Class JSPClassScanner

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class JSPClassScanner
    extends Object
    implements IClassScanner
    This scanner is meant to find JSP classes that have tracepoints.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JSPClassScanner

        public JSPClassScanner​(Map<String,​TracePointConfig> tracepoints,
                               String jspSuffix,
                               List<String> jspPackages)
        Create a new JSP scanner.
        tracepoints - the tracepoints
        jspSuffix - the jsp suffix
        jspPackages - the jsp packages
    • Method Detail

      • scanClass

        public boolean scanClass​(Class<?> loadedClass)
        Description copied from interface: IClassScanner
        Scan this class.
        Specified by:
        scanClass in interface IClassScanner
        loadedClass - the class to sacn
        true if we should include this class
      • isComplete

        public boolean isComplete()
        Description copied from interface: IClassScanner
        Is this class scanner complete.
        Specified by:
        isComplete in interface IClassScanner
        true if this scanner has nothing more to find