com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.cf
com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.evaluator - package com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.evaluator
com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler - package com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler
com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.bfs - package com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.bfs
com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst - package com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst
com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.asm - package com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.asm
com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp - package com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp
com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap - package com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap
com.intergral.deep.agent.types - package com.intergral.deep.agent.types
com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot - package com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot
com.intergral.deep.api - package com.intergral.deep.api
com.intergral.deep.examples - package com.intergral.deep.examples
com.intergral.deep.plugin - package com.intergral.deep.plugin
com.intergral.deep.plugin.cf - package com.intergral.deep.plugin.cf
com.intergral.deep.reflect - package com.intergral.deep.reflect
com.intergral.deep.tests - package com.intergral.deep.tests
com.intergral.deep.tests.grpc - package com.intergral.deep.tests.grpc
com.intergral.deep.tests.inst - package com.intergral.deep.tests.inst
com.intergral.deep.tests.snapshot - package com.intergral.deep.tests.snapshot
compare(T) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.tests.AssertUtils.ICompareFunction
CompositeClassScanner - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst
A collection of scanners to run to collect classes to modify.
CompositeClassScanner() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.CompositeClassScanner
CompoundIterator<T> - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils
An iterator that can iterate across multiple iterators.
CompoundIterator(Iterator<T>...) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.CompoundIterator
COMPUTE_ON_CLASS_VERSION - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.TracepointInstrumentationService
CONDITION - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
The condition that has to be 'truthy' for this tracepoint to fire.
ConditionalResourceProvider - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.spi
A resource provider that is only applied if the ConditionalResourceProvider.shouldApply(ISettings, Resource) method returns true.
config() - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.Deep
This is the main point to start with deep.
configUpdate(long, String, Collection<TracePointConfig>) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.ITracepointConfig
This indicates that the config from the servers has changed, and we should inform the instrumentation services.
configUpdate(long, String, Collection<TracePointConfig>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.TracepointConfigService
configure(ISettings, IReflection) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.auth.BasicAuthProvider
configure(ISettings, IReflection) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.spi.IDeepPlugin
This allows for the plugin to retain a reference to the settings for Deep and allows access to the IReflection service to perform reflection operations.
configureLogging(Settings) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.logging.Logger
Create and configure the java.util.logger for use with deep.
configureResource(Settings, List<IDeepPlugin>) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.resource.ResourceDetector
Create and configure a resource for this agent.
configureSelf() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameProcessor
Using the FrameProcessor.filteredTracepoints update the config to reflect the collection config for this Callback.
configureSelf(Iterable<TracePointConfig>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.VariableProcessor
We need to configure the VariableProcessor.frameConfig based on the tracepoints we are capturing.
contains(char) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Checks if the string builder contains the specified char.
contains(StringMatcher) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Checks if the string builder contains a string matched using the specified matcher.
contains(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Checks if the string builder contains the specified string.
contextKey() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.tests.grpc.TestInterceptor
convertToGrpc(EventSnapshot) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.push.PushUtils
Convert an internal snapshot into a grpc snapshot.
convertVarLookup(Map<String, Variable>) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.push.PushUtils
Convert a variable lookup into grpc variables.
countDown() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.tests.ResettableCountDownLatch
counter(String, Map<String, Object>, String, String, String, Double) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.IMetricProcessor
Process a counter type metric.
counter(String, Map<String, Object>, String, String, String, Double) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.plugin.OtelPlugin
counter(String, Map<String, Object>, String, String, String, Double) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.plugin.PrometheusMetricsPlugin
covertVariables(Collection<VariableID>) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.push.PushUtils
create(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.resource.Resource
Returns a Resource.
create(Map<String, Object>, String) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.resource.Resource
Returns a Resource.
createEvaluator() - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.evaluator.EvaluatorService
Create an evaluator.
createResource(ISettings) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.spi.ResourceProvider
createResource(ISettings) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.resource.EnvironmentResourceProvider
createResource(ISettings) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.resource.JavaResourceDetector
createSpan(String) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.ITraceProvider
Create and return a new span.
createSpan(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.plugin.OtelPlugin
currentHash() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.ITracepointConfig
Get the hash of the config last used to update the config.
currentHash() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.TracepointConfigService
currentSpan() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.ITraceProvider
Get the current span from the underlying provider.
currentSpan() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.plugin.OtelPlugin
currentTimeNanos() - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.Utils
Get the current time in mills and nanoseconds from epoch


decorate(ISettings, ISnapshotContext) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.ISnapshotDecorator
This method is called by Deep after a snapshot is created.
decorate(ISettings, ISnapshotContext) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.examples.MyPlugin
decorate(ISettings, ISnapshotContext) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.plugin.cf.CFPlugin
decorate(ISettings, ISnapshotContext) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.plugin.JavaPlugin
decorate(ISettings, ISnapshotContext) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.plugin.OtelPlugin
Deep - Class in com.intergral.deep
This is the main entry point to deep when using the API.
Deep() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.Deep
DeepAgent - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent
This is the agent that is provided via the API, and is what holds all deep together.
DeepAgent(Settings, TracepointInstrumentationService) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.DeepAgent
Create a new deep agent.
DeepAPI - Class in com.intergral.deep.api
This type provides helper methods to get the api and other exposed APIs from deep.
DeepAPI() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.api.DeepAPI
DeepAPILoader - Class in com.intergral.deep.api
This is a utility class that allows loading the Deep API.
DeepConfigBuilder - Class in com.intergral.deep
Builder to create deep config.
DeepConfigBuilder() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.DeepConfigBuilder
DeepLoader - Class in com.intergral.deep
Custom loader to attach deep to the running process.
DeepLoader() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.DeepLoader
DeepRuntimeException - Exception in com.intergral.deep.agent.api
A general exception used by deep to throw RuntimeException.
DeepRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception com.intergral.deep.agent.api.DeepRuntimeException
Create a new exception with a message.
DeepRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.intergral.deep.agent.api.DeepRuntimeException
Create a new exception with a message and cause.
deepService() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.hook.IDeepHook
Get the deep service from the agent.
DeepVersion - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.api
DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.resource.Resource
DEFAULT_ESCAPE - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Constant for the default escape character.
DEFAULT_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Constant for the default variable prefix.
DEFAULT_SUFFIX - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Constant for the default variable suffix.
DEFAULT_VALUE_DELIMITER - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Constant for the default value delimiter of a variable.
delete(int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Deletes the characters between the two specified indices.
deleteAll(char) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Deletes the character wherever it occurs in the builder.
deleteAll(StringMatcher) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Deletes all parts of the builder that the matcher matches.
deleteAll(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Deletes the string wherever it occurs in the builder.
deleteCharAt(int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Deletes the character at the specified index.
deleteFirst(char) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Deletes the character wherever it occurs in the builder.
deleteFirst(StringMatcher) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Deletes the first match within the builder using the specified matcher.
deleteFirst(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Deletes the string wherever it occurs in the builder.
depth() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.bfs.Node
DriftAwareThread - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.poll
A thread that can run a ITimerTask accounting for drifting time.
DriftAwareThread(String, ITimerTask, long) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.poll.DriftAwareThread
Create a new thread.


endsWith(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Checks whether this builder ends with the specified string.
endsWithIgnoreCase(String, String) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.Utils
Check if a string ends with a value, ignoring the case.
ensureCapacity(int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Checks the capacity and ensures that it is at least the size specified.
EnvironmentResourceProvider - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.resource
This provider will read values from the environment to configure a resource.
EnvironmentResourceProvider() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.resource.EnvironmentResourceProvider
equals(TextStringBuilder) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Checks the contents of this builder against another to see if they contain the same character content.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.MetricDefinition
equals(Object) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.MetricDefinition.Label
equals(Object) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Checks the contents of this builder against another to see if they contain the same character content.
equalsIgnoreCase(TextStringBuilder) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Checks the contents of this builder against another to see if they contain the same character content ignoring case.
error() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.WatchResult
estimatedClassRoot(TracePointConfig) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.TracepointUtils
We normally get set the source file name, we need to convert this to a Java class name.
evaluate(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.AbstractEvaluator
evaluate(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.IEvaluator
Evaluate an expression as a boolean response.
evaluateExpression(String) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.ISnapshotContext
Evaluate an expression in the frame of the tracepoint that triggered this snapshot.
evaluateExpression(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameProcessor
Evaluate an expression in the frame of the tracepoint that triggered this snapshot.
evaluateExpression(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.IEvaluator
Evaluate an expression to the value.
evaluateExpression(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.LazyEvaluator
evaluateExpression(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.cf.CFEvaluator
evaluateExpression(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.evaluator.NashornReflectEvaluator
evaluateWatchExpression(String, String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameCollector
Evaluate a watch expression into a FrameCollector.IExpressionResult.
EvaluationException - Exception in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin
This exception is thrown when a plugin tried to evaluate an expression that fails.
EvaluationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.EvaluationException
Create a new exception.
evaluator - Variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameCollector
The evaluator that should be used by this callback.
EvaluatorService - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.evaluator
General wrapper around non CF evaluators.
EventSnapshot - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot
Describes the captured data.
EventSnapshot(TracePointConfig, long, Resource, Collection<StackFrame>, Map<String, Variable>) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.EventSnapshot
Create a new EventSnapshot.
expression() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.WatchResult
externalClassName(String) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.InstUtils
Get the external class name.


fileName(String) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.InstUtils
Get the name of the file from the path.
FileSection - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap
FileSection() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.FileSection
FileSectionEntry - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap
FileSectionEntry(int, String) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.FileSectionEntry
FileSectionEntry(int, String, String) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.FileSectionEntry
findCfEval(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.cf.CFUtils
Find the evaluator to use for CF.
findClass(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.tests.inst.ByteClassLoader
findConstructor(Class<?>, Class<?>...) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.reflection.IReflection
Find a constructor on the given class.
findConstructor(Class<?>, Class<?>...) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.reflect.ReflectionImpl
findMethod(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.reflection.IReflection
Scan the hierarchy of the input class for a method with the given name.
findMethod(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.reflect.ReflectionImpl
findPage(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.cf.CFUtils
Find the page object.
findPageContext(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.cf.CFUtils
Find the page context for cf.
findUdfName(Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.cf.CFUtils
CF doesn't use the java method name, so we look for the UDF method name in the variables.
findVarByName(String, Snapshot) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.tests.snapshot.SnapshotUtils
Scan a snapshot for a variable with the given name.
findVarByName(String, Collection<VariableID>, Map<String, Variable>) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.tests.snapshot.SnapshotUtils
Scan a snapshot for a variable with a given name.
findVarByPath(String, Snapshot) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.tests.snapshot.SnapshotUtils
FIRE_COUNT - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
The number of times this tracepoint should fire.
FIRE_PERIOD - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
The minimum time between successive triggers, in ms.
fired(long) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
forFile(String) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.tests.inst.ByteClassLoader
found() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.tests.snapshot.SnapshotUtils.IVariableScan
FrameCollector - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler
This type allows the collection of frame data, ie stack frames, watchers and other tracepoint data.
FrameCollector(Settings, IEvaluator, Map<String, Object>, StackTraceElement[], String) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameCollector
Create a frame collector to collect the frame data.
FrameCollector.IExpressionResult - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler
The result of evaluating an expression.
FrameCollector.IFrameResult - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler
The result of processing the frames.
FrameCollector.ILogProcessResult - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler
The result of processing the tracepoint log message.
frameConfig - Variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.VariableProcessor
Some config values from the triggered tracepoints affect all tracepoints at the point of collection.
FrameConfig - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler
This config holds the general config to use when processing a callback.
FrameConfig() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameConfig
FrameProcessor - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler
This type deals with matching tracepoints to the current state and working out if we can collect the data.
FrameProcessor(Settings, IEvaluator, Map<String, Object>, Collection<TracePointConfig>, long[], StackTraceElement[], String) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameProcessor
Create a new processor for this Callback.
FrameProcessor.IFactory - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler
This defines a functional interface to allow for creating difference processors in the Callback.
frames() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameCollector.IFrameResult
frameTypeOrdinal(String) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
Get the ordinal for the frame type to allow for sorting.
fromArg(String) - Static method in enum com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig.EStage
Convert a string into the equivalent TracePointConfig.EStage value.


gauge(String, Map<String, Object>, String, String, String, Double) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.IMetricProcessor
Process a gauge type metric.
gauge(String, Map<String, Object>, String, String, String, Double) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.plugin.OtelPlugin
gauge(String, Map<String, Object>, String, String, String, Double) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.plugin.PrometheusMetricsPlugin
get() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.IRegistration
Get the registered item.
get(int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.FileSection
getArg(String, Class<T>, T) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
Get an argument from the tracepoint.
getArgs() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
Get the tracepoint args.
getAsList(String) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.settings.ISettings
Get the property as a list.
getAsList(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.settings.Settings
Get the value as a list.
getAttributes() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.resource.Resource
Returns a map of attributes that describe the resource.
getAttributes() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.EventSnapshot
getBytes(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.tests.inst.ByteClassLoader
getChars(char[]) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Copies the character array into the specified array.
getChars(int, int, char[], int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Copies the character array into the specified array.
getChildren() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.Variable
getClassName() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.StackFrame
getCommonSuperClass(String, String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.asm.ClassLoaderAwareClassWriter
getCondition() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
Get the tracepoint condition.
getCount() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.tests.ResettableCountDownLatch
getDebug() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.SmapUtils.Visitor
getDurationNanos() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.EventSnapshot
getEnd() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.SourceMapLineStartEnd
getEscapeChar() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Returns the escape character.
getExpression() - Method in exception com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.EvaluationException
Get the expression.
getExpression() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.MetricDefinition
getExpression() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.MetricDefinition.Label
getField(Object, String) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.reflection.IReflection
Get a filed from the target.
getField(Object, String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.reflect.ReflectionImpl
getFieldIterator(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.reflection.IReflection
Get an iterator that will iterator over all the available fields on the given class.
getFieldIterator(Class<?>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.reflect.ReflectionImpl
getFieldValue(Object, String) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.reflection.IReflection
Get a field from an object.
getFieldValue(Object, String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.reflect.ReflectionImpl
getFilename() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.SourceMapLookup
getFileName() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.StackFrame
getFilenames() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.FileSection
getFilenames() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.SourceMap
getFileSection() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.StratumSection
getFilteredTracepoints() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameProcessor
getFireCount() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
Get the tracepoint fire count.
getFrames() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.EventSnapshot
getFrameType() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
Get the tracepoint frame type.
getFrameVariables() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.StackFrame
getHelp() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.MetricDefinition
getId() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.FileSectionEntry
getId() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.VariableID
getId() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
Get the tracepoint id.
getID() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.EventSnapshot
getIdentityCode() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.Variable
getInputStartLine() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.LineSectionEntry
getInstance() - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.Reflection
Get the active version of reflection to use.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.Deep
This will create an instance of DEEP allowing access to the APIs from inside deep agent.
getJavaVersion() - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.Utils
Get the current version of Java running in this JVM.
getKey() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.MetricDefinition.Label
getLabels() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.MetricDefinition
getLineFileID() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.LineSectionEntry
getLineNo() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.JSPMappedBreakpoint
getLineNo() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
Get the tracepoint line number.
getLineNumber() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.SourceMapLookup
getLineNumber() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.StackFrame
getLineSection() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.StratumSection
getLineStart() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameProcessor
getLocation(ProtectionDomain) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.TracepointInstrumentationService
getLogMsg() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.EventSnapshot
getMap(String) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.settings.ISettings
Get the property as a map.
getMap(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.settings.Settings
getMethodName() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.StackFrame
getMethodName(StackTraceElement, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.cf.CFFrameProcessor
getMethodName(StackTraceElement, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameCollector
Get the method name from the stack frame.
getMetricDefinitions() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
Get the tracepoint metric definitions.
getModifiers() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.bfs.Node.NodeValue
getModifiers() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.VariableID
getModifiers(Field) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.reflection.IReflection
Get the modifier names of a field.
getModifiers(Field) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.reflect.ReflectionImpl
getName() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.MetricDefinition
getName() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.bfs.Node.NodeValue
getName() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.StratumSection
getName() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.VariableID
getNamespace() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.MetricDefinition
getNanoTs() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.EventSnapshot
getNewLineText() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Gets the text to be appended when a new line is added.
getNullText() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Gets the text to be appended when null is added.
getOriginalName() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.bfs.Node.NodeValue
getOriginalName() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.VariableID
getOutputLineIncrement() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.LineSectionEntry
getOutputStartLine() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.LineSectionEntry
getParent() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.bfs.Node
getPath() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
Get the tracepoint path.
getPlugin(Class<T>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.settings.Settings
Get the first plugin that matches the given type.
getPluginByName(Class<T>, String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.settings.Settings
Get the plugin that is on the provided type and has the given name.
getPlugins() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.settings.Settings
Get all configured plugins.
getPlugins(Class<T>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.settings.Settings
Get all plugins of the provided type.
getRepeatCount() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.LineSectionEntry
getResource() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.settings.ISettings
Returns the resource that describes this client.
getResource() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.settings.Settings
getResource() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.EventSnapshot
getSchemaUrl() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.resource.Resource
Returns the URL of the OpenTelemetry schema used by this resource.
getServiceHost() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.settings.Settings
Get the deep service host name.
getServicePort() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.settings.Settings
Get the deep service port number.
getSettingAs(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.settings.ISettings
Get a setting from the config as a given type.
getSettingAs(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.settings.Settings
getSource() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.SmapUtils.Visitor
getSource() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.WatchResult
getSourceMap(byte[]) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.JSPUtils
Load the source map for this class file.
getSourceMap(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.JSPUtils
Load a source map for the given class.
getSourceName() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.FileSectionEntry
getSourcePath() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.FileSectionEntry
getStackType() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
Get the tracepoint stack type.
getStart() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.SourceMapLineStartEnd
getStringLookup() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Gets the StringLookup that is used to lookup variables.
getTracepoint() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.EventSnapshot
getTracepointLogger() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.settings.Settings
Get the current tracepoint logger.
getTranspiledFile() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.StackFrame
getTranspiledLine() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.StackFrame
getType() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.MetricDefinition
getType() - Method in exception com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.asm.ClassInfoNotFoundException
getUnit() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.MetricDefinition
getValString() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.Variable
getValue() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.MetricDefinition.Label
getValue() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.bfs.Node
getValue() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.bfs.Node.NodeValue
getValueDelimiterMatcher() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Gets the variable default value delimiter matcher currently in use.
getVariableId() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.VariableProcessor.VariableResponse
getVariablePrefixMatcher() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Gets the variable prefix matcher currently in use.
getVariableSuffixMatcher() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Gets the variable suffix matcher currently in use.
getVarLookup() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.EventSnapshot
getVarType() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.Variable
getVersion() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.IDeep
Get the version of deep being used.
getVersion() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.DeepAgent
getWatches() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.EventSnapshot
getWatches() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
Get the tracepoint watches.
goodResult() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.WatchResult
GrpcService - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.grpc
This service handles the grpc channel and attaching the metadata to the outbound services.
GrpcService(Settings) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.grpc.GrpcService
guessSource(String) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.cf.CFUtils
When running on Lucee servers we can guess the source from the class name.


hashCode() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.MetricDefinition
hashCode() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.MetricDefinition.Label
hashCode() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Gets a suitable hash code for this builder.
hasNext() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.ArrayIterator
hasNext() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.ArrayObjectIterator
hasNext() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.CompoundIterator
histogram(String, Map<String, Object>, String, String, String, Double) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.IMetricProcessor
Process a histogram type metric.
histogram(String, Map<String, Object>, String, String, String, Double) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.plugin.OtelPlugin
histogram(String, Map<String, Object>, String, String, String, Double) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.plugin.PrometheusMetricsPlugin


IAuthProvider - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.auth
Allows for custom auth providers to be configured.
IClassScanner - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst
Used to define a method to scan the loaded classes.
IConditional - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.spi
This interface allows an instance of IDeepPlugin to only be loaded based on a condition.
id() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.tracepoint.ITracepoint
The generated ID for the tracepoint.
IDeep - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.api
This type describes the main API for Deep.
IDeepHook - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.hook
This type is used to pass an object from the agent to the API.
IDeepLoader - Interface in com.intergral.deep.api
This is how Deep is to be loaded, default provider is in the 'deep' module.
IDeepPlugin - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.spi
This type defines a plugin for Deep.
IDUtils - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent
Utilities related to snapshot ids.
IEvaluator - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin
This defines an evaluator, and evaluator is used to evaluate expression at runtime.
IMetricProcessor - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin
This type defines a processor for metrics.
indexOf(char) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Searches the string builder to find the first reference to the specified char.
indexOf(char, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Searches the string builder to find the first reference to the specified char.
indexOf(StringMatcher) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Searches the string builder using the matcher to find the first match.
indexOf(StringMatcher, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Searches the string builder using the matcher to find the first match searching from the given index.
indexOf(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Searches the string builder to find the first reference to the specified string.
indexOf(String, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Searches the string builder to find the first reference to the specified string starting searching from the given index.
init(Settings, TracepointConfigService, PushService) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.Callback
Initialise the callback with the deep services.
init(Instrumentation, Settings) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.TracepointInstrumentationService
Initialise the tracepoint service with the deep services.
insert(int, boolean) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Inserts the value into this builder.
insert(int, char) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Inserts the value into this builder.
insert(int, char[]) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Inserts the character array into this builder.
insert(int, char[], int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Inserts part of the character array into this builder.
insert(int, double) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Inserts the value into this builder.
insert(int, float) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Inserts the value into this builder.
insert(int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Inserts the value into this builder.
insert(int, long) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Inserts the value into this builder.
insert(int, Object) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Inserts the string representation of an object into this builder.
insert(int, String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Inserts the string into this builder.
InsnPrinter() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.asm.Visitor.InsnPrinter
installedTracepoints - Variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.TracepointConfigService
INSTANCE - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringMatcherFactory
Defines the singleton for this class.
InstUtils - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst
Utilities to help with instrumentation.
interceptCall(ServerCall<ReqT, RespT>, Metadata, ServerCallHandler<ReqT, RespT>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.tests.grpc.TestInterceptor
internalClass(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.InstUtils
Get the internal class name.
internalClass(String) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.InstUtils
Get the internal class name.
internalClassStripInner(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.InstUtils
Convert the class name to the internal class name, remove any inner class names.
internalClassStripInner(String) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.InstUtils
Convert the class name to the internal class name, remove any inner class names.
InvalidConfigException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.intergral.deep.agent.settings.Settings.InvalidConfigException
InvalidConfigException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.intergral.deep.agent.settings.Settings.InvalidConfigException
IReflection - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.reflection
This type exposes helpful reflection methods.
IRegistration<T> - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.api
This is a generic interface from the result of a registration.
isActive() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.spi.IConditional
Should determine if the plugin is active.
isActive() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.settings.Settings
Is deep currently active.
isActive() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.plugin.cf.CFPlugin
isActive() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.plugin.OtelPlugin
isActive() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.plugin.PrometheusMetricsPlugin
isAppFrame() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.StackFrame
isAppFrame(StackTraceElement) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.cf.CFFrameProcessor
isAppFrame(StackTraceElement) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameCollector
An app frame is defined via the settings ISettings.APP_FRAMES_INCLUDES and ISettings.APP_FRAMES_EXCLUDES.
isCfClass(String) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.cf.CFUtils
Is this class a possible cf class.
isCFFile(String) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.cf.CFUtils
Is the file a possible CF file.
isCfRaw() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameConfig
Is this frame set to cf raw.
isCFServer() - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.plugin.cf.Utils
Are we running on a CF server.
isCollection() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.bfs.Node.IParent
isComplete() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.CFClassScanner
isComplete() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.CompositeClassScanner
isComplete() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.IClassScanner
Is this class scanner complete.
isComplete() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.JSPClassScanner
isComplete() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.SetClassScanner
isDisabled(Class<?>, Set<String>, Set<String>) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.resource.ResourceDetector
Check if a class is disabled based on the list of enabled and disabled classes.
isDisableSubstitutionInValues() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Returns a flag whether substitution is disabled in variable values.If set to true, the values of variables can contain other variables will not be processed and substituted original variable is evaluated, e.g.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Checks is the string builder is empty (convenience Collections API style method).
isEnabled() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.IDeep
Get the current state of deep.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.DeepAgent
isEnableSubstitutionInVariables() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Returns a flag whether substitution is done in variable names.
isError() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameCollector.IExpressionResult
isError() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.WatchResult
ISettings - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.settings
The exposed API for the Deep settings.
isExcludedClass(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.asm.TransformerUtils
Is the class excluded from transformation.
isExcludedClass(String) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.asm.TransformerUtils
Is the class excluded from transformation.
isJspClass(String, List<String>, String) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.JSPUtils
Is this class a jsp class.
isLucee(Object) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.cf.CFUtils
Are we a lucee page.
isMatch(char[], int, int, int) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringMatcher
Returns the number of matching characters, zero for no match.
ISnapshotContext - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin
This is the context passed to plugins.
ISnapshotDecorator - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin
This type allows a plugin to provide additional attributes to captured snapshots.
isNativeFrame() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.StackFrame
isNoCollect() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameConfig
isPreserveEscapes() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Returns the flag controlling whether escapes are preserved during substitution.
isTruncated() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.Variable
iterator() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.LineSection
ITimerTask - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.poll
A task to run in the timer.
ITracepoint - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.tracepoint
This type describes a tracepoint that has been attached via code, using IDeep.registerTracepoint(String, int).
ITracepoint.ITracepointRegistration - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.tracepoint
Defines the tracepoint registration.
ITracepointConfig - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint
This is the interface to the config services.
ITracepointLogger - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.logger
Tracepoint logger is used to log the result of an injected log message.
ITraceProvider - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin
This type can be used to connect Deep to a trace provider.
ITraceProvider.ISpan - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin
This type describes a span for Deep to use as a dynamic Span, it gives a common interface for all ITraceProvider's.


java.com.intergral.deep - package java.com.intergral.deep
Java9ReflectionImpl - Class in com.intergral.deep.reflect
The version of reflection that deals with modules.
Java9ReflectionImpl() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.reflect.Java9ReflectionImpl
JavaPlugin - Class in com.intergral.deep.plugin
This plugin captures the thread name of the thread the snapshot was cpatured on.
JavaPlugin() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.plugin.JavaPlugin
JavaResourceDetector - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.resource
A resource provider that detects the hava version to add to the resource.
JavaResourceDetector() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.resource.JavaResourceDetector
JSP_PACKAGES - Static variable in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.settings.ISettings
It is possible to put compiled JSP classes into specified packages, some versions put this in a jsp package, some use org.apache.jsp (newer).
JSP_SUFFIX - Static variable in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.settings.ISettings
To let us calculate the class and file names for JSP classes we need to know the JSP suffix that is being used by monitored service.
JSPClassScanner - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst
This scanner is meant to find JSP classes that have tracepoints.
JSPClassScanner(Map<String, TracePointConfig>, String, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.JSPClassScanner
Create a new JSP scanner.
JSPMappedBreakpoint - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp
This is a simple wrapper of the tracepoint config with the mapped line we need to use.
JSPMappedBreakpoint(TracePointConfig, int) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.JSPMappedBreakpoint
JSPUtils - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp
Utilities for JSP classes.


KEY_AUTH_PROVIDER - Static variable in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.settings.ISettings
This is the settings key for the configured auth provider.
KEY_ENABLED - Static variable in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.settings.ISettings
This is the setting key for enabling or disabling deep.
KEY_SERVICE_SECURE - Static variable in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.settings.ISettings
This is the setting key for the service secure setting.
KEY_SERVICE_URL - Static variable in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.settings.ISettings
This is the setting key for the service url.


Label(String, Object, String) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.MetricDefinition.Label
Create a new label for a metric.
lastIndexOf(char) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Searches the string builder to find the last reference to the specified char.
lastIndexOf(char, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Searches the string builder to find the last reference to the specified char.
lastIndexOf(StringMatcher) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Searches the string builder using the matcher to find the last match.
lastIndexOf(StringMatcher, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Searches the string builder using the matcher to find the last match searching from the given index.
lastIndexOf(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Searches the string builder to find the last reference to the specified string.
lastIndexOf(String, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Searches the string builder to find the last reference to the specified string starting searching from the given index.
lastUpdate() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.TracepointConfigService
LazyEvaluator - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin
This type allows the evaluator to be loaded only if it is needed.
LazyEvaluator(LazyEvaluator.IEvaluatorLoader) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.LazyEvaluator
LazyEvaluator.IEvaluatorLoader - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin
This type allows us to lazy load an evaluator when it is first used.
leftString(int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Extracts the leftmost characters from the string builder without throwing an exception.
length() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Gets the length of the string builder.
line() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.tracepoint.ITracepoint
Get the tracepoint line number.
LINE - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
This is used for SPAN type.
LINE_CAPTURE - com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig.EStage
LINE_CAPTURE - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
LINE_END - com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig.EStage
LINE_END - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
LINE_START - com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig.EStage
LINE_START - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
LineSection - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap
LineSection() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.LineSection
LineSectionEntry - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap
LineSectionEntry(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.LineSectionEntry
load() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.LazyEvaluator.IEvaluatorLoader
Load the evaluator.
load() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.cf.CFEvaluator.Loader
load(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.api.IDeepLoader
Load the Deep agent into the provided process id.
load(String, String, String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.DeepLoader
loadBytes(String) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.tests.inst.ByteClassLoader
loadCfTracepoints(String, Map<String, TracePointConfig>) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.cf.CFUtils
Load the CF tracepoints based on the location string.
loadCfTracepoints(URL, Map<String, TracePointConfig>) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.cf.CFUtils
Load the CF tracepoints based on the location url.
loadCFVersion() - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.plugin.cf.Utils
Try to load the coldfusion version number.
loadClass(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.tests.inst.ByteClassLoader
loadDeepAPI() - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.AgentImpl
Load the deep API to be used outside the agent.
Loader(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.cf.CFEvaluator.Loader
loadEvaluator(ClassLoader) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.evaluator.NashornReflectEvaluator
Load the evaluator.
loadJSPTracepoints(SourceMap, Map<String, TracePointConfig>) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.JSPUtils
Load jsp tracepoints using source map.
loadJSPTracepoints(Class<?>, Map<String, TracePointConfig>) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.JSPUtils
Load the tracepoints for this class.
loadOrdered(Class<T>, ClassLoader) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.resource.SpiUtil
loadPlugins(ISettings, IReflection, ClassLoader) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.plugins.PluginSpiLoader
Load all available plugins.
loadTracepointConfigs(Collection<String>) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.ITracepointConfig
Load the full configs for the given tracepoints ids.
loadTracepointConfigs(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.TracepointConfigService
LOG - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.WatchResult
Watch source is LOG.
LOG_MSG - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
The log message to interpolate at position of tracepoint.
Logger - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.logging
Logger utility methods.
logString() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameCollector.IExpressionResult
logTracepoint(String, String, String) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.logger.ITracepointLogger
Log the result of a tracepoint injected log message.
logTracepoint(String, String, String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.logger.StdOutLogger
logTracepoint(String, String, String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.logger.TracepointLogger
logTracepoint(String, String, String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.settings.Settings
Log the tracepoint log via the configured logger.
logTracepoint(String, String, String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameCollector
LongPollService - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.poll
This service deals with polling the remote service for tracepoint configs.
LongPollService(Settings, GrpcService) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.poll.LongPollService
Create a new service.
lookup(int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.SourceMap
Look a linenumber from a output file to a filename and linenumber.
lookup(String) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.lookup.StringLookup
Looks up a String key to a String value.
lookUp(Class) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.SmapUtils


main(String[]) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.examples.Main
Main entry for example.
Main - Class in com.intergral.deep.examples
This example expects the deep agent to be loaded via the javaagent vm option.
Main() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.examples.Main
makeCharCountMap(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.examples.BaseTest
map(String, long) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.SourceMap
Maps the filename and line number to line numbers in the output file.
maxCollectionSize() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameConfig
The max number of items in a collection we should collect.
maxDepth() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameConfig
The max depth of variables to collect.
maxStringLength() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameConfig
The max length of any string.
maxVariables() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameConfig
The max number of variables this callback should collect.
merge(Resource) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.resource.Resource
Returns a new, merged Resource by merging the current Resource with the other Resource.
mergeAttributes(Resource) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.EventSnapshot
Merge additional attributes into this snapshot.
mergeVariables(Map<String, Variable>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.EventSnapshot
Add a set of variables to the var lookup.
METHOD - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
This is used for SPAN type.
METHOD_CAPTURE - com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig.EStage
METHOD_CAPTURE - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
METHOD_END - com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig.EStage
METHOD_END - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
METHOD_NAME - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
This is the key for the arg that defines a method tracepoint.
METHOD_START - com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig.EStage
METHOD_START - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
methodEnd(String, String, int, List<String>, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.Callback
This method is called when a wrapped method has completed.
methodEnd(String, String, int, List<String>, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class java.com.intergral.deep.ProxyCallback
This method is called when a wrapped method has completed.
methodEntry(String, String, int, List<String>, Map<String, Object>, String) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.Callback
This method is called when a tracepoint has triggered a method entry type.
methodEntry(String, String, int, List<String>, Map<String, Object>, String) - Static method in class java.com.intergral.deep.ProxyCallback
This method is called when a tracepoint has triggered a method entry type.
methodException(Throwable) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.Callback
This is called when an exception is captured from a wrapped method.
methodException(Throwable) - Static method in class java.com.intergral.deep.ProxyCallback
This is called when an exception is captured from a wrapped method.
methodRet(Object) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.Callback
This is called when the returned value from the wrapped method is captured.
methodRet(Object) - Static method in class java.com.intergral.deep.ProxyCallback
This is called when the returned value from the wrapped method is captured.
METRIC - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.WatchResult
Watch source is METRIC.
MetricDefinition - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin
This type defines a metric that is attached to a tracepoint.
MetricDefinition(String, List<MetricDefinition.Label>, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.MetricDefinition
Create a new MetricDefinition.
MetricDefinition.Label - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin
This type is used to represent a label that is attached to a metric.
midString(int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Extracts some characters from the middle of the string builder without throwing an exception.
minimizeCapacity() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Minimizes the capacity to the actual length of the string.
MyPlugin - Class in com.intergral.deep.examples
This is an example plugin.
MyPlugin() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.examples.MyPlugin


name() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.ITraceProvider.ISpan
NashornReflectEvaluator - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.evaluator
This evaluator uses the Nashorn JS engine that is available in some version of Java.
newId() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.examples.BaseTest
newMap(Map<String, T>) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.Utils
Create a new map from the input.
newVarId(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.VariableProcessor
next() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.ArrayIterator
next() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.ArrayObjectIterator
next() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.CompoundIterator
NICE_START_DATE - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.examples.SimpleTest
NO_COLLECT - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
This type tells Deep to not collect any data and not to send the snapshot.
NO_FRAME_TYPE - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
Collect on frame data.
noChange(long) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.ITracepointConfig
Called when there is no change to the config so just update last seen.
noChange(long) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.TracepointConfigService
Node - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.bfs
A node is a value to process in the BFS.
Node(Node.NodeValue, Node.IParent) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.bfs.Node
Create a new node for the BFS.
Node(Node.NodeValue, Set<Node>, Node.IParent) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.bfs.Node
Create a new node for the BFS.
Node.IConsumer - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.bfs
The consumer of the nodes when running a BFS.
Node.IParent - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.bfs
The parent of a processed node.
Node.NodeValue - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.bfs
This type wraps an Object that we are to process.
NodeValue(String, Object) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.bfs.Node.NodeValue
NodeValue(String, Object, String, Set<String>) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.bfs.Node.NodeValue
Create a new node value.
numberValue() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameCollector.IExpressionResult


objectToBoolean(Object) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.AbstractEvaluator
Given an input convert to a boolean expression.
order() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.spi.Ordered
Returns the order of applying the SPI implementing this interface.
Ordered - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.spi
Interface to be extended by SPIs that need to guarantee ordering during loading.
OtelPlugin - Class in com.intergral.deep.plugin
This plugin provides a connection between Deep and Otel.
OtelPlugin() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.plugin.OtelPlugin


parse() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.SourceMapParser
parseBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.SmapUtils
parseStream(InputStream) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.SmapUtils
path() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.tracepoint.ITracepoint
Get the tracepoint path.
PluginSpiLoader - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.plugins
This acts as the main loader for plugins using the SPI loader system.
poll(PollRequest, StreamObserver<PollResponse>) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.tests.grpc.TestPollService.ICallback
poll(PollRequest, StreamObserver<PollResponse>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.tests.grpc.TestPollService
pollService() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.grpc.GrpcService
Get the grpc service for polling configs.
premain(String, Instrumentation) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.Agent
This is called when the agent is attached from the CLI.
process(TracePointConfig) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameConfig
Process a tracepoint into the config.
processAttributes(TracePointConfig) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameCollector
Using the current tracepoint config, create a Resource the can be used as the attributes.
processBreakpoints(Collection<TracePointConfig>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.TracepointInstrumentationService
Process the new config from the services and determine which classes need to be transformed, and trigger transformation.
processChildNodes(VariableID, Object, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.VariableProcessor
processChildren() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.VariableProcessor.VariableResponse
processedLog() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameCollector.ILogProcessResult
processFrame() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameCollector
Processes and collects all the data for the captured frame.
processLogMsg(TracePointConfig, String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameCollector
processNode(Node) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.bfs.Node.IConsumer
processNode(Node) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameCollector
This is where we take a node from BFS queue and process it back onto the queue.
processVariable(Node.NodeValue) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.VariableProcessor
Process the given node into a VariableProcessor.VariableResponse.
processVars(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameCollector
This is where we start the Breadth first search (BFS) of the selected variables.
PrometheusMetricsPlugin - Class in com.intergral.deep.plugin
This plugin provides the ability to post tracepoint generated metric to prometheus.
PrometheusMetricsPlugin() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.plugin.PrometheusMetricsPlugin
provide() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.auth.BasicAuthProvider
provide() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.auth.IAuthProvider
Provide the headers that should be attached to the GRPC calls.
provide(Settings, IEvaluator, Map<String, Object>, Collection<TracePointConfig>, long[], StackTraceElement[], String) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameProcessor.IFactory
Create a new processor.
ProxyCallback - Class in java.com.intergral.deep
This type is here to allow us to access it from anywhere (once it is loaded into the boot class path).
ProxyCallback() - Constructor for class java.com.intergral.deep.ProxyCallback
PushService - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.push
This service deals with pushing the collected data to the remote services.
PushService(GrpcService) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.push.PushService
pushSnapshot(EventSnapshot) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.push.PushService
Decorate and push the provided snapshot.
PushUtils - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.push
Utilities to convert to grpc snapshot types.
put(int, FileSectionEntry) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.FileSection


randomId() - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.IDUtils
Create a new random id for a snapshot.
readFrom(Readable) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
If possible, reads chars from the provided Readable directly into underlying character buffer without making extra copies.
reflection() - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.api.DeepAPI
Get the reflection API.
reflection() - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.api.DeepAPILoader
Get an instance of the Reflection api used in deep.
reflection() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.Deep
Get an instance of the Reflection api used in deep.
Reflection - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent
A collection of utils that simplify the use of reflection.
ReflectionImpl - Class in com.intergral.deep.reflect
The version of reflection used before modules where added.
ReflectionImpl() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.reflect.ReflectionImpl
reflectionService() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.hook.IDeepHook
Get the configured reflection api.
reflectionService() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.ISnapshotContext
Get the current reflection service.
reflectionService() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameProcessor
Get the current reflection service.
registerPlugin(IDeepPlugin) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.IDeep
This allows the registration of custom plugins.
registerPlugin(IDeepPlugin) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.DeepAgent
registerTracepoint(String, int) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.IDeep
Create a tracepoint that will only exist on this instance.
registerTracepoint(String, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.DeepAgent
registerTracepoint(String, int, Map<String, String>, Collection<String>, Collection<MetricDefinition>) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.IDeep
Create a tracepoint that will only exist on this instance.
registerTracepoint(String, int, Map<String, String>, Collection<String>, Collection<MetricDefinition>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.DeepAgent
removeCustom(TracePointConfig) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.TracepointConfigService
Remove a custom tracepoint.
replace(char[]) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Replaces all the occurrences of variables with their matching values from the resolver using the given source array as a template.
replace(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Replaces all the occurrences of variables with their matching values from the resolver using the given source array as a template.
replace(int, int, String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Replaces a portion of the string builder with another string.
replace(StringMatcher, String, int, int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Advanced search and replaces within the builder using a matcher.
replace(TextStringBuilder) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Replaces all the occurrences of variables with their matching values from the resolver using the given source builder as a template.
replace(TextStringBuilder, int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Replaces all the occurrences of variables with their matching values from the resolver using the given source builder as a template.
replace(CharSequence) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Replaces all the occurrences of variables with their matching values from the resolver using the given source as a template.
replace(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Replaces all the occurrences of variables with their matching values from the resolver using the given source as a template.
replace(Object) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Replaces all the occurrences of variables in the given source object with their matching values from the resolver.
replace(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Replaces all the occurrences of variables with their matching values from the resolver using the given source string as a template.
replace(StringBuffer) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Replaces all the occurrences of variables with their matching values from the resolver using the given source buffer as a template.
replace(StringBuffer, int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Replaces all the occurrences of variables with their matching values from the resolver using the given source buffer as a template.
replace(String, int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Replaces all the occurrences of variables with their matching values from the resolver using the given source string as a template.
replaceAll(char, char) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Replaces the search character with the replace character throughout the builder.
replaceAll(StringMatcher, String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Replaces all matches within the builder with the replace string.
replaceAll(String, String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Replaces the search string with the replace string throughout the builder.
replaceFirst(char, char) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Replaces the first instance of the search character with the replace character in the builder.
replaceFirst(StringMatcher, String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Replaces the first match within the builder with the replace string.
replaceFirst(String, String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Replaces the first instance of the search string with the replace string.
replaceIn(TextStringBuilder) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Replaces all the occurrences of variables within the given source builder with their matching values from the resolver.
replaceIn(TextStringBuilder, int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Replaces all the occurrences of variables within the given source builder with their matching values from the resolver.
replaceIn(StringBuffer) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Replaces all the occurrences of variables within the given source buffer with their matching values from the resolver.
replaceIn(StringBuffer, int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Replaces all the occurrences of variables within the given source buffer with their matching values from the resolver.
replaceIn(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Replaces all the occurrences of variables within the given source buffer with their matching values from the resolver.
replaceIn(StringBuilder, int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Replaces all the occurrences of variables within the given source builder with their matching values from the resolver.
reset() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.tests.ResettableCountDownLatch
reset(int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.tests.ResettableCountDownLatch
ResettableCountDownLatch - Class in com.intergral.deep.tests
ResettableCountDownLatch(int) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.tests.ResettableCountDownLatch
resolveVariable(String, TextStringBuilder, int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Internal method that resolves the value of a variable.
Resource - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.resource
Resource represents a resource, which capture identifying information about the entities for which signals (stats or traces) are reported.
ResourceAttributes - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.resource
A collection of known keys that are used in the attributes.
ResourceDetector - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.resource
Utilities to create the resource for this agent.
ResourceProvider - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.spi
A service provider interface (SPI) for providing a Resource that is merged into the default resource.
result() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameCollector.IExpressionResult
result() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameCollector.ILogProcessResult
reTransFormCfClasses(Map<String, TracePointConfig>, Map<String, TracePointConfig>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.TracepointInstrumentationService
Calculate the classes to scan for CFM.
reverse() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Reverses the string builder placing each character in the opposite index.
rightString(int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Extracts the rightmost characters from the string builder without throwing an exception.
run() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.poll.DriftAwareThread
run(long) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.poll.ITimerTask
This method is called by the DriftAwareThread at the end of each interval.
run(long) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.poll.LongPollService


scanAll(Instrumentation) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.CompositeClassScanner
Scan the loaded classes for classes we should modify.
scanClass(Class<?>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.CFClassScanner
scanClass(Class<?>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.CompositeClassScanner
scanClass(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.IClassScanner
Scan this class.
scanClass(Class<?>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.JSPClassScanner
scanClass(Class<?>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.SetClassScanner
scanSource(ClassReader) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.SmapUtils
selectVariables(int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.cf.CFFrameProcessor
selectVariables(int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameCollector
Select from the available captured variables the variables we want to process for this frame.
send(Snapshot, StreamObserver<SnapshotResponse>) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.tests.grpc.TestSnapshotService.ICallback
send(Snapshot, StreamObserver<SnapshotResponse>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.tests.grpc.TestSnapshotService
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.resource.ResourceAttributes
Logical name of the service.
setAccessible(Class<?>, Constructor<?>) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.reflection.IReflection
Set the constructor as accessible.
setAccessible(Class<?>, Constructor<?>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.reflect.Java9ReflectionImpl
setAccessible(Class<?>, Constructor<?>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.reflect.ReflectionImpl
setAccessible(Class<?>, Field) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.reflection.IReflection
Set the field as accessible.
setAccessible(Class<?>, Field) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.reflect.Java9ReflectionImpl
setAccessible(Class<?>, Field) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.reflect.ReflectionImpl
setAccessible(Class<?>, Method) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.reflection.IReflection
Set the method as accessible.
setAccessible(Class<?>, Method) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.reflect.Java9ReflectionImpl
setAccessible(Class<?>, Method) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.reflect.ReflectionImpl
setActive(boolean) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.settings.Settings
Allows enabling or disabled deep.
setBytes(String, byte[]) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.tests.inst.ByteClassLoader
setCharAt(int, char) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Sets the character at the specified index.
SetClassScanner - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst
Scans a set of classes for classes we want to modify.
SetClassScanner(Set<String>) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.SetClassScanner
setDisableSubstitutionInValues(boolean) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Sets a flag whether substitution is done in variable values (recursive).
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.IDeep
This method can be used to disabled or enable Deep.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.DeepAgent
setEnableSubstitutionInVariables(boolean) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Sets a flag whether substitution is done in variable names.
setEnd(int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.SourceMapLineStartEnd
setEscapeChar(char) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Sets the escape character.
setFileSection(FileSection) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.StratumSection
setJarPath(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.DeepConfigBuilder
This allows for overriding the path to the deep agent jar.
setLength(int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Updates the length of the builder by either dropping the last characters or adding filler of Unicode zero.
setLineSection(LineSection) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.StratumSection
setLogMsg(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.EventSnapshot
Set the processed log message.
setNewLineText(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Sets the text to be appended when a new line is added.
setNullText(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Sets the text to be appended when null is added.
setPlugins(Collection<IDeepPlugin>) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.settings.Settings
Set configured plugins.
setPreserveEscapes(boolean) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Sets a flag controlling whether escapes are preserved during substitution.
setResource(Resource) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.settings.Settings
Get the resource value for this agent.
settings - Variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameCollector
The current settings use my deep.
Settings - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.settings
A service that handles the general config of the deep agent.
Settings.InvalidConfigException - Exception in com.intergral.deep.agent.settings
Used to indicate an invalid config value.
setValue(String, boolean) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.DeepConfigBuilder
Set a config value for deep.
setValue(String, double) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.DeepConfigBuilder
Set a config value for deep.
setValue(String, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.DeepConfigBuilder
Set a config value for deep.
setValue(String, String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.DeepConfigBuilder
Set a config value for deep.
setValueDelimiter(char) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Sets the variable default value delimiter to use.
setValueDelimiter(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Sets the variable default value delimiter to use.
setValueDelimiterMatcher(StringMatcher) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Sets the variable default value delimiter matcher to use.
setVariablePrefix(char) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Sets the variable prefix to use.
setVariablePrefix(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Sets the variable prefix to use.
setVariablePrefixMatcher(StringMatcher) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Sets the variable prefix matcher currently in use.
setVariableResolver(StringLookup) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Sets the VariableResolver that is used to lookup variables.
setVariableSuffix(char) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Sets the variable suffix to use.
setVariableSuffix(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Sets the variable suffix to use.
setVariableSuffixMatcher(StringMatcher) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Sets the variable suffix matcher currently in use.
ShippedToolsJarProvider - Class in com.intergral.deep
This is an implementation of the ByteBuddyAgent.AttachmentProvider that uses the tools jar that we ship with the agent.
ShippedToolsJarProvider(File) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.ShippedToolsJarProvider
Create a new provider.
shortClassName(String) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.InstUtils
Get the short version of the class name.
shouldApply(ISettings, Resource) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.spi.ConditionalResourceProvider
If an implementation needs to apply only under certain conditions related to the config or the existing state of the Resource being built, they can choose to override this default.
shouldCollectVars(int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameConfig
Using the FrameConfig.frameType should we collect the variables on this frame.
shutdown() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.DeepAgent
shutdown() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.grpc.GrpcService
Shutdown the grpc channel.
SimpleTest - Class in com.intergral.deep.examples
SimpleTest(String, int) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.examples.SimpleTest
SINGLE_FRAME_TYPE - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
Collect only the frame we are on.
size() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Gets the length of the string builder.
SkipException - Error in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.asm
Used to force ASM to skip a class, if we could not get the source information.
SkipException() - Constructor for error com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.asm.SkipException
SmapUtils - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap
SmapUtils.Visitor - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap
SNAPSHOT - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
This is the key to determine the collection state of the snapshot.
snapshotService() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.grpc.GrpcService
Get the grpc service for sending snapshots.
SnapshotUtils - Class in com.intergral.deep.tests.snapshot
SnapshotUtils.IVariableScan - Interface in com.intergral.deep.tests.snapshot
SourceMap - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap
SourceMap(String) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.SourceMap
SourceMapLineStartEnd - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap
SourceMapLineStartEnd(int) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.SourceMapLineStartEnd
SourceMapLookup - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap
SourceMapLookup(String, int) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.SourceMapLookup
SourceMapParser - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap
SourceMapParser(String) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.SourceMapParser
From dsol_spec.html : Before the SMAP in a SMAP-file can be installed into the SourceDebugExtension attribute it must be resolved into an SMAP with no embedded SMAPs and with final-source as the output source.
span(String, String) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.Callback
Create a span using the tracepoint callback.
SPAN - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
This is the key for the arg that defines a span type.
spanId() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.ITraceProvider.ISpan
SpiUtil - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.resource
Utilities to load SPI services.
STACK - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
Collect the full stack.
StackFrame - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot
A stack frame is the description of frame withing a stack.
StackFrame(String, int, String, String, boolean, boolean, Collection<VariableID>, String, int) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.StackFrame
Create a new stack frame.
STAGE - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
start() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.DeepAgent
Start deep.
start() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.grpc.GrpcService
Start the grpc service and connect the channel.
start() - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.Deep
This is a shortcut for Deep.config().start().
start() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.DeepConfigBuilder
Start Deep using this config.
start(long) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.poll.DriftAwareThread
Start the thread using the provided delay.
start(ITracepointConfig) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.poll.LongPollService
start(DeepConfigBuilder) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.Deep
This allows deep to be started with the parsed config builder.
startNv(Map<String, String>, Instrumentation) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.Agent
A common start for NV.
startsWith(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Checks whether this builder starts with the specified string.
startup(Instrumentation, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.AgentImpl
Start the deep agent.
StdOutLogger - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.logger
Log the tracepoint logs to System.out.
StdOutLogger() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.logger.StdOutLogger
storeUnsafe(String, byte[], byte[], String) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.asm.TransformerUtils
Store the transformed bytes to allow us to debug them in enabled.
StratumSection - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap
StratumSection(String) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.StratumSection
StringLookup - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.lookup
Lookup a String key to a String value.
stringMatcher(String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringMatcherFactory
Creates a matcher from a string.
StringMatcher - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string
Determines if a character array portion matches.
StringMatcherFactory - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string
Utility type for creating StringMatcher.
StringMatcherFactory() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringMatcherFactory
StringSubstitutor - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string
Substitutes variables within a string by values.
StringSubstitutor(StringLookup) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Creates a new instance and initializes it.
StringSubstitutor(StringLookup, StringMatcher, StringMatcher, char, StringMatcher) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Creates a new instance and initializes it.
subSequence(int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
substitute(TextStringBuilder, int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.StringSubstitutor
Internal method that substitutes the variables.
substring(int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Extracts a portion of this string builder as a string.
substring(int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Extracts a portion of this string builder as a string.
summary(String, Map<String, Object>, String, String, String, Double) - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.IMetricProcessor
Process a summary type metric.
summary(String, Map<String, Object>, String, String, String, Double) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.plugin.OtelPlugin
summary(String, Map<String, Object>, String, String, String, Double) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.plugin.PrometheusMetricsPlugin
systemProps - Variable in class com.intergral.deep.examples.BaseTest


TELEMETRY_SDK_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.resource.ResourceAttributes
The language of the telemetry SDK.
TELEMETRY_SDK_NAME - Static variable in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.resource.ResourceAttributes
The name of the telemetry SDK as defined above.
TELEMETRY_SDK_VERSION - Static variable in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.resource.ResourceAttributes
The version string of the telemetry SDK.
TestInterceptor - Class in com.intergral.deep.tests.grpc
TestInterceptor(String) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.tests.grpc.TestInterceptor
TestPollService - Class in com.intergral.deep.tests.grpc
TestPollService(TestPollService.ICallback) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.tests.grpc.TestPollService
TestPollService.ICallback - Interface in com.intergral.deep.tests.grpc
TestSnapshotService - Class in com.intergral.deep.tests.grpc
TestSnapshotService(TestSnapshotService.ICallback) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.tests.grpc.TestSnapshotService
TestSnapshotService.ICallback - Interface in com.intergral.deep.tests.grpc
TextStringBuilder - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string
Builds a string from constituent parts providing a more flexible and powerful API than StringBuffer.
TextStringBuilder() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Constructor that creates an empty builder initial capacity 32 characters.
TextStringBuilder(int) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Constructor that creates an empty builder the specified initial capacity.
TextStringBuilder(String) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Constructor that creates a builder from the string, allocating 32 extra characters for growth.
throwableToString(Throwable) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.Utils
Convert a throwable into a loggable string.
toCharArray() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Copies the builder's character array into a new character array.
toCharArray(int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Copies part of the builder's character array into a new character array.
toString() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.MetricDefinition.Label
toString() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.MetricDefinition
toString() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Gets a String version of the string builder, creating a new instance each time the method is called.
toString() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.FileSectionEntry
toString() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.LineSectionEntry
toString() - Method in enum com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig.EStage
toString() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.examples.SimpleTest
toStringBuffer() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Gets a StringBuffer version of the string builder, creating a new instance each time the method is called.
toStringBuilder() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Gets a StringBuilder version of the string builder, creating a new instance each time the method is called.
traceId() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.plugin.ITraceProvider.ISpan
TracePointConfig - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.types
This type defines a tracepoint configuration.
TracePointConfig(String, String, int, Map<String, String>, Collection<String>, Collection<MetricDefinition>) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig
Create a new tracepoint config.
TracePointConfig.EStage - Enum in com.intergral.deep.agent.types
This type describes the different stages that tracepoints can trigger at.
tracePointConfigMap - Variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.CFClassScanner
TracepointConfigService - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint
This service deals with mapping the response from polls into actions to install tracepoints.
TracepointConfigService(TracepointInstrumentationService) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.TracepointConfigService
TracepointInstrumentationService - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst
This service deals with detecting which classes need to be transformed and uses the visitor to instrument the classes as needed.
TracepointInstrumentationService(Instrumentation, Settings) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.TracepointInstrumentationService
Create a new service.
TracepointLogger - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.api.logger
This is the default tracepoint logger that will log to the default Deep logger.
TracepointLogger() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.logger.TracepointLogger
TracepointUtils - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint
Utilities for tracepoint configuration.
transform(ClassLoader, String, Class<?>, ProtectionDomain, byte[]) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.TracepointInstrumentationService
TransformerUtils - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.asm
Utilities for transforming the classes.
trim() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Trims the builder by removing characters less than or equal to a space from the beginning and end.
trimPrefix(String, String) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.Utils
Trim a string from another string.
truncate(String, int) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.Utils
Trim a string to a specified length.
truncated() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.Utils.ITrimResult
Has the value been truncated.


unregister() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.IRegistration
Unregister the item registered.
Utils - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent
Collection of utilities for general java related tasks.
Utils - Class in com.intergral.deep.plugin.cf
A small collection of utils used to capture the adobe coldfusion version number.
Utils.ITrimResult - Interface in com.intergral.deep.agent
The result of a trim operation.


validateIndex(int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Validates parameters defining a single index in the builder.
validateRange(int, int) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.api.utils.string.TextStringBuilder
Validates parameters defining a range of the builder.
value() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.Utils.ITrimResult
The value to use, might be truncated.
valueOf(Object) - Static method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.Utils
This will create a string representation of the object passed in.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig.EStage
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.intergral.deep.agent.types.TracePointConfig.EStage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
variable() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.tests.snapshot.SnapshotUtils.IVariableScan
Variable - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot
This is a captured variable, it is referenced via VariableID.
Variable(String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.Variable
Create a new variable.
variableId() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.tests.snapshot.SnapshotUtils.IVariableScan
VariableID - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot
A VariableID is the reference to a variable in the snapshot variable lookup.
VariableID(String, String, Set<String>, String) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.VariableID
Create a new variable ID.
VariableProcessor - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler
This type deals with processing the variables.
VariableProcessor() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.VariableProcessor
VariableProcessor.VariableResponse - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler
This type is essentially a way to return the VariableID and to indicate if we need to process the children of this variable.
VariableResponse(VariableID, boolean) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.VariableProcessor.VariableResponse
variables - Variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameCollector
The variables that have been captured by the callback.
variables() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameCollector.IExpressionResult
variables() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameCollector.IFrameResult
variables() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.handler.FrameCollector.ILogProcessResult
VERSION - Static variable in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.DeepVersion
visit(int, int, String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.asm.Visitor
visitEnd() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.asm.Visitor
visitMethod(int, String, String, String, String[]) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.asm.Visitor
Visitor - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.asm
This visitor is the main magic of deep.
Visitor() - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.SmapUtils.Visitor
Visitor(ClassVisitor, Collection<TracePointConfig>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.asm.Visitor
Create a new visitor.
Visitor.InsnPrinter - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.asm
This is used in a comment on line 509 and is left in place for debugging.
visitSource(String, String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.asm.Visitor
visitSource(String, String) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.jsp.sourcemap.SmapUtils.Visitor


wasChanged() - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.tracepoint.inst.asm.Visitor
WATCH - Static variable in class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.WatchResult
Watch source is WATCH.
watches() - Method in interface com.intergral.deep.agent.api.tracepoint.ITracepoint
Get the tracepoint watches.
WatchResult - Class in com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot
The result of a watch expression evaluation.
WatchResult(String, VariableID, String) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.WatchResult
Create a good result.
WatchResult(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.intergral.deep.agent.types.snapshot.WatchResult
Create a bad result.
whatIsNextExecutionTime(long, long) - Method in class com.intergral.deep.agent.poll.DriftAwareThread
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