All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Exception Summary Class Description AbstractEvaluator This allows for common handling for object to boolean expressions.ArrayIterator<T> An iterator that will iterate an array.ArrayObjectIterator An iterator that will iterate an array, but does so using theArray
class.BasicAuthProvider This is anIAuthProvider
that will attach basic authorization to the outbound requests.Builder<T> The Builder interface is designed to designate a class as a builder object in the Builder design pattern.CompoundIterator<T> An iterator that can iterate across multiple iterators.ConditionalResourceProvider A resource provider that is only applied if theConditionalResourceProvider.shouldApply(ISettings, Resource)
method returnstrue
.DeepRuntimeException A general exception used by deep to throwRuntimeException
.DeepVersion EvaluationException This exception is thrown when a plugin tried to evaluate an expression that fails.IAuthProvider Allows for custom auth providers to be configured.IConditional This interface allows an instance ofIDeepPlugin
to only be loaded based on a condition.IDeep This type describes the main API for Deep.IDeepHook This type is used to pass an object from the agent to the API.IDeepPlugin This type defines a plugin for Deep.IEvaluator This defines an evaluator, and evaluator is used to evaluate expression at runtime.IMetricProcessor This type defines a processor for metrics.IReflection This type exposes helpful reflection methods.IRegistration<T> This is a generic interface from the result of a registration.ISettings The exposed API for the Deep settings.ISnapshotContext This is the context passed to plugins.ISnapshotDecorator This type allows a plugin to provide additional attributes to captured snapshots.ITracepoint This type describes a tracepoint that has been attached via code, usingIDeep.registerTracepoint(String, int)
.ITracepoint.ITracepointRegistration Defines the tracepoint registration.ITracepointLogger Tracepoint logger is used to log the result of an injected log message.ITraceProvider This type can be used to connect Deep to a trace provider.ITraceProvider.ISpan This type describes a span for Deep to use as a dynamic Span, it gives a common interface for allITraceProvider
's.LazyEvaluator This type allows the evaluator to be loaded only if it is needed.LazyEvaluator.IEvaluatorLoader This type allows us to lazy load an evaluator when it is first used.MetricDefinition This type defines a metric that is attached to a tracepoint.MetricDefinition.Label This type is used to represent a label that is attached to a metric.Ordered Interface to be extended by SPIs that need to guarantee ordering during loading.Resource Resource
represents a resource, which capture identifying information about the entities for which signals (stats or traces) are reported.ResourceAttributes A collection of known keys that are used in the attributes.ResourceProvider A service provider interface (SPI) for providing aResource
that is merged into the default resource.StdOutLogger Log the tracepoint logs toSystem.out
.StringLookup Lookup a String key to a String value.StringMatcher Determines if a character array portion matches.StringMatcherFactory Utility type for creatingStringMatcher
.StringSubstitutor Substitutes variables within a string by values.TextStringBuilder Builds a string from constituent parts providing a more flexible and powerful API than StringBuffer.TracepointLogger This is the default tracepoint logger that will log to the default Deep logger.