Class ResourceDetector

  • public final class ResourceDetector
    extends Object
    Utilities to create the resource for this agent.
    • Method Detail

      • configureResource

        public static Resource configureResource​(Settings settings,
                                                 List<IDeepPlugin> plugins)
        Create and configure a resource for this agent.
        settings - the settings for the agent
        plugins - the list of discovered plugins
        the loaded resource
      • isDisabled

        public static boolean isDisabled​(Class<?> providerClass,
                                         Set<String> enabledClasses,
                                         Set<String> disabledClasses)
        Check if a class is disabled based on the list of enabled and disabled classes.
        providerClass - the class to check
        enabledClasses - the enabled classes
        disabledClasses - the disabled classes
        true if the class should be disabled, else false