Interface FrameProcessor.IFactory

  • Enclosing class:

    public static interface FrameProcessor.IFactory
    This defines a functional interface to allow for creating difference processors in the Callback.
    • Method Detail

      • provide

        FrameProcessor provide​(Settings settings,
                               IEvaluator evaluator,
                               Map<String,​Object> variables,
                               Collection<TracePointConfig> tracePointConfigs,
                               long[] lineStart,
                               StackTraceElement[] stack,
                               String methodName)
        Create a new processor.
        settings - the current settings being used
        evaluator - the evaluator to use for watchers and conditions
        variables - the variables we have at this state
        tracePointConfigs - the tracepoints that are part of this Callback
        lineStart - the Tuple of the time this Callback started
        stack - the stack trace to use
        methodName - the name of the method we are wrapping, or null if not a method wrapped collection
        the new FrameProcessor
        See Also:
        FrameProcessor, CFFrameProcessor