Class Deep

  • public class Deep
    extends Object
    This is the main entry point to deep when using the API. All calls to deep should precede with a call to this class.

    To start deep first configure the instance. Deep.config().start();

    To use a deep API use Deep.getInstance().<IDeep>api()

    • Constructor Detail

      • Deep

        public Deep()
    • Method Detail

      • start

        public static void start()
        This is a shortcut for Deep.config().start().
      • start

        public void start​(DeepConfigBuilder builder)
        This allows deep to be started with the parsed config builder.
        builder - the config to use
      • getInstance

        public static Deep getInstance()
        This will create an instance of DEEP allowing access to the APIs from inside deep agent.
      • config

        public static DeepConfigBuilder config()
        This is the main point to start with deep. Call this to create a config builder and to customise the config of deep before starting it.
      • api

        public <T> T api()
        Get an instance of the API to allow calling NerdVision directly

        This uses T as the type IDeep is not loaded so this class cannot use it.

        Type Parameters:
        T - this should be IDeep
        the new instance or IDeep
        IllegalStateException - if NerdVision has not been started yet.
      • reflection

        public <T> T reflection()
        Get an instance of the Reflection api used in deep.

        This uses T as the type IReflection is not loaded so this class cannot use it.

        Type Parameters:
        T - this should be IReflection
        the IReflection service