Class FrameConfig

  • public class FrameConfig
    extends Object
    This config holds the general config to use when processing a callback. The config is defined from all the tracepoints that are trigger on a line.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FrameConfig

        public FrameConfig()
    • Method Detail

      • process

        public void process​(TracePointConfig tracePointConfig)
        Process a tracepoint into the config.
        tracePointConfig - the tracepoint to process
      • close

        public void close()
        When we have finished processing all the tracepoints we close the config to set the final config for this callback.
      • shouldCollectVars

        public boolean shouldCollectVars​(int currentFrameIndex)
        Using the frameType should we collect the variables on this frame.
        currentFrameIndex - the current frame index.
        true if we should collect the variables.
      • maxVariables

        public int maxVariables()
        The max number of variables this callback should collect.
        the max variables
      • maxStringLength

        public int maxStringLength()
        The max length of any string.
        the max string length
      • maxDepth

        public int maxDepth()
        The max depth of variables to collect.
        the max variable depth
      • maxCollectionSize

        public int maxCollectionSize()
        The max number of items in a collection we should collect.
        the max collection size
      • isCfRaw

        public boolean isCfRaw()
        Is this frame set to cf raw. cf raw allows the collection of the java variables instead of the mapped cf variables.
        true if we want to collect the raw cf variables.
      • isNoCollect

        public boolean isNoCollect()